Adaptation to climate change at local level in Europe: An overview |
alterações climáticas, as inundações e a cidade contributos para o estudo da resiliência urbana em situações de chuvas torrenciais |
Alterações globais desafios e os riscos presentes e futuros |
António Duarte |
asymptotic approximation in heavy ion transfer reactions |
Cálculo de reacções nucleares em processos astrofísicos |
The CAMCAO infrared camera |
Changing climate, changing decisions understanding climate adaptation decision-making and the way science supports it |
Clima e metereologia dos arquipélagos atlânticos impactos e medidas da adaptação às alterações climáticas no arquipélago da Madeira |
Climate action: is coronavirus what we have been waiting for? (and now what?) |
Climate change impacts on island coastal evolution case of Boa Vista (Cabo Verde) |
Climate change in Portugal, c2002: |
Configuration mi xing inCo56andSc46using (d→,α) reactions |
Conselho Nacional do Ambiente e do Desenvolvimento Sustentável 20 anos de reflexão e pareceres 1998-2018 |
Coulomb effects on single-particle exchange singularities |
Determination of two-nucleon spectroscopic amplitudes from (d,α) analyzing powers |
Do contrato ambio-social a uma antropologia da esperança cidadania e sustentabilidade na era da crise ambiental |
Efeitos climáticos do aumento de CO2 na atmosfera aplicação ao caso de Portugal |
The effect of acid-base clustering and ions on the growth of atmospheric nano-particles |
Effect of amino acid availability on vitamin B12 production in Lactobacillus reuteri |
Evaluating the impact of extreme temperature based indices in the 2003 heatwave excessive mortality in Portugal |
Exploring metabolic pathway reconstruction and genome-wide expression profiling in Lactobacillus reuteri to define functional probiotic features |
Finite range parameters for stripping reactions in the 1s shell |
Física |
Framework for Climate Change Adaptation of Agriculture and Forestry in Mediterranean Climate Regions |
Full determination of transition matrix elements in the reaction |
Gestão da zona costeira desafio da mudança |
H1(d→,γ)3He reaction atEd=95MeV |
H2(d,γ)4He reaction from a microscopic point of view |
He4D-state effects in theH2(d→,γ)4He reaction |
Heme and menaquinone induced electron transport in lactic acid bacteria |
Historical evidence for climate driven migrations in Portuguese fishing community |
Humans on earth: from origins to possible futures |
Impact of climate and hydrology on juvenile fish recruitment towards estuarine nursery grounds in the context of climate change |
Impact of climate warming upon the fish assemblages of the Portuguese coast under different scenarios |
impact of tropical cyclone Hayan in the Philippines contribution of spatial planning to enhance adaptation in the city of Tacloban |
Impacts of climate change on the terrestrial ecosystems of Madeira |
Integration and first results of the CAMCAO NIR camera |
jogo aventura climática um canal de comunicação para conferir materialidade ao fenómeno das alterações climáticas e promover envolvimento cívico em prol dos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável |
Mecânica quântica |
Modelling urban form and energy performance across urban typologies in Lisbon, Portugal |
Molecular understanding of sulphuric acid-amine particle nucleation in the atmosphere |
Mudança climática em Portugal cenários, impactes e medidas de adaptação SIAM sumário executivo e conclusões |
Mudanças climáticas no Brasil movimentos sociais e assentamentos rurais de reforma agrária no Pontal do Paranapanema-SP |
Mudanças nos valores da conservação da natureza análise discursiva da conservação da biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica |
On using a generalized linear model to downscale daily precipitation for the center of Portugal: an analysis of trends and extremes |
Oxidation products of biogenic emissions contribute to nucleation of atmospheric particles |
Participation, scenarios and pathways in long-term planning for climate change adaptation |
Physical properties and evolution of protoplanetary disk in stellar clusters planet formation in harsh environments |
Plano B, como não perder a esperança em tempos de crise climática |
Probing α-particle wave functions using (d→,α) reactions |
Que futuro? |
Relativistic spin-1 dynamics and deuteron-nucleus elastic scattering |
Reportagem especial adaptação às alterações climáticas em Portugal |
Spatial Variability and Detection Levels for Chlorophyll-a Estimates in High Latitude Lakes Using Landsat Imagery |
Standardized assay medium to measure Lactococcus lactis enzyme activities while mimicking intracellular conditions |
Statistical approach to estimate the impact of climate change on daily ozone concentrations |
Time, Progress, Growth and Technology How Humans and the Earth are Responding |
Transparency to vector polarization transfer in deuteron stripping reactions |
Uso sustentável de pesticidas análise comparativa entre a União Europeia e o Brasil |
Utafiti na sera ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa nchini Ureno |
Vector and tensor analysing power of (d, p) reactions and deuteron D-state effects |
VLT/NACO detection of a proplyd/jet candidate in the core of Trumpler 14 |
Vulnerabilidade e risco da zona costeira portuguesa às alterações climáticas |
Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation of Coastal Zones to Global Change |
The α-Phosphoglucomutase ofLactococcus lactisIs Unrelated to the α-d-Phosphohexomutase Superfamily and Is Encoded by the Essential GenepgmH |