Abraham to Peter being answers to the letters of Peter Plymley. |
Allmän contorist innehållande underrättelse om räknings-, verkliga och pappers-mynt, mått och vigt, banker, handels- och vexel-usancer, &c., på alla betydliga platser, efter C. Crügers och de mest berömde nyare - jemförelse med äldre - författares verk och andra med mycken möda inhämtade uppgifter; både i commercielt och statistiskt hänseende, efter en vidsträcktare plan, 1843: |
Babylonian historical texts: relating to the capture and downfall of Babylon |
The Babylonian legends of the creation and the Fight between Bel and the Dragon as told by Assyrian tables from Nineveh... |
Ballot |
Bon-mots of Sydney Smith and R. Brinsley Sheridan |
Brief van Anton Reinhard Falck (1777-1843), geschreven aan Sydney Smith (1771-1845), predikant |
Catholic claims: at a Meeting of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of the East Riding,... on Monday, the 11th instant, for the purpose of petitioning Parliament,... |
Correspondence. Selections
Criticial journal. |
The Edinburgh review. |
Elementary sketches of moral philosophy: delivered at the Royal institution, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806 |
Elogio á nação britanica dedicado ao Ill.mo e Exc.mo Senhor Sydnei Smith |
Essays: 1802-1827 |
Essays, social and political. |
Facsimile of "Memorials of Charles Darwin: a collection of manuscripts, portraits, medals, books and natural history specimens to commemorate the centenary on his birth and the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of The origin of species" |
Fallacies of anti-reformers
The first campaign of Sennacherib, King of Assyria, B.C. 705-681: the Assyrian text, edited with transliteration, translation, and notes |
Foundation of the Assyrian empire |
A fragment on the Irish Roman Catholic church. |
A last word on anglican ordinations, being an exposition of the pontifical bull "Apostolicae curae": containing a complete refutation of all the objections raised against the papal decision |
A letter to Archdeacon Singleton, on the Ecclesiastical Commission
A letter to Lord John Russell, on the church bills |
A letter to the electors upon the Catholic question |
Letters on American debts |
Letters on the subject of Catholics to my brother Abraham
Miscellaneous sermons. |
Mr. Dyson's speech to the freeholders on reform, 1821: |
The new reign the duties of Queen Victoria: a sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's |
Peter Plymley's letters and selected essays
Den röde fribytaren, 1830-1831: |
Selected writings of Sydney Smith |
A sermon on religious charity |
A sermon on those rules of christian charity, by which our opinions of other sects should be formed preached before the Mayor and Corporation, in the Cathedral Church of Bristol, on November 5, 1828 |
Sermons preached at St. Paul's Cathedral, the Foundling Hospital, and several churches in London... |
Sermons. Selections
Six sermons: preached in Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, by the Reverend Sydney Smith, A. M. And Fellow Of New College, Oxford. |
Sydney Smith: a biography and a selection |
Taunton reform meeting: Speech of Mr. Sydney Smith. |
Two volumes of sermons |
Webster's new biographical dictionary, 1988: |
Wings Day The man who led the RAF's epic battle in German captivity |
Wit and wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith