Virtual International Authority File


Leader 00000nz a2200037n 45 0
001 WKP|Q42840317 (VIAF cluster) (Authority/Source Record)
003 WKP
005 20241120235743.0
008 241120nneanz||abbn n and d
035 ‎‡a (WKP)Q42840317‏
024 ‎‡a 0000-0001-6330-2768‏ ‎‡2 orcid‏
035 ‎‡a (OCoLC)Q42840317‏
100 0 ‎‡a برايان سميث‏ ‎‡9 ar‏
375 ‎‡a 1‏ ‎‡2 iso5218‏
400 0 ‎‡a Brian Smith‏ ‎‡9 es‏ ‎‡9 sl‏ ‎‡9 ast‏
400 0 ‎‡a ব্রায়ান স্মিথ‏ ‎‡9 bn‏
400 0 ‎‡a Brian Smith‏ ‎‡c medical researcher‏ ‎‡9 en‏
400 0 ‎‡a Brian Smith‏ ‎‡c onderzoeker‏ ‎‡9 nl‏
400 0 ‎‡a Брайан Смит‏ ‎‡9 ru‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Acetyl-lysine analog peptides as mechanistic probes of protein deacetylases‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Chemoproteomic Strategy to Quantitatively Monitor Transnitrosation Uncovers Functionally Relevant S-Nitrosation Sites on Cathepsin D and HADH2.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Coenzyme specificity of Sir2 protein deacetylases: implications for physiological regulation‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Comparative and integrative metabolomics reveal that -nitrosation inhibits physiologically relevant metabolic enzymes‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Covalent-Fragment Screening of BRD4 Identifies a Ligandable Site Orthogonal to the Acetyl-Lysine Binding Sites‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Current Trends in Sirtuin Activator and Inhibitor Development‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Human sirtuins are differentially sensitive to inhibition by nitrosating agents and other cysteine oxidants‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Hydrolysis of O-acetyl-ADP-ribose isomers by ADP-ribosylhydrolase 3.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Linking SIRT2 to Parkinson's disease.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Mechanism and kinetics of inducible nitric oxide synthase auto-S-nitrosation and inactivation‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Mechanism-based inhibition of Sir2 deacetylases by thioacetyl-lysine peptide‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Mechanism of human SIRT1 activation by resveratrol‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Mechanism of Sirt1 NAD+-dependent Protein Deacetylase Inhibition by Cysteine S-Nitrosation.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Mechanisms and molecular probes of sirtuins.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Mechanisms of S-nitrosothiol formation and selectivity in nitric oxide signaling‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Metabolically Derived Lysine Acylations and Neighboring Modifications Tune the Binding of the BET Bromodomains to Histone H4.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Molecular architecture of mammalian nitric oxide synthases‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Nitric Oxide Mediates Biofilm Formation and Symbiosis in Silicibacter sp. Strain TrichCH4B‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Nitric oxide synthase domain interfaces regulate electron transfer and calmodulin activation‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Nitrosothiol formation and S-nitrosation signaling through nitric oxide synthases‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Reply‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Sir2 deacetylases exhibit nucleophilic participation of acetyl-lysine in NAD+ cleavage.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Sir2 protein deacetylases: evidence for chemical intermediates and functions of a conserved histidine.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Sirt3 promotes the urea cycle and fatty acid oxidation during dietary restriction‏
670 ‎‡a Author's SIRT3 substrate specificity determined by peptide arrays and machine learning‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Sirtuins Caught in the Act‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Structural and Kinetic Isotope Effect Studies of Nicotinamidase (Pnc1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Truncating Mutation in the Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Gene Is Associated With Infantile Achalasia‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Validation and Characterization of Five Distinct Novel Inhibitors of Human Cyt Omega lovirus‏
909 ‎‡a (orcid) 0000000163302768‏ ‎‡9 1‏
912 ‎‡a reply‏ ‎‡A Reply‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a structuralandkineticisotopeeffectstudiesofnicotinamidasepnc1fromsaccharomycescerevisiae‏ ‎‡A Structural and Kinetic Isotope Effect Studies of Nicotinamidase (Pnc1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a truncatingmutationinthenitricoxidesynthase1geneisassociatedwithinfantileachalasia‏ ‎‡A Truncating Mutation in the Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Gene Is Associated With Infantile Achalasia‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a validationandcharacterizationof5distinctnovelinhibitorsofhumancyt Omega lovirus‏ ‎‡A Validation and Characterization of Five Distinct Novel Inhibitors of Human Cyt Omega lovirus‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a acetyllysineanalogpeptidesasmechanisticprobesofproteindeacetylases‏ ‎‡A Acetyl-lysine analog peptides as mechanistic probes of protein deacetylases‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a chemoproteomicstrategytoquantitativelymonitortransnitrosationuncoversfunctionallyrelevantsnitrosationsitesoncathepsin500andhadh2‏ ‎‡A Chemoproteomic Strategy to Quantitatively Monitor Transnitrosation Uncovers Functionally Relevant S-Nitrosation Sites on Cathepsin D and HADH2.