Virtual International Authority File


Leader 00000nz a2200037n 45 0
001 RERO|A000176722 (VIAF cluster)
003 RERO
005 20200914092941.0
008 000610 a abbn a ana d
035 ‎‡a (RERO)A000176722‏
024 7 ‎‡a 029767687‏ ‎‡2 idref‏
035 ‎‡a vtls000176722‏
039 9 ‎‡a 202009140929‏ ‎‡b VLOAD‏ ‎‡c 202009060715‏ ‎‡d VLOAD‏ ‎‡c 202009011646‏ ‎‡d VLOAD‏ ‎‡c 201007092327‏ ‎‡d VLOAD‏ ‎‡y 200006101733‏ ‎‡z VLOAD‏
040 ‎‡a RERO labcud‏
100 1 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏
400 1 ‎‡a Williams, Maria-Hélène‏
400 1 ‎‡a Williams, Hélène Maria‏
901 ‎‡a 978155111255‏ ‎‡9 2‏
901 ‎‡a 978205102265‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978902211159‏ ‎‡9 2‏
901 ‎‡a 978348726378‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978110806595‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978348729375‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978348726326‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978185477001‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978284990390‏ ‎‡9 1‏
901 ‎‡a 978082043120‏ ‎‡9 1‏
909 ‎‡a (idref) 029767687‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a poemsonvarioussubjectswithintroductoryremarksonthepresentstateofscienceandliteratureinfrance‏ ‎‡A Poems on various subjects:‏ ‎‡b with introductory remarks on the present state of science and literature in France /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a letterswritteninfranceinthesumer1790toafriendinenglandcontainingvariousanecdotesrelativetothefrenchrevolution‏ ‎‡A Letters written in France in the sumer 1790, to a friend in England:‏ ‎‡b containing various anecdotes relative to the French Revolution /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 2‏
910 ‎‡a tourinswitzerland‏ ‎‡A A tour in Switzerland /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a researchesconcerningtheinstitutionsandmonumentsoftheancientinhabitantsofamerica‏ ‎‡A Researches concerning the institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a lettressurlesevenemensquisesontpassesenfrancedepuisle31mai1793jusquau10thermidor‏ ‎‡A Lettres sur les evénemens qui se sont passés en France:‏ ‎‡b depuis le 31 mai 1793 jusqu'au 10 Thermidor /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a tourinswitzerlandoraviewofthepresentstateofthegovernmentsandmannersofthosecantonswithcomparativesketchesofthepresentstateofparis‏ ‎‡A A tour in Switzerland:‏ ‎‡b or, a view of the present state of the governments and manners of those cantons: with comparative sketches of the present state of Paris /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 5‏
910 ‎‡a lettersonthefrenchrevolutionwritteninfranceinthesummerof1790toafriendinenglandcontainingvariousanecdotesrelativetothatinterestingeventandmemoirsofmonsandmadameduf‏ ‎‡A Letters on the French Revolution:‏ ‎‡b written in France, in the summer of 1790, to a friend in England; containing, various anecdotes relative to that interesting event, and memoirs of Mons. and Madame Du F-- /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a politischeundvertrautecorrespondenzludwigs16mitseinenbrudernundmehrernberuhmtenpersonenwahrendderletztenjahreseinerregierungundbisanseinentod‏ ‎‡A Politische und vertraute Correspondenz Ludwig's XVI mit seinen Brüdern, und mehrern berühmten Personen während der letzten Jahre seiner Regierung, und bis an seinen Tod‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a politischeundvertrautecorrespondenzludwigs16mitseinenbrudernundmehrernberuhmtenpersonenwahrendderleztenjahreseinerregierungundbisanseinentod‏ ‎‡A Politische und vertraute Correspondenz Ludwig's XVI mit seinen Brüdern, und mehrern berühmten Personen während der lezten Jahre seiner Regierung, und bis an seinen Tod /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a relationdesevenemensquisesontpassesenfrancedepuisledebarquementdenapoleonbuonaparteau1ermars1815jusquautraitedu20novembresuiviedobservationssurletatpresentdelafranceetsurlopinionpublique‏ ‎‡A Relation des évènemens qui se sont passés en France depuis le débarquement de Napoléon Buonaparte, au 1er mars 1815, jusqu'au traité du 20 novembre:‏ ‎‡b suivie d'observations sur l'état présent de la France et sur l'opinion publique /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 2‏
910 ‎‡a apercudeletatdesmoeursetdesopinionsdanslarepubliquefrancaiseverslafinduxviiiesiecle‏ ‎‡A Aperçu de l'état des moeurs et des opinions dans la République française, vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a odetopeacebyhelenmariawilliams‏ ‎‡A Ode to peace:‏ ‎‡b by Helen-Maria Williams‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a odeonthepeace‏ ‎‡A An ode on the peace‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a letterswritteninfranceinthesummer1790toafriendinenglandcontainingvariousanecdotesrelativetothefrenchrevolutionandmemoirsofmonsandmadameduf‏ ‎‡A Letters written in France:‏ ‎‡b in the summer 1790, to a friend in England: containing various anecdotes relative to the French Revolution; and memoirs of Mons. and Madame du F- /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 5‏
910 ‎‡a lettersfromfrancecontainingagreatvarietyofinterestingandoriginalinformationconcerningthemostimportanteventsthathavelatelyoccurredinthatcountryandparticularlyrespectingthecampaignof1792‏ ‎‡A Letters from France:‏ ‎‡b containing a great variety of interesting and original information concerning the most important events that have lately occurred in that country, and particularly respecting the campaign of 1792‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a nouveauvoyageensuissecontenantunepeinturedecepaysdesesmoeursetdesesgouvernemensactuelsavecquelquestraitsdecomparaisonentrelesusagesdelasuisseetceuxdeparismoderne‏ ‎‡A Nouveau voyage en Suisse:‏ ‎‡b contenant une peinture de ce pays, de ses moeurs et de ses gouvernemens actuels; avec quelques traits de comparaison entre les usages de la Suisse et ceux de Paris moderne /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 2‏
