Virtual International Authority File


Dunn, Jancee ISNI Library of Congress/NACO Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Poland German National Library

Dunn, Jancee, 1966- NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Diet Library, Japan National Library of Brazil National Library of Estonia

Jancee Dunn American journalist Wikidata

VIAF ID: 48154074449311741816 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Bring deinen Mann nicht gleich um, du könntest ihn noch brauchen Die Elternzeit als Paar überleben German National Library
But enough about me : a Jersey girl's unlikely adventures among the absurdly famous Library of Congress/NACO
Chega de falar de mim- : as aventuras de uma repórter da revista Rolling Stone entre as celebridades da música, do cinema e da tv National Library of Brazil
Cyndi Lauper : a memoir Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil xR Extended Relationships
Don't you forget about me, 2008: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Estonia
Erinnerungen German National Library
How not to hate your husband after kids xR Extended Relationships Library of Congress/NACO German National Library NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Poland National Library of Estonia
I'm afraid your teddy is in trouble today National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO
The insomniac's handbook, 2001: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Estonia
Jak z nim wytrzymać, kiedy pojawią się dzieci NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Poland
Karamo : my story of embracing purpose, healing, and hope Library of Congress/NACO
Kodomo ga umaretemo otto o nikumazuni sumu hoho. National Diet Library, Japan
Kuidas mitte vihata oma meest pärast laste sündi National Library of Estonia
Liefde in tijden van luiers : zo hou je je relatie leuk tijdens het ouderschap National Library of the Netherlands
Me Walk Pretty One Day Wikidata
n2002159123 National Diet Library, Japan
Por que minha mãe vai fazer uma tatuagem? National Library of Brazil
What no one tells you about menopause and how to feel like yourself again Library of Congress/NACO
Why is my mother getting a tattoo? : and other questions I wish I never had to ask Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
子どもが生まれても夫を憎まずにすむ方法 National Diet Library, Japan

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