Virtual International Authority File


Miller, John, 1960 September 19- National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO

Miller, John ISNI

Miller, John, photographe Sudoc [ABES], France

Miller, John, 1960 setembre 19- National Library of Catalonia

VIAF ID: 289329834 (Personal)


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Title Sources
3, 2004 Library of Congress/NACO
Casa: southern Spanish style Library of Congress/NACO
French farmhouses and cottages, 1992: Library of Congress/NACO
It was a beautiful day, in the seventies. I watched people on pogo sticks in the park Sudoc [ABES], France
John Miller: the middle of the day: [exhibition, Cabinet des estampes, Genève, 26. IX - 3. XI. 1996, Museum für Literatur am Oberrhein, Karlsruhe, 6. VI - 6. VII. 1997]. Sudoc [ABES], France
Maison: French country style Library of Congress/NACO
The perfect English country cottage Library of Congress/NACO
Private gardens of London National Library of Catalonia
Sissinghurst: portrait of a garden National Library of Catalonia Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
A taste of Alsace Library of Congress/NACO
A taste of Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO
Tour de Provence Library of Congress/NACO
Villa: Italian country style Library of Congress/NACO

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