Virtual International Authority File


Webb, Chick, 1909-1939 National Library of Lithuania German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Spain ISNI Library and Archives Canada National Library of France

Webb, Chick National and University Library in Zagreb RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland NII (Japan) DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries

Webb, Chick (1905-1939). NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

Chick Webb American musician (1905–1939) Wikidata

Webb, William Henry (Chick) Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale

Webb, Chick, 1907-1939 National Library of the Netherlands

VIAF ID: 90730670 (Personal)


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Title Sources
1930's Big bands Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Azure National Library of France
Blue Lou National Library of France
Blue minor National Library of France
Chew-chew-chew National Library of France
Chick Webb and his Orchestra Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France
Clap hands, here comes Charlie National Library of France
Cryin' mood National Library of France
Danish jazz in the fifties, volume 1 DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center)
Devoting my time to you National Library of France
Dog bottom National Library of France
Don't be that way (2 min 41 s) National Library of France
Down home rag (2 min 54 s) National Library of France
Down south camp meeting National Library of France
Ella National Library of France
Facts and figures National Library of France
I found my yellow basket (2 min 35 s) National Library of France
Gee! But you're swell National Library of France
I got a guy National Library of France
I got the spring fever blues National Library of France
Gotta pebble in my shoe National Library of France
Grand terrace rhythm National Library of France
Hallelujah National Library of France
Harlem Congo National Library of France
Honeysuckle rose National Library of France
If it's ain't love National Library of France
I'm just a jitterbug National Library of France
Imagination National Library of France
In the groove at the grove National Library of France
It's over because we're through National Library of France
It's slumbertime along the swanee National Library of France
It's the way that cha you do it National Library of France
Jungle mamma National Library of France
Just a simple melody National Library of France
I left a tear fall in the river National Library of France
Let's get together German National Library National Library of France
Little bit later on National Library of France
Liza National Library of France
Lona National Library of France
Love and kisses (3 min 19 s) National Library of France
I love each move you make National Library of France
Love, you're just a laugh National Library of France
Lover man National Library of France
MacPherson is rehearsin' (to swing) National Library of France
Midnite in a madhouse (2 min 34 s) National Library of France
Midnite in Harlem National Library of France
My heart belongs to Daddy National Library of France National Library of Spain
My wild irish rose National Library of France
On the sunny side of the street National Library of France
One o'clock jump National Library of France
Poor little rich girl National Library of France
The quintessence: New York City, 1929-1939 Library and Archives Canada
Rhythm and romance (3 min 05 s) National Library of France
Rock it for me National Library of France
Rozwój big bandów [Dokument dźwiękowy]: Kansas City / koment. Andrzej Schmidt. - [Szczecin], [2003]. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Rusty Hinge National Library of France
Sing me a swing song National and University Library in Zagreb National Library of France
South rampart street parade National Library of France
Spinnin' the Webb NII (Japan) National Library of France
Squeeze me National Library of France
Stars and stripes forever National Library of France
Stompin' at the Savoy Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries Wikidata National Library of Spain German National Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of the Netherlands National Library of France
Strictly jive National Library of France
Sugar foot stomp National Library of France
Sweet just you (2 min 44 s) National Library of France
Sweet Sue National Library of France
Swingin' on the reservation National Library of France
Take another guess National Library of France
That rhythm man National Library of France
There's frost on the moon National Library of France
tisket a tasket National Library of France
True National Library of France
Undecided National Library of France
Under the spell of the blues National Library of France
Wacky dust National Library of France
Wee baby blues National Library of France
What a shuffle National Library of France
When I get low I get high National Library of France
Who ya hunchin' (2 min 53 s) National Library of France
Why should I beg for love National Library of France
You showed me the way National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands
Your bubble gum National Library of France
Hắc bạch huyễn âm Wikidata

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:90730670 (32)