910 ‎‡a lettersontheeventswhichhavepassedinfrancesincetherestorationin1815‏ ‎‡A Letters on the events which have passed in France since the Restoration in 1815 /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a evenemensarrivesenfrancedepuislarestaurationde1815‏ ‎‡A Evénemens arrivés en France depuis la Restauration de 1815 /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a lettersfromfrancecontainingagreatvarietyoforiginalinformationconcerningthemostimportanteventsthathaveoccurredinthatcountryintheyears179017911792and1793‏ ‎‡A Letters from France:‏ ‎‡b containing a great variety of original information concerning the most important events that have occurred in that country in the years 1790, 1791, 1792, and 1793 /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a letterscontainingasketchofthepoliticsoffrancefromthethirty1ofmay1793tillthe208ofjuly1794andofthesceneswhichhavepassedintheprisonsofparis‏ ‎‡A Letters containing a sketch of the politics of France:‏ ‎‡b from the thirty-first of May 1793, till the twenty-eighth of July 1794, and of the scenes which have passed in the prisons of Paris /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 6‏
910 ‎‡a poemsbyhelenmariawilliamsin2volumes‏ ‎‡A Poems:‏ ‎‡b by Helen Maria Williams. In two volumes‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 2‏
910 ‎‡a letterscontainingasketchofthesceneswhichpassedinvariousdepartmentsoffranceduringthetyrannyofrobespierreandoftheeventswhichtookplaceinparisonthe28thofjuly1794‏ ‎‡A Letters containing a sketch of the scenes which passed in various Departments of France during the tyranny of Robespierre:‏ ‎‡b and of the events which took place in Paris on the 28th of July 1794 /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a edwinandeltrudaalegendarytale‏ ‎‡A Edwin and Eltruda:‏ ‎‡b A legendary tale /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a paulandvirginiaatalefoundeduponfactsfromthefrenchofmadamecottin‏ ‎‡A Paul and Virginia /‏ ‎‡b a tale founded upon facts / from the french of Madame Cottin‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a souvenirsdelarevolutionfrancaise‏ ‎‡A Souvenirs de la Révolution française /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a relationdesevenemensquisesontpassesenfrancedepuisledebarquementdenapoleonbuonaparteau1ermars1815jusquautraitedu20novembre‏ ‎‡A Relation des événemens qui se sont passés en France depuis le débarquement de Napoléon Buonaparte, au 1er mars 1815, jusqu'au Traité du 20 novembre‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a letterswritteninfrance1790‏ ‎‡A Letters written in France:‏ ‎‡b 1790 /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a residenceinfranceduringtheyears179217931794and1795‏ ‎‡A A residence in France during the years, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a sejourenfrancede1792a1795lettresduntemoindelarevolutionfrancaise‏ ‎‡A Un séjour en France de 1792 à 1795:‏ ‎‡b lettres d'un témoin de la Révolution française /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 3‏
910 ‎‡a personalnarrativeoftravelstotheequinoctialregionsofthenewcontinentduringtheyears17991804‏ ‎‡A Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent during the years 1799-1804 /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a nouveauvoyageensuissecontenantunepeinturedecepays‏ ‎‡A Nouveau voyage en Suisse, contenant une peinture de ce pays... /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a eyewitnessaccountofthefrenchrevolutionbyhelenmariawilliamsletterscontainingasketchofthepoliticsoffrance‏ ‎‡A An eye-witness account of the French Revolution by Helen Maria Williams:‏ ‎‡b letters containing a sketch of the politics of France /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a residenceinfranceduringtheyears179217931794and1795describedinaseriesoflettersfromanenglishladywithgeneralandincidentalremarksonthefrenchcharacterandmannerspreparedforthepressbyjohngiffordesqauthorofthehistoryoffrancelettertolordlauderdalelettertothehonterskineetc‏ ‎‡A A Residence in France, during the years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795:‏ ‎‡b described in a series of letters from an English lady: with general and incidental remarks on the French character and manners. Prepared for the press by John Gifford, Esq. author of The history of France, Letter to Lord Lauderdale, Letter to the Hon. T. Erskine, &c‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a farewellfor2yearstoenglandapoembyhelenmariawilliams‏ ‎‡A A farewell, for two years, to England. A poem. By Helen Maria Williams‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a juliaanovelinterspersedwithsomepoeticalpiecesbyhelenmariawilliamsin2volumes‏ ‎‡A Julia, a novel; interspersed with some poetical pieces. By Helen Maria Williams. In two volumes...‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a recueildepoesies‏ ‎‡A Recueil de poésies /‏ ‎‡l fre‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a paulandvirginia‏ ‎‡A Paul and Virginia /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a juliaanovelinterspersedwithsomepoeticalpieces‏ ‎‡A Julia:‏ ‎‡b a novel; interspersed with some poetical pieces /‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
