Virtual International Authority File


Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, 1592?-1666 Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel National Library of Australia National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library National Library of Sweden National Library of Ireland

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam NII (Japan) National and University Library in Zagreb

Bell, Johann Adam Schall von 1592-1666 ISNI

Schall von Bell, Adam 1592-1666 National Library of France

Adam Schall von Bell Wikidata

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, ca. 1592-1666 RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, 1591/92-1666 National Library of the Netherlands

Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, S.I., 1592?-1666 Vatican Library

Schall, Adam, 1592-1666 National Library of Poland National Library of Chile

( thanh ) canh nếu vọng National Central Library, Taiwan

VIAF ID: 64800026 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Appendix or special remarks taken at large out of Athanasius Kircher his Antiquities of China National Library of Ireland
Bi li gui jie National Library of France
Ce shi(2 juan) National Library of France
Chi dao nan bei liang zong xing tu shuo National Library of France
Chou suan National Library of France
Chŭngbo ch'ikkŭngnok Sudoc [ABES], France
An embassy from the East-India company of the United provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham: emperor of China, deliver'd by their excellencies, Peter de Goyer and Jacob de Keyzer, at his imperial city of Peking National Library of Ireland Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Ge yuan gou gu ba xian biao National Library of France
Geschichte der chinesischen Mission RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland NII (Japan) Vatican Library German National Library
Gezantschap der Neerlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China. Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Ireland
Gou tong Zhong xi tian wen xue di Tang Ruowang: National Library of Israel National Library of Ireland Library of Congress/NACO
Heng xing jing wei biao National Library of France
Heng xing li zhi National Library of France
Historica Narratio, De Initio Et Progressu Missionis Societatis Jesu Apud Chinenses, Ac præsertim in Regia Pequinensi Vatican Library Sudoc [ABES], France National and University Library in Zagreb xR Extended Relationships RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO
Hun tian yi shuo(5 juan) National Library of France
Huo gong qie yao [3 juan]: fu huo gong zhu qi tu Sudoc [ABES], France
Ji he yao fa National Library of France
Jiao shi biao National Library of France
Jin cheng shu xiang Swiss National Library German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Lettres et mémoires d'Adam Schall S.J. Vatican Library National Library of Chile NII (Japan)
Min li pu zhu jie huo National Library of France
Narrative of the success of an embassage sent by John Maatzuyker de Badem, General of Batavia; unto the emperour of China & Tartary, the 20. of July 1655.... written by a Jesuite in those parts National Library of Ireland
Nouveau livre de guerre Sudoc [ABES], France
[Nouveau testament] National Library of France
Planisfero celeste. Vatican Library
Qian kun ti yi. Library of Congress/NACO
Si zi jing wen Sudoc [ABES], France
Wu wei li zhi(9 juan) National Library of France
Yuan jing shuo National Library of France
Yuan king chouo 1 kiuan National Library of France
Yue li biao(4 juan) National Library of France
Zeng bu ze ke lu: 3 juan Library of Congress/NACO
Zhen fu xun quan zong lun National Library of France
Zhu jiao yuan qi National Library of France
증보칙극록 Sudoc [ABES], France
Năm vĩ lịch chỉ ( chín cuốn ) National Library of France
Năm vĩ biểu ( chín cuốn ) National Library of France
Chủ chế quần trưng NII (Japan)
Giáo chủ nguyên nhân National Library of France
Giao thực lịch chỉ ( bảy cuốn ) National Library of France
Giao thực biểu National Library of France
Bao nhiêu muốn pháp National Library of France
Cắt viên định lý Pythagoras tám tuyến biểu National Library of France
Lịch pháp tây truyền German National Library
Bốn chữ kinh văn Sudoc [ABES], France
Tăng bổ tắc khắc lục: 3 cuốn Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Tấu chương 4 quyển NII (Japan)
Hằng tinh lui tới biểu ( nhị cuốn ) National Library of France
Hằng tinh lịch chỉ National Library of France
Hằng tinh kinh vĩ biểu National Library of France
Nguyệt ly biểu ( bốn cuốn ) National Library of France
Tỉ lệ quy giải National Library of France
Dân lịch phô chú giải hoặc National Library of France
Trắc thiên ước nói ( nhị cuốn ) National Library of France
Đo lường toàn nghĩa National Library of France
Trắc thực ( nhị cuốn ) National Library of France
Hỗn thiên nghi nói ( năm cuốn ) National Library of France
Hỏa công khiết muốn: Phụ hỏa công chư khí đồ Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan)
Thật phúc huấn thuyên lời tổng luận National Library of France
Tính toán National Library of France
Xích đạo nam bắc hai tổng tinh sách tranh National Library of France
Tiến trình thư giống Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Xa kính nói Wikidata National Library of France NII (Japan)
Xa kính nói một quyển / canh nếu nhìn; nghiêm một bình tuyển tập, 1968 National Central Library, Taiwan

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