Virtual International Authority File


Leader 00000nz a2200037n 45 0
001 WKP|Q4757048 (VIAF cluster) (Authority/Source Record)
003 WKP
005 20241121000202.0
008 241121nneanz||abbn n and d
035 ‎‡a (WKP)Q4757048‏
024 ‎‡a 0000-0001-9639-5200‏ ‎‡2 orcid‏
024 ‎‡a 56854915300‏ ‎‡2 scopus‏
035 ‎‡a (OCoLC)Q4757048‏
043 ‎‡c AU‏
100 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c Australian physicist‏ ‎‡9 en‏
375 ‎‡a 1‏ ‎‡2 iso5218‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c fizikan australian‏ ‎‡9 sq‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c physicien australien‏ ‎‡9 fr‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c natuurkundige uit Australië‏ ‎‡9 nl‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew White‏ ‎‡c físico australiano‏ ‎‡9 pt‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c físicu australianu‏ ‎‡9 ast‏
400 0 ‎‡a অ্যান্ড্রু জি হোয়াইট‏ ‎‡c অস্ট্রেলীয় পদার্থবিজ্ঞানী‏ ‎‡9 bn‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c fisico australiano‏ ‎‡9 it‏
400 0 ‎‡a أندرو جي. وايت‏ ‎‡c فيزيائي أسترالي‏ ‎‡9 ar‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c fisiceoir Astrálach‏ ‎‡9 ga‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c físic australià‏ ‎‡9 ca‏
400 0 ‎‡a Andrew G. White‏ ‎‡c físico australiano‏ ‎‡9 es‏
670 ‎‡a Author's A solid-state single-photon filter‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Ancilla-Assisted Quantum Process Tomography‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Boson Sampling with Single-Photon Fock States from a Bright Solid-State Source.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Characterizing quantum dynamics with initial system-environment correlations‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition-edge sensors‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Demonstrating Superior Discrimination of Locally Prepared States Using Nonlocal Measurements‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Demonstration of a Simple Entangling Optical Gate and Its Use in Bell-State Analysis‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Demonstration of an all-optical quantum controlled-NOT gate.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Direct characterization of linear-optical networks.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Discrete Single-Photon Quantum Walks with Tunable Decoherence‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Efficient Measurement of Quantum Dynamics via Compressive Sensing‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Engineered optical nonlinearity for quantum light sources‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Engineering integrated photonics for heralded quantum gates.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Enhancing coherent transport in a photonic network using controllable decoherence‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Entangled State Quantum Cryptography: Eavesdropping on the Ekert Protocol‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Entanglement Generation by Fock-State Filtration‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Entangling Quantum-Logic Gate Operated with an Ultrabright Semiconductor Single-Photon Source‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental distribution of entanglement with separable carriers‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental Feedback Control of Quantum Systems Using Weak Measurements‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental joint quantum measurements with minimum uncertainty‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental quantum computing without entanglement.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental simulation of closed timelike curves‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental test of modular noise propagation theory for quantum optics‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental test of nonlocal causality‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Experimental verification of decoherence-free subspaces.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Hardy's paradox and violation of a state-independent Bell inequality in time.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Hectometer Revivals of Quantum Interference‏
670 ‎‡a Author's High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Indefinite Causal Order in a Quantum Switch‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Information causality in the quantum and post-quantum regime‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Kerr noise reduction and squeezing‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Manipulating Biphotonic Qutrits‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Measurement of Quantum Weak Values of Photon Polarization‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Measuring a photonic qubit without destroying it.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Observation of entanglement-dependent two-particle holonomic phase.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Observation of Power-Law Scaling for Phase Transitions in Linear Trapped Ion Crystals‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Optimal Imaging of Remote Bodies Using Quantum Detectors‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Photon sorting, efficient bell measurements, and a deterministic controlled-Z gate using a passive two-level nonlinearity‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Photonic boson sampling in a tunable circuit‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Publisher’s Note: Measurement of Quantum Weak Values of Photon Polarization [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 220405 (2005)]‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Quantum Hypercube States‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Quantum information: source of triggered entangled photon pairs?‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Quantum Process Tomography of a Controlled-NOT Gate‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Reducing multi-photon rates in pulsed down-conversion by temporal multiple xing.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Roadmap on structured light‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Squeezed light from second-harmonic generation: experiment versus theory.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Study of optical properties of electropolymerized melanin films by photopyroelectric spectroscopy.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's The secret world of shrimps: polarisation vision at its best‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Time-Reversal and Super-Resolving Phase Measurements‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Towards quantum chemistry on a quantum computer.‏
670 ‎‡a Author's Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality with weak measurements of photons‏
670 ‎‡a wikidata site links‏ ‎‡u‏
909 ‎‡a (scopus) 56854915300‏ ‎‡9 1‏
