Virtual International Authority File


Leader 00000nz a2200037n 45 0
001 BIBSYS|90088660 (VIAF cluster)
005 20240508093819.0
008 010111n| adz|naabn| |a|ana|
035 ‎‡a (BIBSYS)90088660‏
024 7 ‎‡a x90088660‏ ‎‡2 NO-TrBIB‏
024 7 ‎‡a‏ ‎‡2 hdl‏
024 7 ‎‡a‏ ‎‡2 viaf‏
024 7 ‎‡a‏ ‎‡2 isni‏
040 ‎‡a NO-TrBIB‏ ‎‡b nob‏ ‎‡c NO-TrBIB‏ ‎‡f noraf‏
100 1 ‎‡a Smith, A.J.‏
901 ‎‡a 978071315085‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978071315084‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978052125908‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978041675960‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978072772053‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978085224294‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978041507445‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978071316388‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978071008242‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978345682195‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978052134027‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978090331771‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978090331770‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978025040415‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978085665154‏ ‎‡9 1‏
909 ‎‡a (no-trbib) x90088660‏ ‎‡9 1‏
909 ‎‡a (viaf)‏ ‎‡9 1‏
909 ‎‡a (isni)‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a johndonnethesongsandsonets‏ ‎‡A John Donne:‏ ‎‡b the songs and sonets‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a offshoreandmaritimetechnologytransfer86omtt30september1october1986heathrowpentahotelheathrowairportlondon‏ ‎‡A Offshore & maritime technology transfer 86:‏ ‎‡b OMTT: 30 September/1 October 1986, Heathrow Penta Hotel, Heathrow Airport, London‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a viennasystemofbidding‏ ‎‡A The Vienna system of bidding‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a metaphysicsoflovestudiesinrenaissancelovepoetryfromdantetomilton‏ ‎‡A The metaphysics of love:‏ ‎‡b studies in Renaissance love poetry from Dante to Milton‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a streamlinedviennasystem‏ ‎‡A The Streamlined vienna system‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a johndonneessaysincelebration‏ ‎‡A John Donne:‏ ‎‡b essays in celebration‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a privatizedinfrastructurethebuildoperatetransferapproach‏ ‎‡A Privatized infrastructure:‏ ‎‡b the build operate transfer approach‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a beefcattleproductionindevelopingcountriesproceedingsoftheconferenceheldinedinburghfromthe1to6september1974organizedbythecentrefortropicalveterinarymedicine‏ ‎‡A Beef cattle production in developing countries:‏ ‎‡b proceedings of the conference held in Edinburgh from the 1st to 6th September 1974 organized by the Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a viennasystemofcontractbridgenewandcompletetextbook‏ ‎‡A The Vienna system of contract bridge:‏ ‎‡b new and complete text book‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 2‏
910 ‎‡a johndonne‏ ‎‡A John Donne‏ ‎‡b the critical heritage‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 2‏
910 ‎‡a literarylovetheroleofpassioninenglishpoemsandplaysofthe17century‏ ‎‡A Literary love:‏ ‎‡b the role of passion in English poems and plays of the seventeenth century‏ ‎‡l und‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a vascularmedicineinthenetherlandsproceedingsofasymposiuminhonourofaawouda‏ ‎‡A Vascular medicine in the Netherlands:‏ ‎‡b proceedings of a symposium in honour of A.A. Wouda‏ ‎‡l ger‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a metaphysicalwit‏ ‎‡A Metaphysical wit‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a geologyofenglandandwales‏ ‎‡A Geology of England and Wales‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a proceedingsofthe7internationalcleanairconferencesponsoredbythecleanairsocietyofaustraliaandnewzealandadelaideaustraliaaugust24281981editedbykawebbajsmith‏ ‎‡A Proceedings of the Seventh International Clean Air Conference / sponsored by The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand, Adelaide, Australia, August 24-28, 1981; edited by K. A. Webb, A. J. Smith‏ ‎‡l und‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a solarterrestrialphysicsfromantarctica198091‏ ‎‡A Solar terrestrial physics from Antarctica 1980-91:‏ ‎‡b a bibliography‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a shortstorystudy‏ ‎‡A Short story study:‏ ‎‡b a critical anthology‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-071‏ ‎‡9 3‏
920 ‎‡a 978-052‏ ‎‡9 2‏
920 ‎‡a 978-041‏ ‎‡9 2‏
920 ‎‡a 978-072‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-085‏ ‎‡9 2‏
920 ‎‡a 978-34568‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-090‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-025‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a offshore conferences & exhibitions‏ ‎‡b Offshore Conferences & Exhibitions‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a cambridge university press‏ ‎‡b Cambridge University Press‏ ‎‡9 2‏
921 ‎‡a methuen‏ ‎‡b Methuen‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a thomas telford‏ ‎‡b Thomas Telford‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine‏ ‎‡b University of Edinburgh, Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a routledge‏ ‎‡b Routledge‏ ‎‡9 2‏
921 ‎‡a arnold‏ ‎‡b Arnold‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a huber‏ ‎‡b Huber‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a geological society‏ ‎‡b Geological Society‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a ann arbor science‏ ‎‡b Ann Arbor Science‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a british antarctic survey natural environment research council‏ ‎‡b British Antarctic Survey. Natural Environment Research Council‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a edward arnold‏ ‎‡b Edward Arnold‏ ‎‡9 1‏
922 ‎‡a ‏ ‎‡z xx#‏ ‎‡9 18‏
922 ‎‡a xx‏ ‎‡9 1‏
930 ‎‡a a j smith‏ ‎‡c by A. J. Smith; with a foreword by Paul Stern‏ ‎‡9 9‏
940 ‎‡a eng‏ ‎‡9 16‏
940 ‎‡a und‏ ‎‡9 2‏
940 ‎‡a ger‏ ‎‡9 1‏
943 ‎‡a 196x‏ ‎‡9 2‏
943 ‎‡a 198x‏ ‎‡9 4‏
943 ‎‡a 194x‏ ‎‡9 3‏
943 ‎‡a 195x‏ ‎‡9 1‏
943 ‎‡a 197x‏ ‎‡9 3‏
943 ‎‡a 199x‏ ‎‡9 6‏
944 ‎‡a am‏ ‎‡9 19‏
950 ‎‡a stern paul‏ ‎‡A Stern, Paul‏ ‎‡9 3‏
950 ‎‡a teague e d‏ ‎‡A Teague, E. D.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a walker c charles t‏ ‎‡A Walker, C.‏ ‎‡q Charles T.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a hart norman de v‏ ‎‡A Hart, Norman de V.‏ ‎‡9 2‏
950 ‎‡a phillips catherine‏ ‎‡A Phillips, Catherine‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a kallenberg c g m‏ ‎‡A Kallenberg, C.G.M.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a duff p mcl d‏ ‎‡A Duff, P. McL. D.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a webb k a‏ ‎‡A Webb, K. A.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a phillips c m‏ ‎‡A Phillips, C. M.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a rodger a s‏ ‎‡A Rodger, A. S.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a crane s b‏ ‎‡A Crane, S.B.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a mason w h‏ ‎‡A Mason, W.H.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a offshore conferences & exhibitions‏ ‎‡A Offshore Conferences & Exhibitions‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a association of british offshore industries‏ ‎‡A Association of British Offshore Industries‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a offshore & maritime technology transfer 1986 london‏ ‎‡A Offshore & Maritime Technology Transfer‏ ‎‡d 1986‏ ‎‡c London‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a greenwich forum‏ ‎‡A Greenwich Forum‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a conference on beef cattle production in developing countries‏ ‎‡A Conference on Beef Cattle Production in Developing Countries‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine‏ ‎‡A University of Edinburgh‏ ‎‡b Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine‏ ‎‡9 1‏