910 ‎‡a peruapoemin6cantosbyhelenmariawilliams‏ ‎‡A Peru, a poem. In six cantos. By Helen Maria Williams‏ ‎‡l eng‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-155‏ ‎‡9 2‏
920 ‎‡a 978-2051‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-902‏ ‎‡9 2‏
920 ‎‡a 978-34872‏ ‎‡9 3‏
920 ‎‡a 978-110‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-185‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-2849‏ ‎‡9 1‏
920 ‎‡a 978-082‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a belser wissenschaftlicher dienst‏ ‎‡b Belser wissenschaftlicher Dienst,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a broadview press‏ ‎‡b Broadview Press,‏ ‎‡9 2‏
921 ‎‡a slatkine diff h champion‏ ‎‡b Slatkine;‏ ‎‡b diff. H. Champion,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a theatrum orbis terrarum da capo press‏ ‎‡b Theatrum orbis terrarum: Da Capo press,‏ ‎‡9 2‏
921 ‎‡a imprimerie de la rue de vaugirard‏ ‎‡b Imprimerie de la Rue de Vaugirard,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed for g g and j robinson paternoster row‏ ‎‡b printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row,‏ ‎‡9 6‏
921 ‎‡a cengage gale‏ ‎‡c Cengage Gale,‏ ‎‡9 26‏
921 ‎‡a printed for p wogan‏ ‎‡b printed for P. Wogan...,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a by j belknap and a young sold at their printing office no 34 newbury street and by the booksellers in town and country‏ ‎‡b by J. Belknap and A. Young. Sold at their printing-office, no. 34, Newbury Street, and by the booksellers in town and country,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a auf kosten der geselschaft der gelehrten‏ ‎‡b Auf Kosten der Geselschaft der Gelehrten,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a g olms‏ ‎‡b G. Olms,‏ ‎‡9 3‏
921 ‎‡a cambridge university press‏ ‎‡b Cambridge University Press,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed for t cadell in the strand‏ ‎‡b printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand,‏ ‎‡9 8‏
921 ‎‡a printed for t cadell jun and w davies successors to mr cadell in the strand‏ ‎‡b printed for T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, (successors to Mr. Cadell,) in the Strand,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a rosa‏ ‎‡b Rosa,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed by j chambers 5 abbey street‏ ‎‡b printed by J. Chambers, 5, Abbey-Street,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed for g burnet p wogan p byrne j moore j jones a grueber w jones r white and j rice‏ ‎‡b printed for G. Burnet, P. Wogan, P. Byrne J. Moore, J. Jones, A. Grueber, W. Jones, R. White, and J. Rice,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed by j chambers no 5 abbey street‏ ‎‡b Printed BY J. Chambers, NO. 5, Abbey-Street,‏ ‎‡9 3‏
921 ‎‡a g g and j robinson‏ ‎‡b G.G. and J. Robinson,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a charles pougens imprimeur libraire‏ ‎‡b Charles Pougens, imprimeur-libraire,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed for walker and edwards‏ ‎‡b printed for Walker and Edwards,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a j g dentu‏ ‎‡b J.G. Dentu,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a gale ecco print editions‏ ‎‡b Gale Ecco Print Editions,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a woodstock books‏ ‎‡b Woodstock Books,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed for t n longman‏ ‎‡b printed for T. N. Longman,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a editions des equateurs‏ ‎‡b Editions des Equateurs,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a chez charles pougens levrault‏ ‎‡b chez Charles Pougens...:‏ ‎‡b Levrault...,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a p lang‏ ‎‡b P. Lang,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed by shepard kollock for cornelius davis no 94 water street new york‏ ‎‡b Printed by Shepard Kollock for Cornelius Davis, no. 94, Water-Street, New-York,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a hachette‏ ‎‡b Hachette,‏ ‎‡9 2‏
921 ‎‡a printed for t cadell‏ ‎‡b printed for T. Cadell,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed by a rivington and j marshall for thomas cadell in the strand‏ ‎‡b printed by A. Rivington and J. Marshall, for Thomas Cadell in the Strand,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
921 ‎‡a printed for chamberlaine and rice p wogan p byrne h colbert w mkenzie j moore j jones grueber and m allister w jones g draper r white and j milliken‏ ‎‡b printed for Chamberlaine and Rice, P. Wogan, P. Byrne, H. Colbert, W. M'Kenzie, J. Moore, J. Jones, Grueber and M`allister, W. Jones, G. Draper, R. White, and J. Milliken,‏ ‎‡9 1‏
922 ‎‡a gw‏ ‎‡b de‏ ‎‡9 4‏
922 ‎‡a xxc‏ ‎‡b ca‏ ‎‡9 2‏
922 ‎‡a sz‏ ‎‡b ch‏ ‎‡9 1‏
922 ‎‡a ne‏ ‎‡b nl‏ ‎‡9 2‏
922 ‎‡a fr‏ ‎‡b fr‏ ‎‡9 13‏
922 ‎‡a xxk‏ ‎‡b gb‏ ‎‡9 29‏
922 ‎‡a ie‏ ‎‡b ie‏ ‎‡9 1‏
922 ‎‡a xxu‏ ‎‡b us‏ ‎‡9 4‏
930 ‎‡a helen maria williams‏ ‎‡c by Helen Maria Williams‏ ‎‡9 28‏
930 ‎‡a helene marie williams‏ ‎‡c par Hélene Marie Williams; traduites de l'anglois‏ ‎‡9 3‏
930 ‎‡a helena maria williams‏ ‎‡c par Helena-Maria Williams; trad. de l'anglais, et accompagné de notes critiques et d'anecdotes curieuses, par Breton de La Martinière‏ ‎‡9 4‏
930 ‎‡a helene maria williams‏ ‎‡c Hélène Maria Williams; trad. de l'anglais par Grandchamp‏ ‎‡9 4‏
940 ‎‡a eng‏ ‎‡9 45‏
940 ‎‡a fre‏ ‎‡9 28‏
940 ‎‡a ger‏ ‎‡9 1‏
941 ‎‡a edt‏ ‎‡4 edt‏ ‎‡9 1‏
943 ‎‡a 199x‏ ‎‡9 2‏
943 ‎‡a 200x‏ ‎‡9 6‏
943 ‎‡a 201x‏ ‎‡9 3‏
943 ‎‡a 197x‏ ‎‡9 2‏
943 ‎‡a 179x‏ ‎‡9 26‏
943 ‎‡a 180x‏ ‎‡9 4‏
943 ‎‡a 178x‏ ‎‡9 5‏
943 ‎‡a 181x‏ ‎‡9 3‏