909 ‎‡a (orcid) 0000000196395200‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a informationcausalityinthequantumandpostquantumregime‏ ‎‡A Information causality in the quantum and post-quantum regime‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a indefinitecausalorderinaquantumswitch‏ ‎‡A Indefinite Causal Order in a Quantum Switch‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a highperformancesemiconductorquantumdotsinglephotonsources‏ ‎‡A High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a hectometerrevivalsofquantuminterference‏ ‎‡A Hectometer Revivals of Quantum Interference‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a hardysparadoxandviolationofastateindependentbellinequalityintime‏ ‎‡A Hardy's paradox and violation of a state-independent Bell inequality in time.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentalverificationofdecoherencefreesubspaces‏ ‎‡A Experimental verification of decoherence-free subspaces.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentaltestofnonlocalcausality‏ ‎‡A Experimental test of nonlocal causality‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentaltestofmodularnoisepropagationtheoryforquantumoptics‏ ‎‡A Experimental test of modular noise propagation theory for quantum optics‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentalsimulationofclosedtimelikecurves‏ ‎‡A Experimental simulation of closed timelike curves‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentalquantumcomputingwithoutentanglement‏ ‎‡A Experimental quantum computing without entanglement.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentaljointquantummeasurementswithminimumuncertainty‏ ‎‡A Experimental joint quantum measurements with minimum uncertainty‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentalfeedbackcontrolofquantumsystemsusingweakmeasurements‏ ‎‡A Experimental Feedback Control of Quantum Systems Using Weak Measurements‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a experimentaldistributionofentanglementwithseparablecarriers‏ ‎‡A Experimental distribution of entanglement with separable carriers‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a entanglingquantumlogicgateoperatedwithanultrabrightsemiconductorsinglephotonsource‏ ‎‡A Entangling Quantum-Logic Gate Operated with an Ultrabright Semiconductor Single-Photon Source‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a entanglementgenerationbyfockstatefiltration‏ ‎‡A Entanglement Generation by Fock-State Filtration‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a entangledstatequantumcryptographyeavesdroppingontheekertprotocol‏ ‎‡A Entangled State Quantum Cryptography: Eavesdropping on the Ekert Protocol‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a enhancingcoherenttransportinaphotonicnetworkusingcontrollabledecoherence‏ ‎‡A Enhancing coherent transport in a photonic network using controllable decoherence‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a engineeringintegratedphotonicsforheraldedquantumgates‏ ‎‡A Engineering integrated photonics for heralded quantum gates.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a engineeredopticalnonlinearityforquantumlightsources‏ ‎‡A Engineered optical nonlinearity for quantum light sources‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a efficientmeasurementofquantumdynamicsviacompressivesensing‏ ‎‡A Efficient Measurement of Quantum Dynamics via Compressive Sensing‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a discretesinglephotonquantumwalkswithtunabledecoherence‏ ‎‡A Discrete Single-Photon Quantum Walks with Tunable Decoherence‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a directcharacterizationoflinearopticalnetworks‏ ‎‡A Direct characterization of linear-optical networks.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a demonstrationofanallopticalquantumcontrollednotgate‏ ‎‡A Demonstration of an all-optical quantum controlled-NOT gate.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a demonstrationofasimpleentanglingopticalgateanditsuseinbellstateanalysis‏ ‎‡A Demonstration of a Simple Entangling Optical Gate and Its Use in Bell-State Analysis‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a demonstratingsuperiordiscriminationoflocallypreparedstatesusingnonlocalmeasurements‏ ‎‡A Demonstrating Superior Discrimination of Locally Prepared States Using Nonlocal Measurements‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a conclusivequantumsteeringwithsuperconductingtransitionedgesensors‏ ‎‡A Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition-edge sensors‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a characterizingquantumdynamicswithinitialsystemenvironmentcorrelations‏ ‎‡A Characterizing quantum dynamics with initial system-environment correlations‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a bosonsamplingwithsinglephotonfockstatesfromabrightsolidstatesource‏ ‎‡A Boson Sampling with Single-Photon Fock States from a Bright Solid-State Source.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a ancillaassistedquantumprocesstomography‏ ‎‡A Ancilla-Assisted Quantum Process Tomography‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a solidstatesinglephotonfilter‏ ‎‡A A solid-state single-photon filter‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a publishersnotemeasurementofquantumweakvaluesofphotonpolarizationphysrevlett94220405‏ ‎‡A Publisher’s Note: Measurement of Quantum Weak Values of Photon Polarization [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 220405 (2005)]‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a quantumhypercubestates‏ ‎‡A Quantum Hypercube States‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a quantuminformationsourceoftriggeredentangledphotonpairs‏ ‎‡A Quantum information: source of triggered entangled photon pairs?‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a quantumprocesstomographyofacontrollednotgate‏ ‎‡A Quantum Process Tomography of a Controlled-NOT Gate‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a reducingmultiphotonratesinpulseddownconversionbytemporalmultiple xing ‏ ‎‡A Reducing multi-photon rates in pulsed down-conversion by temporal multiple xing.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a roadmaponstructuredlight‏ ‎‡A Roadmap on structured light‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a squeezedlightfrom2harmonicgenerationexperimentversustheory‏ ‎‡A Squeezed light from second-harmonic generation: experiment versus theory.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a studyofopticalpropertiesofelectropolymerizedmelaninfilmsbyphotopyroelectricspectroscopy‏ ‎‡A Study of optical properties of electropolymerized melanin films by photopyroelectric spectroscopy.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a secretworldofshrimpspolarisationvisionatitsbest‏ ‎‡A The secret world of shrimps: polarisation vision at its best‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a timereversalandsuperresolvingphasemeasurements‏ ‎‡A Time-Reversal and Super-Resolving Phase Measurements‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a towardsquantumchemistryonaquantumcomputer‏ ‎‡A Towards quantum chemistry on a quantum computer.