951 ‎‡a international clean air conference‏ ‎‡A International Clean Air Conference‏ ‎‡9 1‏
960 ‎‡a donne john‏ ‎‡A Donne, John‏ ‎‡d 1572-1631‏ ‎‡9 4‏
960 ‎‡a wales‏ ‎‡A Wales‏ ‎‡9 1‏
960 ‎‡a england‏ ‎‡A England‏ ‎‡9 1‏
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA08872635
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q101402697
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q61834051
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q124301765
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q89890863
996 ‎‡2 NTA|166615994
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|270469680
996 ‎‡2 NDL|00526296
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035505185
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 97871528
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108573565
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810628202205606
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:B_k___E;=BS
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q9158462
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q90387147
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q94500535
996 ‎‡2 NTA|156741644
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2019020032
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2016067074
996 ‎‡2 NTA|072809760
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 89609585
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q468523
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2013058388
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000454989
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810702969705606
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb 99110606
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 79086948
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76094082
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76094084
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76094087
996 ‎‡2 B2Q|0001582217
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q93053066
996 ‎‡2 SZ|1022613375
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500276783
996 ‎‡2 BNF|16511591
996 ‎‡2 DNB|135492696
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q26236238
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4762588
996 ‎‡2 DE633|pe30016066
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000117817541
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q18354429
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q55431873
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|083347054
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2004081358
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q21453757
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q42872580
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2020058669
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:B__,C;=_t__j_
996 ‎‡2 DNB|117436321
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10466122
996 ‎‡2 DNB|135183340
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6042941
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9813144680205606
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q19668179
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q109659862
996 ‎‡2 NKC|osa2011650127
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2014116485
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA0098336X
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 83021559
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 99004085
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2009006961
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1235235955
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2007006703
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10257598
996 ‎‡2 B2Q|0000063494
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q79966707
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q507837
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 96023294
996 ‎‡2 DNB|129946931
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109674835
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q126877011
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2023126945
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q108050432
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000107339259
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810654103705606
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76336326
996 ‎‡2 LNB|LNC10-000221981
996 ‎‡2 BNF|17766644
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000078782592
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2016054136
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 80111114
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q91605620
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 95044357
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 01036929
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000039028028
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035068443
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109554622
996 ‎‡2 DNB|171821807
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000036592950
996 ‎‡2 NTA|335833381
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q91757185
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035818628
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000114935614
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2004001242
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q90219823
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|159517494
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76318399
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|254532268
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A006357882
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12511250
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q11958013
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000110809098
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q79354200
996 ‎‡2 BAV|495_105819
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000113533306
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q89912211
996 ‎‡2 DNB|127192479X
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2023009886
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2001078198
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|077903536
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A027834330
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q28501597
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2023138934
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|182423
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q102145070
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q59388956
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q93226028
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000043397459
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA0503087X
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2016097177
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q79318557
996 ‎‡2 B2Q|0000106214
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000117372693
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q18086978
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9814292794205606
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A005636057
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q507606
996 ‎‡2 NTA|192651242
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:BZ_m__o_;=CI
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q130930427
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500027651
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 01027544
996 ‎‡2 NTA|072361271
996 ‎‡2 DNB|128198941X
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q483267
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q106395822
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1284232557
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000433502584
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q100994274
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q33262554