943 ‎‡a 182x‏ ‎‡9 1‏
943 ‎‡a 198x‏ ‎‡9 1‏
943 ‎‡a 187x‏ ‎‡9 2‏
944 ‎‡a am‏ ‎‡9 56‏
950 ‎‡a vincent patrick‏ ‎‡A Vincent, Patrick,‏ ‎‡d 1970-‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a widmer schnyder florence‏ ‎‡A Widmer-Schnyder, Florence‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a bonpland aime jacques alexandre goujaud‏ ‎‡A Bonpland, Aimé Jacques Alexandre Goujaud‏ ‎‡9 2‏
950 ‎‡a humboldt alexander von‏ ‎‡A Humboldt, Alexander von,‏ ‎‡d 1769-1859‏ ‎‡9 2‏
950 ‎‡a wogan patrick‏ ‎‡A Wogan, Patrick‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a louis‏ ‎‡A Louis‏ ‎‡b XVI,‏ ‎‡c roi de France‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a breton de la martiniere jean baptiste joseph‏ ‎‡A Breton de La Martinière, Jean Baptiste Joseph,‏ ‎‡d 1777-1852‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a say jean baptiste‏ ‎‡A Say, Jean-Baptiste,‏ ‎‡d 1767-1832‏ ‎‡9 3‏
950 ‎‡a pougens charles de‏ ‎‡A Pougens, Charles de‏ ‎‡9 2‏
950 ‎‡a bernardin de saint pierre henri‏ ‎‡A Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Henri‏ ‎‡9 2‏
950 ‎‡a cottin sophie‏ ‎‡A Cottin, Sophie,‏ ‎‡d 1770-1807‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a biggs charlotte‏ ‎‡A Biggs, Charlotte‏ ‎‡9 3‏
950 ‎‡a taine hippolyte adolphe‏ ‎‡A Taine, Hippolyte-Adolphe‏ ‎‡9 3‏
950 ‎‡a kollock shepard‏ ‎‡A Kollock, Shepard,‏ ‎‡d 1750-1839‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a burke edmund‏ ‎‡A Burke, Edmund‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a gifford john‏ ‎‡A Gifford, John,‏ ‎‡d 1758-1818‏ ‎‡9 1‏
950 ‎‡a davis cornelius‏ ‎‡A Davis, Cornelius,‏ ‎‡d ca. 1758-1831‏ ‎‡9 1‏
955 ‎‡a naumann ursula‏ ‎‡A Naumann, Ursula,‏ ‎‡d 1945-‏ ‎‡9 1‏
955 ‎‡a hilger stephanie m mathilde‏ ‎‡A Hilger, Stephanie M.‏ ‎‡q (Mathilde)‏ ‎‡9 1‏
955 ‎‡a woodward lionel d‏ ‎‡A Woodward, Lionel-D‏ ‎‡9 1‏
955 ‎‡a kennedy deborah‏ ‎‡A Kennedy, Deborah‏ ‎‡9 1‏
960 ‎‡a france‏ ‎‡A France‏ ‎‡9 3‏
960 ‎‡a suisse‏ ‎‡A Suisse‏ ‎‡9 5‏
960 ‎‡a amerique du sud‏ ‎‡A Amérique du sud‏ ‎‡9 2‏
960 ‎‡a du fosse augustin francois thomas‏ ‎‡A Du Fossé, Augustin François Thomas,‏ ‎‡d 1750-1833‏ ‎‡9 11‏
969 ‎‡a subject‏ ‎‡9 7‏
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996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75579864
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 89129475
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q111476335
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q63646435
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500252514
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q94635901
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q109743137
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90688480
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000423448406
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12400009
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2004045202
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q96777840
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 85816038
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 00110042
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2002031916
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 79131128
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q89375911
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007437443205171
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q58333181
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2012058359
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA04820298
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000030677988
996 ‎‡2 NTA|142103373
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1315668947
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q19867085
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q117477430
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75573679
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q102157730
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q108876146
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 95045679
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10181182
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987008729384505171
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 96055347
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000082603649
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q96321361
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 97036109
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1191414779
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|085887757
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000113207068
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000040966281
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2016114404
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75526473
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007430320505171
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007344752505171
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q15815013
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000026860632
996 ‎‡2 NTA|132421739
996 ‎‡2 BNF|17031236
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q64020342
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75432650
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500032939
996 ‎‡2 NTA|099999315
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6780960
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|23518828X
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2009027726
996 ‎‡2 NKC|pna2012683132
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|98002283
