David Palma researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3931-0068
Palma, David Fonseca, 1986-
VIAF ID: 306471192 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/306471192
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (1)
Title | Sources |
Challenging Wireless Networks, an Underground Experience | |
CityFlow, enabling quality of service in the Internet: Opportunities, challenges, and experimentation | |
CityFlow: OpenFlow City Experiment -- Linking Infrastructure and Applications | |
The Cost of Using IEEE 802.16d Dynamic Channel Configuration | |
Cruising the marginal ice zone: climate change and Arctic tourism | |
Edge caching with mobility prediction in virtualized LTE mobile networks | |
Enabling a Mobility Prediction-Aware Follow-Me Cloud Model | |
Enabling the Maritime Internet of Things: CoAP and 6LoWPAN Performance Over VHF Links | |
Fog Computing in Healthcare–A Review and Discussion | |
Freely Drifting Small-Satellite Swarms for Sensor Networks in the Arctic | |
Impact analysis of hierarchical transitions in multi-hop clustered networks | |
Implementing Quality of Service for the Software Defined Networking Enabled Future Internet | |
Inside-Out OLSR Scalability Analysis | |
Link quality estimation in wireless multi-hop networks using Kernel based methods | |
Monitoring as a service for cloud environments | |
Next-Generation Communication Systems for PPDR: the SALUS Perspective | |
NODRoP, Nature Optimized Deferred Routing Protocol | |
A novel stable and low-maintenance clustering scheme | |
Onto scalable Ad-hoc networks: Deferred Routing | |
The QueuePusher: Enabling Queue Management in OpenFlow | |
Scalability and routing performance of future autonomous networks | |
Solar energy prediction for constrained IoT nodes based on public weather forecasts | |
Survey on Communication and Networks for Autonomous Marine Systems | |
Towards a High Performance DNSaaS Deployment | |
Towards scalable routing for wireless multi-hop networks | |
Tutamen: An Integrated Personal Mobile and Adaptable Video Platform for Health and Protection | |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as Data Mules: An Experimental Assessment |