Virtual International Authority File


Dollman, John-Charles 1851-1934 National Library of Poland National Library of France German National Library ISNI NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

John Charles Dollman Wikidata

Dollman, John Charles (British painter, 1851-1934) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

VIAF ID: 227402496 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Actualité journal quotidien publie chaque jour des nouvelles et des télégrammes... [affiche] National Library of France
Bluebells at Kew Wikidata
The Burial of the Minnisink Wikidata
Crusoe Wikidata
Ditchling Beacon Wikidata
The Dogs Refuge Wikidata
During the Time of the Sermonses Wikidata
The Enchantress Wikidata
Famine Wikidata
Friends in Adversity, Christmas Day at the Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich (Coming Down to Dinner) Wikidata
His Only Friend Wikidata
The immigrants' ship Wikidata
Jungle book National Library of Poland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Księga dżungli: historia Mowgliego National Library of Poland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Księga dżungli / Rudyard Kupling. - [Warszawa], cop. 2022. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
L'Enchanteuse Wikidata
'Marquis', a Gordon Setter Wikidata
Les miserables Wikidata
Mowgli Made Leader of the Bandar-log Wikidata
[Recueil. Oeuvre de John-Charles Dollman] National Library of France
The Rising Generation Wikidata
Study for 'The Unknown' Wikidata
Table d'Hote at a Dogs' Home Wikidata
The Temptation of St Anthony Wikidata
Thirty Pieces of Silver Wikidata
Tiger Studies Wikidata
Tigers Wikidata
A Very Gallant Gentleman Wikidata
A Viking Foray Wikidata
The Village Artist Wikidata
Worse things happen at sea Wikidata

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