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000497486894
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q112404272
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|179996
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q113945854
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 78097190
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000052939248
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75599772
996 ‎‡2 DBC|87097992502821
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2001054398
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2004045604
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75613588
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000004124343X
996 ‎‡2 BNF|18071770
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10137265
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 97009672
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 94008838
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987010803394505171
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q24226245
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000006058829X
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2003011845
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 96000313
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q59917120
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q94137498
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76215641
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q86970225
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q102400031
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2001026370
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q56183197
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q47120706
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2008052257
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10148629
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|250079046
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000384468024
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb 90258371
996 ‎‡2 DE633|pe20002270
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q82442635
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000393559243
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000519755
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2016081022
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6456450
996 ‎‡2 NKC|jx20070116007
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q57791996
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q67399348
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q16031507
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500052096
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 77002648
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6763017
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500025271
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11339386
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000378286320
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007321425405171
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q91887623
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q56186177
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 96052674
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q56186175
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q57037730
996 ‎‡2 W2Z|1615358754480
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000049191494
996 ‎‡2 NTA|067759475
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 93006702
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000112816603
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q94356198
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000497027129
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2009133261
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000054811387
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q112448388
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007296119305171
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 96003730
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q47128828
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q47120526
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2005014345
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2003104920
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 97006598
996 ‎‡2 NTA|152074422
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q122654565
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500009811
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75990572
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2017183603
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q126677
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10509825
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2004019697
996 ‎‡2 DNB|134697871
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|139637591
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q97817249
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q56186797
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000379177871
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2014182834
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000077614554
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000443604322
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q96079461
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1324043989
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q13562532
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2001057706
