Virtual International Authority File


Leader 00000nz a2200037n 45 0
001 WKP|Q38545074 (VIAF cluster) (Authority/Source Record)
003 WKP
005 20241121000149.0
008 241121nneanz||abbn n and d
035 ‎‡a (WKP)Q38545074‏
024 ‎‡a 0000-0002-9076-7760‏ ‎‡2 orcid‏
024 ‎‡a 15062921200‏ ‎‡2 scopus‏
035 ‎‡a (OCoLC)Q38545074‏
100 0 ‎‡a Luis Martinez-Gil‏ ‎‡c researcher‏ ‎‡9 en‏
375 ‎‡a 1‏ ‎‡2 iso5218‏
400 0 ‎‡a Luis Martinez-Gil‏ ‎‡c wetenschapper‏ ‎‡9 nl‏
400 0 ‎‡a Luis Martinez-Gil‏ ‎‡c investigador‏ ‎‡9 ast‏
400 0 ‎‡a Luis Martinez-Gil‏ ‎‡c ricercatore‏ ‎‡9 it‏
400 0 ‎‡a Luis Martinez-Gil‏ ‎‡c investigador‏ ‎‡9 es‏
670 ‎‡a Author's A Bimolecular Multicellular Complementation System for the Detection of Syncytium Formation: A New Methodology for the Identification of Nipah Virus Entry Inhibitors‏
670 ‎‡a Author's A novel small molecule inhibitor of influenza A viruses that targets polymerase function and indirectly induces interferon‏
670 ‎‡a Author's A Sendai virus-derived RNA agonist of RIG-I as a virus vaccine adjuvant.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's A small molecule multi-kinase inhibitor reduces influenza A virus replication by restricting viral RNA synthesis‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Adjuvants and immunization strategies to induce influenza virus hemagglutinin stalk antibodies‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Charge pair interactions in transmembrane helices and turn propensity of the connecting sequence promote helical hairpin insertion.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Exploring the Human-Nipah Virus Protein-Protein Interactome‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Identification of small molecules with type I interferon inducing properties by high-throughput screening‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane insertion and biogenesis of the Turnip crinkle virus p9 movement protein‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane insertion and topology of the p7B movement protein of Melon Necrotic Spot Virus‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane insertion and topology of the p7B movement protein of Melon Necrotic Spot Virus (MNSV).‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane insertion and topology of the translocating chain-associating membrane protein‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane insertion and topology of the translocating chain-associating membrane protein (TRAM).‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane integration of poliovirus 2B viroporin.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane protein integration into the endoplasmic reticulum‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Membrane topology of gp41 and amyloid precursor protein: interfering transmembrane interactions as potential targets for HIV and Alzheimer treatment.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Plant virus cell-to-cell movement is not dependent on the transmembrane disposition of its movement protein.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Proteomic composition of Nipah virus-like particles.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Residual baculovirus in insect cell-derived influenza virus-like particle preparations enhances immunogenicity‏
670 ‎‡a Author's RNA-binding properties and membrane insertion of Melon necrotic spot virus‏
670 ‎‡a Author's RNA-binding properties and membrane insertion of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) double gene block movement proteins‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Senataxin suppresses the antiviral transcriptional response and controls viral biogenesis‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 is required for nuclear export of the ribonucleoprotein of influenza A virus‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Synthetic Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and TLR7 ligands as influenza virus vaccine adjuvants induce rapid, sustained, and broadly protective responses‏
670 ‎‡a Author's The surfactant peptide KL4 sequence is inserted with a transmembrane orientation into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane‏
670 ‎‡a Author's The Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein associates with but does not integrate into biological membranes.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Topoisomerase 1 inhibition suppresses inflammatory genes and protects from death by inflammation.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Viral Bcl2s' transmembrane domain interact with host Bcl2 proteins to control cellular apoptosis‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Viral membrane protein topology is dictated by multiple determinants in its sequence.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Viroporins, Examples of the Two-Stage Membrane Protein Folding Model‏
909 ‎‡a (orcid) 0000000290767760‏ ‎‡9 1‏
909 ‎‡a (scopus) 15062921200‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a viroporinsexamplesofthe2stagemembraneproteinfoldingmodel‏ ‎‡A Viroporins, Examples of the Two-Stage Membrane Protein Folding Model‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a bimolecularmulticellularcomplementationsystemforthedetectionofsyncytiumformationanewmethodologyfortheidentificationofnipahvirusentryinhibitors‏ ‎‡A A Bimolecular Multicellular Complementation System for the Detection of Syncytium Formation: A New Methodology for the Identification of Nipah Virus Entry Inhibitors‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a novelsmallmoleculeinhibitorofinfluenzaavirusesthattargetspolymerasefunctionandindirectlyinducesinterferon‏ ‎‡A A novel small molecule inhibitor of influenza A viruses that targets polymerase function and indirectly induces interferon‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a sendaivirusderivedrnaagonistofrig1asavirusvaccineadjuvant‏ ‎‡A A Sendai virus-derived RNA agonist of RIG-I as a virus vaccine adjuvant.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a smallmoleculemultikinaseinhibitorreducesinfluenzaavirusreplicationbyrestrictingviralrnasynthesis‏ ‎‡A A small molecule multi-kinase inhibitor reduces influenza A virus replication by restricting viral RNA synthesis‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a adjuvantsandimmunizationstrategiestoinduceinfluenzavirushemagglutininstalkantibodies‏ ‎‡A Adjuvants and immunization strategies to induce influenza virus hemagglutinin stalk antibodies‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a chargepairinteractionsintransmembranehelicesandturnpropensityoftheconnectingsequencepromotehelicalhairpininsertion‏ ‎‡A Charge pair interactions in transmembrane helices and turn propensity of the connecting sequence promote helical hairpin insertion.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a exploringthehumannipahvirusproteinproteininteractome‏ ‎‡A Exploring the Human-Nipah Virus Protein-Protein Interactome‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a identificationofsmallmoleculeswithtype1interferoninducingpropertiesbyhighthroughputscreening‏ ‎‡A Identification of small molecules with type I interferon inducing properties by high-throughput screening‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneinsertionandbiogenesisoftheturnipcrinklevirusp9movementprotein‏ ‎‡A Membrane insertion and biogenesis of the Turnip crinkle virus p9 movement protein‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneinsertionandtopologyofthep7bmovementproteinofmelonnecroticspotvirus‏ ‎‡A Membrane insertion and topology of the p7B movement protein of Melon Necrotic Spot Virus‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneinsertionandtopologyofthep7bmovementproteinofmelonnecroticspotvirusmnsv‏ ‎‡A Membrane insertion and topology of the p7B movement protein of Melon Necrotic Spot Virus (MNSV).‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneinsertionandtopologyofthetranslocatingchainassociatingmembraneprotein‏ ‎‡A Membrane insertion and topology of the translocating chain-associating membrane protein‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneinsertionandtopologyofthetranslocatingchainassociatingmembraneproteintram‏ ‎‡A Membrane insertion and topology of the translocating chain-associating membrane protein (TRAM).‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneintegrationofpoliovirus2bviroporin‏ ‎‡A Membrane integration of poliovirus 2B viroporin.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membraneproteinintegrationintotheendoplasmicreticulum‏ ‎‡A Membrane protein integration into the endoplasmic reticulum‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a membranetopologyofgp41andamyloidprecursorproteininterferingtransmembraneinteractionsaspotentialtargetsforhivandalzheimertreatment‏ ‎‡A Membrane topology of gp41 and amyloid precursor protein: interfering transmembrane interactions as potential targets for HIV and Alzheimer treatment.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a plantviruscelltocellmovementisnotdependentonthetransmembranedispositionofitsmovementprotein‏ ‎‡A Plant virus cell-to-cell movement is not dependent on the transmembrane disposition of its movement protein.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a proteomiccompositionofnipahviruslikeparticles‏ ‎‡A Proteomic composition of Nipah virus-like particles.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a residualbaculovirusininsectcellderivedinfluenzaviruslikeparticlepreparationsenhancesimmunogenicity‏ ‎‡A Residual baculovirus in insect cell-derived influenza virus-like particle preparations enhances immunogenicity‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a rnabindingpropertiesandmembraneinsertionofmelonnecroticspotvirus‏ ‎‡A RNA-binding properties and membrane insertion of Melon necrotic spot virus‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a rnabindingpropertiesandmembraneinsertionofmelonnecroticspotvirusmnsvdoublegeneblockmovementproteins‏ ‎‡A RNA-binding properties and membrane insertion of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) double gene block movement proteins‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a senataxinsuppressestheantiviraltranscriptionalresponseandcontrolsviralbiogenesis‏ ‎‡A Senataxin suppresses the antiviral transcriptional response and controls viral biogenesis‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a serumandglucocorticoidregulatedkinase1isrequiredfornuclearexportoftheribonucleoproteinofinfluenzaavirus‏ ‎‡A Serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 is required for nuclear export of the ribonucleoprotein of influenza A virus‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a synthetictolllikereceptor4tlr4andtlr7ligandsasinfluenzavirusvaccineadjuvantsinducerapidsustainedandbroadlyprotectiveresponses‏ ‎‡A Synthetic Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and TLR7 ligands as influenza virus vaccine adjuvants induce rapid, sustained, and broadly protective responses‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a surfactantpeptidekl4sequenceisinsertedwithatransmembraneorientationintotheendoplasmicreticulummembrane‏ ‎‡A The surfactant peptide KL4 sequence is inserted with a transmembrane orientation into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a tobaccomosaicvirusmovementproteinassociateswithbutdoesnotintegrateintobiologicalmembranes‏ ‎‡A The Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein associates with but does not integrate into biological membranes.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a topoisomerase1inhibitionsuppressesinflammatorygenesandprotectsfromdeathbyinflammation‏ ‎‡A Topoisomerase 1 inhibition suppresses inflammatory genes and protects from death by inflammation.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a viralbcl2stransmembranedomaininteractwithhostbcl2proteinstocontrolcellularapoptosis‏ ‎‡A Viral Bcl2s' transmembrane domain interact with host Bcl2 proteins to control cellular apoptosis‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a viralmembraneproteintopologyisdictatedbymultipledeterminantsinitssequence‏ ‎‡A Viral membrane protein topology is dictated by multiple determinants in its sequence.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
946 ‎‡a b‏ ‎‡9 1‏
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|799675
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058617190006706
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A002967566
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2011099672
996 ‎‡2 NLR|RU NLR AUTH 770238210
996 ‎‡2 NTA|333960149
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000041195351
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX922051
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 84012643
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058509086606706
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA10250172
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000003498618X
996 ‎‡2 BNCHL|10000000000000000180177
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|1809172
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX6272801
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|032907052
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX5038204
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000016171147
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX956467
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000518385
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 85079464
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|269986286
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 91117786
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000455215519
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035361267
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX922764
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX4673817
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1113220
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000120300973
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000006118983X
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1084000
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2018025230
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500038974
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|050160370
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000067134709
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1284509
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A018459126
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|264970845
996 ‎‡2 ARBABN|000042386
996 ‎‡2 BAV|495_119810
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|116262
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A017407711
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2004034584
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810652975805606
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2004110442
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000120390980
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000059923812
996 ‎‡2 LC|ns2013001349
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|761535
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058609893206706
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|112681492
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2010118803
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058525416306706
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A000172824
996 ‎‡2 BAV|495_115175
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1140034
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003295845
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:DS_x_5;=B_q_
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2018093373
996 ‎‡2 NTA|068968442
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX5890080
996 ‎‡2 DNB|105630006X
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000986816
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|159506719
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000029915
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996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000548501
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX995020
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996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058514770406706