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a violationoftheleggettgarginequalitywithweakmeasurementsofphotons‏ ‎‡A Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality with weak measurements of photons‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a photonicbosonsamplinginatunablecircuit‏ ‎‡A Photonic boson sampling in a tunable circuit‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a photonsortingefficientbellmeasurementsandadeterministiccontrolledzgateusingapassive2levelnonlinearity‏ ‎‡A Photon sorting, efficient bell measurements, and a deterministic controlled-Z gate using a passive two-level nonlinearity‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a optimalimagingofremotebodiesusingquantumdetectors‏ ‎‡A Optimal Imaging of Remote Bodies Using Quantum Detectors‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a observationoftopologicallyprotectedboundstatesinphotonicquantumwalks‏ ‎‡A Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a observationofpowerlawscalingforphasetransitionsinlineartrappedioncrystals‏ ‎‡A Observation of Power-Law Scaling for Phase Transitions in Linear Trapped Ion Crystals‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a observationofentanglementdependent2particleholonomicphase‏ ‎‡A Observation of entanglement-dependent two-particle holonomic phase.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a measuringentanglementinaphotonicembeddingquantumsimulator‏ ‎‡A Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a measuringaphotonicqubitwithoutdestroyingit‏ ‎‡A Measuring a photonic qubit without destroying it.‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a measurementofquantumweakvaluesofphotonpolarization‏ ‎‡A Measurement of Quantum Weak Values of Photon Polarization‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a manipulatingbiphotonicqutrits‏ ‎‡A Manipulating Biphotonic Qutrits‏ ‎‡9 1‏
919 ‎‡a kerrnoisereductionandsqueezing‏ ‎‡A Kerr noise reduction and squeezing‏ ‎‡9 1‏
943 ‎‡a 200x‏ ‎‡A 2005‏ ‎‡9 1‏
946 ‎‡a b‏ ‎‡9 1‏
947 ‎‡a AU‏ ‎‡9 1‏
996 ‎‡2 BLBNB|001449816
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls002731745
996 ‎‡2 BNF|15041813
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000083423922
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10188452
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000003090
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 92041720
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000394525942
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 92013836
996 ‎‡2 NYNYRILM|170218
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11365645
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb 91102458
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000052807990
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 89605658
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000113897804
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90240179
996 ‎‡2 B2Q|0000801620
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2023136691
996 ‎‡2 BNF|14490482
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007446554505171
996 ‎‡2 BNF|14007893
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2014143232
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|1060543
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2019067395
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000091540782
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 95025217
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12410839
996 ‎‡2 NTA|227917405
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000033458502
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12380807
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|1090726
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|22762114X
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2021011929
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1047468018
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2009098757
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 95019088
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2006036512
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2009078384
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000045048260X
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr2007013023
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|1498562805508
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1138988774
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000436846622
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007348177705171
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 92047025
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000119259168
996 ‎‡2 BNF|13925538
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2022137912
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000078271602
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035319632
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000035244233
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|99048947
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000032164385
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A012752323
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000031722699
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2016051700
996 ‎‡2 DNB|139242988
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2018005741
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2018005743
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2004027945
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1063793874
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 88613296
996 ‎‡2 NLA|000035603775
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2015066918
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2014107489
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2008026493
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 96099311
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2022041739
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|110546490
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|97014031
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007445531305171
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9812476198005606
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000356333210
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A014032572
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1185413
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000478325390
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000114427206
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10285244
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90083805
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810660887805606
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11367237
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11601081
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000440118257
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007353221805171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000425202346
996 ‎‡2 NTA|136902480
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2016063647
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000361584
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000424495458
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2015041715
996 ‎‡2 NLR|RU NLR AUTH 7749475
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1671188
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 2007131559
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA01914522
996 ‎‡2 NTA|072526629
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1261938097
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2011146175
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2015108927
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|000000010798926X
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 83019974
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007365193905171
996 ‎‡2 BNF|13498010