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a coenzymespecificityofsir2proteindeacetylasesimplicationsforphysiologicalregulation‏ ‎‡A Coenzyme specificity of Sir2 protein deacetylases: implications for physiological regulation‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a comparativeandintegrativemetabolomicsrevealthatnitrosationinhibitsphysiologicallyrelevantmetabolicenzymes‏ ‎‡A Comparative and integrative metabolomics reveal that -nitrosation inhibits physiologically relevant metabolic enzymes‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a covalentfragmentscreeningofbrd4identifiesaligandablesiteorthogonaltotheacetyllysinebindingsites‏ ‎‡A Covalent-Fragment Screening of BRD4 Identifies a Ligandable Site Orthogonal to the Acetyl-Lysine Binding Sites‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a currenttrendsinsirtuinactivatorandinhibitordevelopment‏ ‎‡A Current Trends in Sirtuin Activator and Inhibitor Development‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a humansirtuinsaredifferentiallysensitivetoinhibitionbynitrosatingagentsandothercysteineoxidants‏ ‎‡A Human sirtuins are differentially sensitive to inhibition by nitrosating agents and other cysteine oxidants‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a hydrolysisofoacetyladpriboseisomersbyadpribosylhydrolase3‏ ‎‡A Hydrolysis of O-acetyl-ADP-ribose isomers by ADP-ribosylhydrolase 3.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a linkingsirt2toparkinsonsdisease‏ ‎‡A Linking SIRT2 to Parkinson's disease.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a mechanismandkineticsofinduciblenitricoxidesynthaseautosnitrosationandinactivation‏ ‎‡A Mechanism and kinetics of inducible nitric oxide synthase auto-S-nitrosation and inactivation‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a mechanismbasedinhibitionofsir2deacetylasesbythioacetyllysinepeptide‏ ‎‡A Mechanism-based inhibition of Sir2 deacetylases by thioacetyl-lysine peptide‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a mechanismofhumansirt1activationbyresveratrol‏ ‎‡A Mechanism of human SIRT1 activation by resveratrol‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a mechanismofsirt1nad+dependentproteindeacetylaseinhibitionbycysteinesnitrosation‏ ‎‡A Mechanism of Sirt1 NAD+-dependent Protein Deacetylase Inhibition by Cysteine S-Nitrosation.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a mechanismsandmolecularprobesofsirtuins‏ ‎‡A Mechanisms and molecular probes of sirtuins.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a mechanismsofsnitrosothiolformationandselectivityinnitricoxidesignaling‏ ‎‡A Mechanisms of S-nitrosothiol formation and selectivity in nitric oxide signaling‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a metabolicallyderivedlysineacylationsandneighboringmodificationstunethebindingofthebetbromodomainstohistoneh4‏ ‎‡A Metabolically Derived Lysine Acylations and Neighboring Modifications Tune the Binding of the BET Bromodomains to Histone H4.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a moleculararchitectureofmammaliannitricoxidesynthases‏ ‎‡A Molecular architecture of mammalian nitric oxide synthases‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a nitricoxidemediatesbiofilmformationandsymbiosisinsilicibacterspstraintrichch4b‏ ‎‡A Nitric Oxide Mediates Biofilm Formation and Symbiosis in Silicibacter sp. Strain TrichCH4B‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a nitricoxidesynthasedomaininterfacesregulateelectrontransferandcalmodulinactivation‏ ‎‡A Nitric oxide synthase domain interfaces regulate electron transfer and calmodulin activation‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a nitrosothiolformationandsnitrosationsignalingthroughnitricoxidesynthases‏ ‎‡A Nitrosothiol formation and S-nitrosation signaling through nitric oxide synthases‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a sir2deacetylasesexhibitnucleophilicparticipationofacetyllysineinnad+cleavage‏ ‎‡A Sir2 deacetylases exhibit nucleophilic participation of acetyl-lysine in NAD+ cleavage.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a sir2proteindeacetylasesevidenceforchemicalintermediatesandfunctionsofaconservedhistidine‏ ‎‡A Sir2 protein deacetylases: evidence for chemical intermediates and functions of a conserved histidine.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a sirt3promotestheureacycleandfattyacidoxidationduringdietaryrestriction‏ ‎‡A Sirt3 promotes the urea cycle and fatty acid oxidation during dietary restriction‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a sirt3substratespecificitydeterminedbypeptidearraysandmachinelearning‏ ‎‡A SIRT3 substrate specificity determined by peptide arrays and machine learning‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a sirtuinscaughtintheact‏ ‎‡A Sirtuins Caught in the Act‏ ‎‡9 1‏
946 ‎‡a b‏ ‎‡9 1‏
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000043733280
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1138137278
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1156385016
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90393700
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA05310821
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996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007330604405171
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2006084203
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007436486705171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000049168008
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:B_e__g__c_;=B7
996 ‎‡2 BNF|15547907
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2008023956
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1055726241
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000026902505
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2001067685
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996 ‎‡2 LC|n 90000284
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 90667467
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000065715315
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|7008473
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2018013877
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996 ‎‡2 NTA|436834561
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000003602198X
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996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|059643412
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996 ‎‡2 DNB|129195367
996 ‎‡2 BNF|16564292
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000039880333
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996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810618435705606
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9811535863005606
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000073688820
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|000992415
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000418545949
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000079018385
