Virtual International Authority File


Almeida, J.P. Moitinho de 1958-.... National Library of France ISNI

Almeida, João Paulo Swiss National Library German National Library

Almeida, J. P. Moitinho de Sudoc [ABES], France

Almeida, José Paulo Moitinho de (1958- ). NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

Almeida, José Paulo Moitinho de National Library of Portugal

Almeida, Jennifer. National Library of Brazil

Almeida, J. P. Moitinho de (José Paulo), 1958- Library of Congress/NACO

VIAF ID: 315947024 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Adaptive modeling and simulation 2013: proceedings of the VI International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2013), held in Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5 June 2013 Sudoc [ABES], France
Advances in enterprise engineering XI 7th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2017, Antwerp, Belgium, May 8-12, 2017, proceedings Swiss National Library
Comunicação no mercado financeiro: um guia para relações com investidores National Library of Brazil
Equilibrium finite element formulations / J. P. Moitinho de Almeida, Edward A. W. Maunder. - Chichester, cop. 2017. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
geometrically exact kirchhoff-love shell model theoretical aspects and a unified approach for interpolative non-interpolative approximations National Library of Portugal
Operational research: IO 2021-Analytics for a better world. XXI Congress of APDIO, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, November 7-8, 2021 Swiss National Library Sudoc [ABES], France

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