Virtual International Authority File


Newcastle-upon-Tyne Swiss National Library Wikidata German National Library Vatican Library

Newcastle upon Tyne (England) Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Ireland

Newcastle upon Tyne (Anglicko) Slovak National Library

Newcastle upon Tyne (Gran Bretaña) National Library of Spain

England Newcastle upon Tyne FAST Subjects

ניוקאסל על נהר טיין (אנגליה) National Library of Israel

Newcastle upon Tyne (Angleterre) Library and Archives Canada

Newcastle upon Tyne (Angleterre, GB) Sudoc [ABES], France

Newcastle (GB) National Library of France

VIAF ID: 137211783 (Geographic)


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  • 551 _ _ ‎‡a Tyne and Wear (Gran Bretaña, Condado) National Library of Spain

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Title Sources
Annual report of the medical officer of health... 1914: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Ireland
The burgesses poll at the late election of Members for Newcastle upon Tyne: Containing The conditions agreed on by the candidates for regulating the poll. - State of the poll each day. - The number each candidate polled every day. - -The whole number of persons each day, their names, companies, places of residence, how they voted, the day each polled on, and number on the poll ranged Alpha betically. - Copied from the original books taken on the spot, pursuant to the direction of the Hon. Constantine John Phipps, And Thomas Delaval, Esq. To which is added, A summary view of the disputes which arose, and arguments used by the Candidates, Counsellors Lee, Fawcett, and Wilson, in defence of their proceedings upon the hustings, &c RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
The conservatorship of the river Tyne. Library of Congress/NACO
Early deeds relating to Newcastle upon Tyne. Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Ireland RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Vatican Library
Newcastle upon Tyne City Transport Undertaking, 1901-1969. Library of Congress/NACO
The poll, &c. taken Oct. 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15, 17th, 18th, and 19, 1774, before Francis Johnson, Esq; sheriff. Christ. Fawcett, Esq; Sheriff's Counsel. Candidates. Hon. Con. John Phipps. Thomas Delaval, Esq; Sir Walter C. Blackett, Bt. Sir M. White Ridley, Bt. Counsel. Themselves Mr Lee. Mr Wilson. Mr Philip Gibson, Deputy Sheriff. Interrogators. Mr Thomas White John Ord, Esq; Cheque Scriveners. Mr Jasper Harrison Mr R. Wilson, jun. Mr William Wilkinson Mr R. Wilson, Gateshead RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
The poll, at the election of a burgess to serve in Parliament for the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne,..: In the Room of Sir Walter Blackett, Bart. Taken at Newcastle on the 27th and 28th days of February, the 1st, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th days of March, 1777, before James Thomas Loraine, Esq. Sheriff. Candidates. Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq. Sheriff's Counsel. Christopher Fawcett, Esq Recorder. Counsel for Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. Messrs Wanley and Ridley. For Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq; Messrs Hopper, Ambler, Wilson, and Scott RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Poll book. 1774 RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
The register of freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne from the Corporation guild and admission books... Library of Congress/NACO

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