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000501395179
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1205476334
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000031598800
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|14009614
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q102185485
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76138231
996 ‎‡2 NTA|070191727
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000022554179
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|8023209
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75929830
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2008052961
996 ‎‡2 NTA|264786823
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007429268205171
996 ‎‡2 BNF|15113825
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000030509925
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|034465804
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6779141
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 97069094
996 ‎‡2 B2Q|0000437853
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000382762721
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2022173105
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000004772092
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2012002166
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2010005623
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 88041939
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000081406344
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q60429172
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q78123704
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000388364724
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q112389585
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q109886851
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1051911796
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76345910
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000045149926
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000030994174
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q76345917
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q97303420
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000499700807
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2015028283
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q75891942
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1026821614
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q107338430
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|155331
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q64021339
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|4061312
996 ‎‡2 WKP|Q6778816
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|5030667
997 ‎‡a 0 0 lived 0 0‏ ‎‡9 1‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2009148914‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'evenemensarrivesenfrancedepuislarestaurationde1815', 'evenemensarrivesenfrancedepuislarestaurationde1815')‏ ‎‡3 viafid‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810623095005606‏ ‎‡3 viafid‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'paulandvirginia', 'paulandvirginia')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 SELIBR|234701‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'odetopeacebyhelenmariawilliams', 'odetopeacebyhelenmariawilliams')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 BNC|981058520434906706‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 B2Q|0000371659‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'letterswritteninfranceinthesummer1790toafriendinenglandcontainingvariousanecdotesrelativetothefrenchrevolutionandmemoirsofmonsandmadameduf', 'letterswritteninfranceinthesummer1790toafriendinenglandcontainingvariousanecdotesrelativetothefrenchrevolutionandmemoirsofmonsandmadameduf')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 SUDOC|029767687‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 DNB|119156164‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, H.‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108934703‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'humboldt alexander von', 'humboldt alexander von')‏
998 ‎‡a Helen Maria Williams‏ ‎‡c écrivaine britannique‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108934703‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'humboldt alexander von', 'humboldt alexander von')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108934703‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'humboldt alexander von', 'humboldt alexander von')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helena Maria‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108934703‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'humboldt alexander von', 'humboldt alexander von')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108934703‏ ‎‡3 joint author: (1.00, 'humboldt alexander von', 'humboldt alexander von')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90332238‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen M.