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|188053700
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058520637606706
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|133240
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1751481
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12384620
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1102416
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000059590296
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1242567119
996 ‎‡2 NKC|xx0249983
996 ‎‡2 BNCHL|10000000000000000105305
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1057435120
996 ‎‡2 NTA|173897150
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000066324236
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000061019558
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1047949164
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 82084786
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|080142753
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1122068220
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A002955064
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|23077279X
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2008009947
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000080785127
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX907469
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 87941702
996 ‎‡2 NTA|07420713X
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12071464
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1131956
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000046856219
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058609606306706
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX938261
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000059304712
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|028995015
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2009193728
996 ‎‡2 DNB|188396705
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1475059
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1080466
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2023251302
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003569388
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX6454916
996 ‎‡2 DNB|105675737X
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000059538025
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2009200371
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX6111638
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 81003556
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000011854600X
996 ‎‡2 BAV|495_98620
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA1666613X
996 ‎‡2 NTA|18305394X
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 90668223
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|276991311
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1640029
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|267220
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX5650949
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007444080505171
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2008039457
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|1554389
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000069620022
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2008001146
996 ‎‡2 DNB|172618592
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000081205366
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007334021005171
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX872100
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX834932
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1157160387
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000068782476
996 ‎‡2 ARBABN|000071904
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX4663395
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000061117983
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1078301778
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000060669321
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1057110345
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|32800
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|32807
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:BVY7;=BU
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996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1403909
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000092313178
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058525418106706
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996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|362164
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 94005591
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000006301884X
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500082023
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1115998
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 95103958
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1057483893
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007271025205171
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058510112506706
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1585923
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX891876
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981058508920406706
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000111285396
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1130868
996 ‎‡2 NKC|jo20211128821
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996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003295800
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000059220287
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000060569347
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996 ‎‡2 NII|DA0180385X
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996 ‎‡2 NTA|220373183
996 ‎‡2 BNCHL|10000000000000000021967
996 ‎‡2 BNF|13517738
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000216989
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|1813230
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000365687045
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2017006549
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2008162829
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 97025083
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007456291405171
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007276356105171
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9811515716705606
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996 ‎‡2 DNB|1146981872
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996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX919457
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A008795037
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11020533
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996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|161448798
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996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|19778402X
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX6103530
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|233079351
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1439831
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996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX5099461
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1048645789
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX4699716
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1712260
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1372218
996 ‎‡2 DNB|12056114X
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996 ‎‡2 LC|n 79015677
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|268664560
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1190333155
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1082230
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX4436451
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000073262272
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11949313
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1231802162
997 ‎‡a 0 0 lived 0 0‏ ‎‡9 1‏