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2018003619
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1131173066
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA14043464
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2017008509
996 ‎‡2 EGAXA|vtls001858018
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 79085468
996 ‎‡2 SZ|118807110
996 ‎‡2 DBC|87097992485439
996 ‎‡2 DNB|118807110
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810616801405606
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000119525358
996 ‎‡2 PTBNP|1258186
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500189578
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2004031829
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007347382805171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000450498396
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 99034204
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2014004735
996 ‎‡2 NTA|146772121
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000131422845
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000006520841
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2016069870
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000390645621
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11282103
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2021055912
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2018051496
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12381949
996 ‎‡2 NTA|067512968
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 87890657
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000025283909
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 80032033
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 78038666
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 88607525
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11484505
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2018008750
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000400148670
996 ‎‡2 JPG|500446637
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 81001989
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|1656996719888
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|094248885
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 98002535
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2011002488
996 ‎‡2 LNB|LNC10-000108290
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 84232116
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A022844554
996 ‎‡2 LC|nr 93042030
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:V_u__s_;=CO
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000436016522
996 ‎‡2 BNC|981061046368506706
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000077778954
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 95061466
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|258285648
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2023029022
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007386239905171
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|257667040
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003971313
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003971312
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A003971311
996 ‎‡2 NII|DA09056489
996 ‎‡2 NTA|241397065
996 ‎‡2 BNF|17161677
996 ‎‡2 NSK|000242122
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000114105709
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007271943805171
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2022074639
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007270944505171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108035222
996 ‎‡2 LC|no 92021895
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007331058005171
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000289919
996 ‎‡2 NSK|000242636
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000045462234
996 ‎‡2 RERO|A011550959
996 ‎‡2 NSK|000448719
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|263612538
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|059555963
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2024021279
996 ‎‡2 NKC|jo2013772154
996 ‎‡2 NKC|xx0167523
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|129460834
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 87817093
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12057149
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1205346597
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX1015189
996 ‎‡2 NTA|436810417
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|270973613
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 00016742
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000027351901
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1189924765
996 ‎‡2 LIH|LNB:C_s__u_T;=CP
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810655292805606
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2008072539
996 ‎‡2 NYNYRILM|59922
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 88660880
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 88636077
996 ‎‡2 BNF|17793647
996 ‎‡2 BNE|XX4417593
996 ‎‡2 DNB|139883061
996 ‎‡2 NTA|383253675
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1079282270
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10951832
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000409023954
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007417690305171
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2013075537
996 ‎‡2 BNF|15002229
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|267112971
996 ‎‡2 NUKAT|n 96217201
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2016004827
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 81004177
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|259889032
996 ‎‡2 NTA|067591175
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 85808246
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1250939143
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000108000740
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|4099873
996 ‎‡2 DNB|1038680387
996 ‎‡2 BAV|495_292585
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 89603084
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|268585989
996 ‎‡2 BNF|13949044
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|250492628
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10480899
996 ‎‡2 NDL|00527287
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90242606
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987012722518105171
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000050744818
996 ‎‡2 ISNI|0000000075389453
996 ‎‡2 N6I|vtls000374351
996 ‎‡2 W2Z|1656996719888
996 ‎‡2 LC|nb2016021268
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2015036231
996 ‎‡2 LNB|LNC10-000185133
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2010176564
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|10018326
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 2009180065
996 ‎‡2 LC|n 84135789
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|90796964
996 ‎‡2 BIBSYS|5073923
996 ‎‡2 DNB|134650417
996 ‎‡2 BNF|17900351
996 ‎‡2 J9U|987007455067005171
996 ‎‡2 SUDOC|034512004
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf10569246
996 ‎‡2 BNF|12356980
996 ‎‡2 CAOONL|ncf11002673
996 ‎‡2 DNB|140982051
996 ‎‡2 PLWABN|9810672844505606
996 ‎‡2 LC|no2014108301
997 ‎‡a 0 0 lived 0 0‏ ‎‡9 1‏