Williams, Janet B.W., 1947-
Williams, Janet B. W.
Janet B. W. Williams American social worker
Williams, Janet B., 1947-....
VIAF ID: 111476399 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/111476399
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Janet B. W. Williams ‡c American social worker
- 100 1 _ ‡a Williams, Janet B. W.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Williams, Janet B. W. ‡d 1947-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Williams, Janet B. W., ‡d 1947-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Williams, Janet B. W., ‡d 1947-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Williams, Janet B., ‡d 1947-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Williams, Janet B.W. ‡d 1947-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (8)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Columbia University ‡b Department of Psychiatry ‡4 affi ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#affiliation ‡e Affiliation
- 551 _ _ ‡a New York, NY ‡4 ortw ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfActivity
- 510 2 _ ‡a Society for Social Work and Research ‡4 affi ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#affiliation ‡e Affiliation
- 500 1 _ ‡a Spitzer, Robert L. ‡d 1932-2015 ‡4 bezf ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#familialRelationship ‡e Beziehung familiaer
Title | Sources |
A 6-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, comparator referenced trial of vabicaserin in acute schizophrenia | |
Advances in mental health research : implications for practice | |
The dependence syndrome across different psychoactive substances: revised DSM-III. | |
Depression, anxiety and somatization in primary care: syndrome overlap and functional impairment | |
Differing symptoms of abused versus nonabused women in obstetric-gynecology settings | |
The DSM-III classification of affective disorders | |
DSM-III: the major achievements and an overview | |
DTREE: An Expert System for Psychiatric Diagnosis | |
DTREE: Microcomputer-Assisted Teaching of Psychiatric Diagnosis Using a Decision Tree Model | |
Effects of structured interview guides and rater monitoring in clinical trials | |
Esushiaidi faivu pidi : Diesuemu faivu pasonariti shogai no tame no kozoka mensetsu. | |
Face-to-face versus remote administration of the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale using videoconference and telephone | |
The factor structure of self-report DSM-III axis II symptoms and their relationship to clinicians' ratings | |
Gastrointestinal symptoms in primary care: prevalence and association with depression and anxiety | |
HAM-D kozoka mensetsu SIGH-D. | |
Having a dream. A research strategy for DSM-IV. | |
Health problems, impairment and illnesses associated with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder among primary care and obstetric gynaecology patients | |
Hysteroid dysphoria: an unsuccessful attempt to demonstrate its syndromal validity | |
Identifying patients with depression in the primary care setting: a more efficient method | |
idiopathic pain disorder: a critique of pain-prone disorder and a proposal for a revision of the DSM-III category psychogenic pain disorder | |
International perspectives on DSM-III, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, third edition, c1983 (a.e.) | |
International reliability of a diagnostic intake procedure for panic disorder | |
Ischemic stroke and depression | |
The issue of sex bias in DSM-III. A critique of "A Woman's View of DSM-III" by Marcie Kaplan. | |
Jet lag: clinical features, validation of a new syndrome-specific scale, and lack of response to melatonin in a randomized, double-blind trial | |
Late luteal phase dysphoric disorder and DSM-III-R | |
Learning DSM-5® by case example | |
The MCMI and DSM-III: a brief rejoinder to Million (1985) | |
The MCMI as a measure of DSM-III. | |
Multisomatoform disorder. An alternative to undifferentiated somatoform disorder for the somatizing patient in primary care | |
n83157734 | |
Now is the time to retire the term "organic mental disorders" | |
The patient health questionnaire for adolescents: validation of an instrument for the assessment of mental disorders among adolescent primary care patients | |
The PHQ-15: validity of a new measure for evaluating the severity of somatic symptoms | |
The PHQ-8 as a measure of current depression in the general population | |
Primary care patients in psychiatric clinical trials: a pilot study using videoconferencing | |
Proposed changes in DSM-III substance use disorders: description and rationale | |
Psychodynamic perspective on DSM-III. | |
Psychological disorders and distress in older primary care patients: a comparison of older and younger samples | |
Psychotherapy research : where are we and where should we go? : proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York City, March 3-5, 1983 | |
Rater training in multicenter clinical trials: issues and recommendations | |
Research diagnostic criteria and DSM-III: an annotated comparison | |
Revised diagnostic criteria and a new structured interview for diagnosing anxiety disorders | |
SCID-5-PD : DSM-5パーソナリティ障害のための構造化面接 | |
SCID-5-PD Ustrukturalizowany wywiad kliniczny do badania zaburzeń osobowości według DSM-5® : podręcznik klinicysty | |
SCID-5-S : gestructureerd klinisch interview voor DSM-5 Syndroomstoornissen | |
SCID-5-SPF : strukturert klinisk intervju for personlighetsforstyrrelser –DSM-5 : screening personlighetsforstyrrelser | |
Self-defeating personality disorder and DSM-III-R: development of the diagnostic criteria | |
Site versus centralized raters in a clinical depression trial: impact on patient selection and placebo response | |
Sources of unreliability in depression ratings | |
Spitzer, Robert L. ... [et al.] (eds.): Treatment companion to the DSM-IV-TR casebook | |
Standards for DSM-5 reliability | |
Strengthening the DSM : incorporating resilience and cultural competence | |
Structured clinical interview for DSM-5 personality disorders : SCID-5-PD | |
Strukturirani klinički intervju za poremećaje s osi I iz DSM-IV - SKID-I : klinička verzija : priručnik za uporabu | |
Supervising intake diagnosis. A psychiatric 'Rashomon'. | |
Teaching and learning DSM-III | |
Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care patients: cross-sectional criterion standard study | |
Traumatic brain injury in individuals convicted of sexual offenses with and without bipolar disorder | |
An ultra-brief screening scale for anxiety and depression: the PHQ-4. | |
Why the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale Endures |