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007432371805171
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000180494
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q88889367
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q106415310
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000039943488
996 ‎‡2 NDL|01238080
996 ‎‡2 DNB|171298853
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|061183806
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500089104
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2018011989
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75458197
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA17281913
996 ‎‡2 DNB|143723979
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q117988911
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|166007307
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000024166209
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000049282863
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q92004323
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000000175231X
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|086084186
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q21166778
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q63066407
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2010045058
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:2_b_8;=BC
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000028536377
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4735372
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1100548165
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2009101840
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|121906124
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11311444
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000007249504X
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|259798746
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q108003877
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000120963558
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2019023684
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2018013822
996 ‎‡2 DBC|87097992171477
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q124618777
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12179271
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX5477454
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10632936
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q124569654
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76355344
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1165536129
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q12784134
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108007707
996 ‎‡2 DNB|135039223
996 ‎‡2 NTA|170220443
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2005030519
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4761330
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4761331
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6104597
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4761333
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q110848714
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4723606
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2015169202
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000061408211
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2013010870
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q41953504
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q22338761
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000080807234
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q94377269
996 ‎‡2 W2Z|1707991621497
996 ‎‡2 NTA|073543772
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12372778
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000452872900
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q24702592
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2021121699
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2013006397
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2009011886
996 ‎‡2 NKC|mub2013783227
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000446204877
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76126567
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2003049946
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000451307176
996 ‎‡2 BNF|14496788
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000455015904
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q98807785
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1133495850
996 ‎‡2 NSK|000340032
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4719165
996 ‎‡2 NKC|xx0007376
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|072230398
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76171817
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11418976
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007447280205171
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|209788
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q4795185
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2017018078
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2023002027
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2006087168
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000448108395
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2015007623
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|203871022
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007363406705171
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA1266356X
996 ‎‡2 BAV|495_304683
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|219502390
996 ‎‡2 NSK|000630082
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000048555241
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2019011083
996 ‎‡2 DNB|118639730
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q98833556
996 ‎‡2 DBC|87097919063356
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000059103603
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2013011308
996 ‎‡2 NKC|xx0093072
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q104056626
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000029762405
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q2535368
997 ‎‡a 0 0 lived 0 0‏ ‎‡9 1‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Anthony James),‏ ‎‡2 LC|n 78061561‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Adam‏ ‎‡2 W2Z|90062193‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Albert James),‏ ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11253101‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'johndonnethesongsandsonets', 'johndonnethesongsandsonets')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Adrian J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000066848611‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.96, 'walker c charles t', 'walker charles t')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, H.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000066848611‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.96, 'walker c charles t', 'walker charles t')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Adrian J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000066848611‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.96, 'walker c charles t', 'walker charles t')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000066848611‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.96, 'walker c charles t', 'walker charles t')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A.J.‏ ‎‡q (Albert James),‏ ‎‡2 NTA|07092077X‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Anne,‏ ‎‡c literatuurkritiek‏ ‎‡2 NTA|067518400‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Smith‏ ‎‡b Alec James‏ ‎‡2 BNF|12440009‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000084577675‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine', 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Anthony J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000084577675‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine', 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Anthony J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000084577675‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine', 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Anthony James‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000084577675‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine', 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 02062742‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A J‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000110424278‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'duff p mcl d', 'duff p mcl d')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Alec James‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000110424278‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'duff p mcl d', 'duff p mcl d')‏