‏ ‎‡2 N6I|vtls001360591‏ ‎‡3 title: (0.90, 'residenceinfranceduringtheyears179217931794and1795describedinaseriesoflettersfromanenglishladywithgeneralandincidentalremarksonthefrenchcharacterandmannerspreparedforthepressbyjohngiffordesqin2volumes', 'residenceinfranceduringtheyears179217931794and1795describedinaseriesoflettersfromanenglishladywithgeneralandincidentalremarksonthefrenchcharacterandmannerspreparedforthepressbyjohngiffordesqauthorofthehistoryoffrancelettertolordlauderdalelettertothehonterskineetc')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams,‏ ‎‡b Helena Maria‏ ‎‡2 PTBNP|154322‏ ‎‡3 title: (0.86, 'relationdesevenemenssquidesontpassesenfrancedepuisledebarquementdenapoleonbuonaparte', 'relationdesevenemensquisesontpassesenfrancedepuisledebarquementdenapoleonbuonaparteau1ermars1815jusquautraitedu20novembre')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 NII|DA03746735‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'tourinswitzerland', 'tourinswitzerland')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams‏ ‎‡b H. M.‏ ‎‡g Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 NLR|RU NLR AUTH 770246133‏ ‎‡3 viafid‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 LC|n 50015768‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 SZ|119156164‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000051170‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'personalnarrativeoftravelstotheequinoctialregionsofthenewcontinentduringtheyears17991804', 'personalnarrativeoftravelstotheequinoctialregionsofthenewcontinentduringtheyears17991804')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 NYNYRILM|183250‏ ‎‡3 viafid‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 BNCHL|10000000000000000074502‏ ‎‡3 exact title: (1.00, 'personalnarrativeoftravelstotheequinoctialregionsofthenewcontinentduringtheyears17991804', 'personalnarrativeoftravelstotheequinoctialregionsofthenewcontinentduringtheyears17991804')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Mari E.W.‏ ‎‡2 NTA|119908980‏ ‎‡3 name as subject‏
998 ‎‡a Williams, Helen Maria,‏ ‎‡2 NTA|069818673‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
998 ‎‡a Helen Maria Williams‏ ‎‡2 WKP|Q525710‏ ‎‡3 title: (0.90, 'letterswritteninfrance1790', 'letterswritteninfrance')‏
998 ‎‡a Williams‏ ‎‡b Helen Maria‏ ‎‡2 BNF|13513275‏ ‎‡3 standard number‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855088‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855089‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005862638‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls000867680‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005787058‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007225977‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001085722‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855083‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005787057‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007257508‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls006396110‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls003170707‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007150534‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005836232‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001068967‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls004530493‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005757203‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls002229813‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls003585274‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls002198081‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls004481708‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001334464‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005780795‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005780793‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007066687‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001068947‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001120213‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005879814‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls008901525‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls003277828‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005803549‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001068943‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005972038‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001964465‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005824028‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007544318‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005873041‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005870671‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls003705282‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005773659‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001068935‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005878252‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls008488013‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls001068957‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls008364530‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007079948‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007650764‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007159809‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005780792‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855448‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls002230105‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005814353‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005854624‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005854623‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls009042521‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855440‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls007237962‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855445‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855446‏
999 ‎‡2 REROBIB|vtls005855447‏