Virtual International Authority File


Díaz Rodelas, Juan Miguel RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO

Díaz Rodelas, Juan Miguel 1950-... National Library of France German National Library ISNI

Díaz Rodelas, Juan Miguel 1950-2019 National Library of Spain

Díaz Rodelas, J. M., 1950- National Library of Brazil

Juan Miguel Díaz Rodelas Wikidata

VIAF ID: 49534312 (Personal)


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Open Section Close Section 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms(16)

Open Section Close Section 5xx's: Related Names(1)

  • 510 2 _ ‎‡a Facultad de la Teología San Vicente Ferrer de Valencia‏ ‎‡4 affi‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e Affiliation German National Library

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Title Sources
1 Cor National Library of Spain
Aún me quedas tú, c2009: National Library of Spain National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO
Carta aos romanos National Library of Brazil
Credere et celebrare homenaje al profesor D. Emilio Aliaga Girbés National Library of Spain National Library of France
Fuente de agua viva homenaje al profesor D. Enrique Farfán Navarro National Library of Spain
Introducción a la Sagrada Escritura National Library of Spain
Liturgia y eucaristía a propósito de la Exhortación Apostólica "Sacramentum Caritatis" National Library of Spain
La misericordia entrañable de Dios en Jesucristo National Library of Spain
Pablo y la ley: la novedad de Rom 7,7-8,4 en el conjunto de la reflexión paulina sobre la ley RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Spain
Primera carta a los corintios National Library of Spain National Library of Brazil
Reseña bíblica. National Library of Spain
Spe salvi comentarios y texto de la encíclica "Salvados por la esperanza" de Benedicto XVI National Library of Spain

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Open Section Close Section Countries and Regions of Publication(2)

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:49534312 (12)