998 ‎‡a Kenyon-Smith, Alec J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000110424278‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'duff p mcl d', 'duff p mcl d')‏
998 ‎‡a Kenyon-Smith, Alec‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000110424278‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'duff p mcl d', 'duff p mcl d')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Frederick‏ ‎‡2 DNB|1271473003‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Alexander Blair Smith‏ ‎‡c researcher at NIOSH‏ ‎‡2 WKP|Q126512762‏ ‎‡3 title: (0.65, 'shortstorystudy', 'cohortstudy')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Al‏ ‎‡2 NTA|241431751‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Jan‏ ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 01025847‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.72, 'international clean air conference', 'cle international')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A.J.‏ ‎‡2 RERO|A022681820‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'shortstorystudy', 'shortstorystudy')‏
998 ‎‡a Kenyon-Smith, Alec‏ ‎‡2 RERO|A014245990‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A.J.,‏ ‎‡c geologie‏ ‎‡2 NTA|097477036‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith‏ ‎‡b Albert James‏ ‎‡2 BNF|12038737‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Adrian J.)‏ ‎‡2 LC|n 96022261‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Albert J.‏ ‎‡2 DNB|17237801X‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J. M.‏ ‎‡q (Arthur James Marshall),‏ ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000333208‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'shortstorystudy', 'shortstorystudy')‏
998 ‎‡a Kenyon-Smith, Alec‏ ‎‡2 LC|n 85271835‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Arthur James Marshall,‏ ‎‡2 SUDOC|131592998‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'shortstorystudy', 'shortstorystudy')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 BNCHL|10000000000000000221828‏ ‎‡3 exact name‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Albert James‏ ‎‡2 RERO|A003838774‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, C. Aubrey‏ ‎‡q (Charles Aubrey),‏ ‎‡2 LC|n 82117196‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J. E.‏ ‎‡q (Anthony John Edwin),‏ ‎‡2 BNC|981058515030406706‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Albert James),‏ ‎‡2 BNC|981058521527806706‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Anthony James,‏ ‎‡2 SUDOC|031469299‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.89, 'university of edinburgh centre for tropical veterinary medicine', 'centre for tropical veterinary medicine')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 NLA|000035505122‏ ‎‡3 exact name‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Anthony James)‏ ‎‡2 NII|DA07787235‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'beefcattleproductionindevelopingcountriesproceedingsoftheconferenceheldinedinburghfromthe1to6september1974organizedbythecentrefortropicalveterinarymedicine', 'beefcattleproductionindevelopingcountriesproceedingsoftheconferenceheldinedinburghfromthe1to6september1974organizedbythecentrefortropicalveterinarymedicine')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Ali,‏ ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10549404‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 DNB|132846802‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'viennasystemofcontractbridgenewandcompletetextbook', 'viennasystemofcontractbridgenewandcompletetextbook')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Albert James,‏ ‎‡2 SUDOC|02858015X‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Adrian J.)‏ ‎‡2 J9U|987007386910905171‏ ‎‡3 title: (0.77, 'privatizedinfrastructurethebuildoperatetransferapproach', 'privatizedinfrastructure')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Angela K.‏ ‎‡2 DNB|173509142‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Adrian J.‏ ‎‡2 NSK|000158202‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (0.96, 'walker c charles t', 'walker charles t')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Alec James,‏ ‎‡2 SUDOC|242759890‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Albert James)‏ ‎‡2 NII|DA02250279‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'johndonnethesongsandsonets', 'johndonnethesongsandsonets')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Alec James‏ ‎‡2 SUDOC|03354252X‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'geologyofenglandandwales', 'geologyofenglandandwales')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A.J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109053502‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'stern paul', 'stern paul')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Albert James‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109053502‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'stern paul', 'stern paul')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Albert James‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109053502‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'stern paul', 'stern paul')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Albert J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109053502‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'stern paul', 'stern paul')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109053502‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'stern paul', 'stern paul')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A.J.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000109053502‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'stern paul', 'stern paul')‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, A. J.‏ ‎‡q (Albert James),‏ ‎‡2 LC|n 50016435‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Smith, Tony‏ ‎‡c (Film producer)‏ ‎‡2 LC|no2018148236‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999201854014702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999410111004702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|991405177074702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999203108934702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999705010564702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|990616632984702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|998630680654702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999115855084702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|991026703824702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|998111988984702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|990013277714702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|990104962704702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|990609375994702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999211918634702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999115862294702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|990609375134702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|990616632204702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|998730385764702201‏
999 ‎‡2 BIBSYSBIB|999915527334702201‏