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12529320
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2018165123
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2012015509
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000008166444X
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996 ‎‡2 LC|n 90715114
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11406522
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007313587305171
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA02860214
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000029188546
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996 ‎‡2 LC|no 90025401
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10579594
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000119408549
996 ‎‡2 NDL|00744890
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000498323931
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996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810542547105606
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2012006924
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996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003838890
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003838891
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000039555610
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996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:B_e_F2;=BF
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996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10284898
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996 ‎‡2 DBC|87097968952409
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 50012618
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2016129403
996 ‎‡2 NKC|mub20201080742
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000114591145
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2005015175
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000030315805
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 50012617
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996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90960711
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810688841905606
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996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|270435638
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2009015278
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996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2013058839
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996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2017000058
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|194175103
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007457579505171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000028489750
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10165146
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2012016118
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996 ‎‡2 DNB|1021057428
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 83800419
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2015093979
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996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2018128763
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035000308
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996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2007025753
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000394369521
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987012383887305171
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|031679188
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996 ‎‡2 NII|DA05841828
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996 ‎‡2 NTA|075053470
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996 ‎‡2 J9U|987012722612505171
996 ‎‡2 DNB|119499932
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:BL4_r_;=B_a_
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1167817079
996 ‎‡2 LNB|LNC10-000221020
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996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|162011520
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996 ‎‡2 LC|no2023044798
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2018003264
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2018003262
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000114953118
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90075693
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2009163128
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996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|279514980
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls002597729
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996 ‎‡2 RERO|A018764966
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996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007426894105171
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007275912105171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000093383186
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996 ‎‡2 LC|n 87936608
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996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|6059668
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996 ‎‡2 NTA|283608560
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000030303003
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996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007426696405171
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996 ‎‡2 LC|no2007095962
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996 ‎‡2 SIMACOB|25992547
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000039097832
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000499905757
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11344400
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX6142924
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996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000051381975
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996 ‎‡2 LC|no2012129113
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996 ‎‡2 LC|n 90679185
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997 ‎‡a 0 0 lived 0 0‏ ‎‡9 1‏