Virtual International Authority File


Lopez, J. M. 18..-18..? photographe National Library of France

Josep Albiol i López pintor, deixeble de l’Acadèmia de Sant Carles de València Wikidata

VIAF ID: 12607722 (Personal)


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Title Sources
[Alexandre Alberto da Rocha Serpa Pinto] National Library of France
[Commander Verney Lovett Cameron] National Library of France
[Edmond Philippe Jacques Fuchs] National Library of France
[Ferd. de Lesseps] National Library of France
[Guzman Blanco] National Library of France
Jules-Etienne Pasdeloup National Library of France
[Jules Nicolas Crevaux] National Library of France
[Louis Alexandre Foucher de Careil] National Library of France
[Recueil. Photographies positives. Oeuvre de J. M. Lopez] National Library of France
[Recueil. Portraits-cartes de visites envoyés à Emmanuel Gonzalès] National Library of France
[W. Pembroke Fetridge] National Library of France

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