Virtual International Authority File


Nadal-Romero, Estela Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Poland ISNI German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France

Estela Nadal-Romero researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-4651-7828 Wikidata

VIAF ID: 386144782733550825736 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Agricultural land abandonment linked to pipe collapse and gully development: Reconstruction from archival SfM and LiDAR datasets Wikidata
The application of terrestrial laser scanner and photogrammetry in measuring erosion and deposition processes in humid badlands in the Central Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
Assessment of badland dynamics using multi-temporal Landsat imagery: An example from the Spanish Pre-Pyrenees Wikidata
Badlands dynamics in a context of global change Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
Carbon sequestration and water yield tradeoffs following restoration of abandoned agricultural lands in Mediterranean mountains Wikidata
Clearing shrubland as a strategy to encourage extensive livestock farming in the Mediterranean mountains Wikidata
Comparative analysis of the response of various land covers to an exceptional rainfall event in the central Spanish Pyrenees, October 2012 Wikidata
Critical Environmental Issues Confirm the Relevance of Abandoned Agricultural Land Wikidata
Detachment and infiltration variations as consequence of regolith development in a Pyrenean badland system Wikidata
Editorial: Soil processes in mountain environments Wikidata
Los efectos de la revegetación en el medio natural y su percepción por la población vinculada de Cameros Viejo (Sistema Ibérico) Wikidata
Los efectos geoecológicos del cambio global en el Pirineo Central español: una revisión a distintas escalas espaciales y temporales Wikidata
The Effect of Landscape Conservation Measures in Changing Landscape Patterns: A Case Study in Mediterranean Mountains Wikidata
Effects of active and passive land use management after cropland abandonment on water and vegetation dynamics in the Central Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
Effects of slope angle and aspect on plant cover and species richness in a humid Mediterranean badland Wikidata
The enhancing effect of afforestation over secondary succession on soil quality under semiarid climate conditions Wikidata
Escorrentía y erosión tras el abandono de tierras de cultivo en montaña: resultados de la Estación Experimental “Valle de Aísa” Wikidata
Exploring the frequency-size relationships of pipe collapses in different morphoclimatic regions Wikidata
Flood generation and sediment transport in experimental catchments affected by land use changes in the central Pyrenees Wikidata
From plot to regional scales: Interactions of slope and catchment hydrological and geomorphic processes in the Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
From the local landscape organization to land abandonment: an analysis of landscape changes (1956–2017) in the Aísa Valley (Spanish Pyrenees) Wikidata
Geoecology in Mediterranean mountain areas: A tribute to Prof. José María García-Ruiz Wikidata Sudoc [ABES], France
High-resolution topographic surveys as a quantitative method for a better understanding of soil piping processes in badlands landscapes: Valpalmas (NE Spain) Wikidata
Hillslope-channel coupling and geomorphic processes in a sub-humid badlands landscape: Evidence from 10 years of high-spatial resolution topography and hydrologic record Wikidata
How do soil organic carbon stocks change after cropland abandonment in Mediterranean humid mountain areas? Wikidata
Hydrological Connectivity Does Change Over 70 Years of Abandonment and Afforestation in the Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
The hydrological response of melting ephemeral snowpacks compared to winter rainfall events in a mid-mountainous Pyrenean catchment Wikidata
Impact of soil characteristics and land use on pipe erosion in a temperate humid climate: Field studies in Belgium Wikidata
Linking Land Cover Changes in the Sub-Alpine and Montane Belts to Changes in a Torrential River Wikidata
Managing abandoned farmland to control the impact of re-vegetation on the environment. The state of the art in Europe Wikidata
A meta-analysis of soil erosion rates across the world Wikidata
Modernization of new irrigated lands in a scenario of increasing water scarcity: from large reservoirs to small ponds Wikidata
Monitoring and modeling physical weathering of marls and its effect on erosion, Draix-Bléone CZO.. Sudoc [ABES], France
A multiscale approach to assess geomorphological processes in a semiarid badland area (Ebro Depression, Spain) Wikidata
Natural revegetation and afforestation in abandoned cropland areas: Hydrological trends and changes in Mediterranean mountains Wikidata
Ongoing and Emerging Questions in Water Erosion Studies Wikidata
Quantifying Soil Erosion from Hiking Trail in a Protected Natural Area in the Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
Quantitative assessment of the piping erosion susceptibility of loess-derived soil horizons using the pinhole test National Library of Poland Wikidata
Relationships among rainfall, runoff, and suspended sediment in a small catchment with badlands Wikidata
Respuesta hidrológica en una pequeña cuenca experimental pirenaica con dos ambientes extremos: cárcavas y bosque de repoblación Wikidata
Scale-dependency of sediment yield from badland areas in Mediterranean environments Wikidata
Soil erosion and hydrology of the western Mediterranean badlands throughout rainfall simulation experiments: A review Wikidata
Soil organic matter and texture estimation from visible-near infrared-shortwave infrared spectra in areas of land cover changes using correlated component regression Wikidata
Spatial and temporal variability of water table dynamics in an afforested catchment of the Central Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
Suivi et modélisation de l'altération physique des marnes de Draix et de son impact sur l'érosion Sudoc [ABES], France
Temporal variability in hydrological response within a small catchment with badland areas, central Pyrenees Wikidata
Towards prediction of suspended sediment yield from peak discharge in small erodible mountainous catchments (0.45–22km2) of France, Mexico and Spain Wikidata
Traditional Agrarian Landscape in the Mediterranean Mountains. A Regional and Local Factor Analysis in the Central Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata
Uncertainty in the evaluation of sediment yield from badland areas: Suspended sediment transport estimated in the Araguás catchment (central Spanish Pyrenees) Wikidata
Updating badlands research Wikidata Sudoc [ABES], France
La variabilidad temporal de la respuesta hidrológica en una pequeña cuenca mediterránea forestada del Pirineo Central Wikidata
Weather types, runoff and sediment yield in a Mediterranean mountain landscape Wikidata
Woody encroachment and soil carbon stocks in subalpine areas in the Central Spanish Pyrenees Wikidata

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