Virtual International Authority File


Antwerpen German National Library National and University Library in Zagreb RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Swiss National Library Vatican Library

Héritiers de Pierre Phalèse Antwerpen International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)

Anvers Wikidata

Anvers Belgique National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France

Anvers (Bèlgica) National Library of Catalonia

Antverpy (Belgicko) Slovak National Library

Antuérpia (Bélgica) National Library of Brazil

Phalèse Pierre II - Héritiers. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Poland

Haeredes Petri Phalesii Library of Congress/NACO

VIAF ID: 154177642 (Geographic)


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  • 551 1 _ ‎‡a  Antwerpen International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
  • 551 _ _ ‎‡a  Belgicko Slovak National Library
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Phalèse, Pierre,‏ ‎‡d  approximately 1550-1629 Library of Congress/NACO

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Title Sources
2e Biennale de la sculpture, Parc Middelheim 20 juin-30 septembre 1953 National Library of France
The Achilles series National Library of France
Antwerp drawings and prints : 16th-17th centuries National Library of Catalonia
Antwerpen [album] National Library of France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Anvers : ville de Plantin et de Rubens ; catalogue de l'exposition organisé à la Galerie Mazarine (Mars Avril 1954).- National Library of Brazil
Balletti a cinque voci, con li suoi versi per cantare, sonare, & ballare; con una mascherata de cacciatori a sei voci, & un concerto de pastori a otto ... novamente ristampati. [Antwerpen, Pierre Phalèse, héritiers] International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Ballettos International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Bicinia sacra International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Cantiones natalitiae International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Chansons International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Collections du Musée Plantin-Moretus National Library of France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Corpus Rubenianum National Library of France
Cultureel jaarboek / [Annales culturelles / Ville d'Anvers] = [Kulturjahrbuch / Stadt Antwerpen] RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
The Decoration of the Torre de la Parada National Library of France
[Exposition.] Vatican Library National Library of France
Exposition de l'œuvre de Antoine van Dyck : organisée par la ville d'Anvers à l'occasion du 300e anniversaire de la naissance du maître : Paris, Pavillon du Hanovre, [août - octobre 1899] RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Gemmvlæ Sacrae Binis Et Ternis Vocibvs / Avctore R. D. Petro Philippi Anglo [...]. - Antverpiae, 1634. International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
De Haven van Antwerpan. Eene reeks luohfotos. Le Port d'Anvers. Une série de photos sériennes National Library of France
Herinneringen aan P. P. Rubens. Catalogus. [Ten geleide : J. Wilms. Bekopte toelichting tot de catalogus : F. Baudouin.] Juli-augustus 1958, Rubenshuis National Library of France
III. III. V. voc. et duorum instrumentorum, 1671: Library of Congress/NACO
Instrumental pieces International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Madrigals International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Masses International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Motets International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Motetti concertati, liber 1 International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Motetti sacri a tre, quattro et cinque ... opera quarta [Antwerpen, Magdalène Phalèse] International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Musica divina a IIII. vol. VII. voci di XIX. autori illustri raccolta da Pietro Phalesio nella quale si contengono i piu eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino Novamente ristampata. International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Optata dudum gaudia. Duarum vocum, Cantus & Bassus (P. V. S.) [Antwerpen, P. Phalesius; Antwerpen, P. Phalesius] International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Ordonnantie ende verhael vanden styl, ende maniere van procederen voor Amptman, Bughemeester, ende Schepenen der stadt van Antwerpen National Library of France
Over moderne beeldhouwkunst National Library of France
P.P. Rubens peintures, esquisses à l'huile, dessins 29 juin-30 septembre 1977 Anvers, Musée royal des beaux-arts National Library of France
Paradisus sacris cantionibus consitus International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Partsongs International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Port d'Anvers, édité par l'administration communale d'Anvers National Library of France
Pratum musicum variis cantionum sacrarum flosculis consitum unius II. III. et IV. vocum. Cum basso continuo. Quarum aliae decerptae ex libro secundo sacrarum cantionum Ioannis Baptistae Ala da Monza. Aliae nunquam antehac ullibi locorum editae. International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
(Proclamation du Magistrat d'Anvers, du 20 janvier 1684, ordonnant la stricte observation des ordonnances sur les monnaies commençant par ces mots :) Gheboden ende uyt-gheroepen by mijne Heeren... National Library of France
Recueil des danses, ballets, allemandes, brandes, courantes, sarabandes, 1642: Library of Congress/NACO
Réglement pour le chargement, le déchargement et l'emmagasinage de l'huile de pétrole RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Reglement voor het laden, het lossen en het in magazijg leggen van peterolie : afgekondigd den 12n october 1867 RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Sacrae laudes International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Sacred songs International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Sacri concentus duarum vocum cum basso continuo [Antwerpen, héritiers de Pierre Phalèse] International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Saints National Library of France
Sertum musicum quorundam sanctorum International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Solennités artistiques d'août 1861. Couplets chantés au banquet offert aux artistes étrangers National Library of France
Sonatas International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Stad Antwerpen : schone kunsten : musea, schouwburgen, toerisme, feesten RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Stedelijke bibliotheken van Antwerpen. Samengeordend reglement op de werking van de Stadsbibliotheek, de Openbare-Bibliotheken, de Bibliotheek voor het onderwijzend personeel en de Bibliotheek van het Archief en Museum voor het vlaamsche cultuurleven National Library of France
Symphonia angelica di diversi eccellentissimi authori a quatro, cinque et sei voci raccolta da Huberto Waelrant . . . International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Symphoniae unius, duorum, trium, IV. et vol. instrumentorum, adjunctae quatuor 3. instrumentorum & duarum vocum ... operis secundi liber primus [Antwerpen, Magdalène Phalèse] International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Symphonies International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Trattati, ecc. Vatican Library
Van Dijck Tentoonstelling National Library of France
Ville d'Anvers. Agrandissement au nord. Plan du département de la guerre. Rapport au conseil communal National Library of France
Vlaamse grafische Kunst tussen de twee wereldoorlogen 1918-1939 werken uit de verzamelingen van het Stedelijk Prentenkabinet [tentoonstelling], Hessenhuis, 31 januari-30 april 1976 National Library of France

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