Virtual International Authority File


Johnson, Ronald C. (Ronald Charles) NII (Japan) National Library of Latvia

Johnson, Ronald Carl, 1950- National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Lithuania National Library of the Czech Republic

Ronald C. Johnson research scientist Wikidata

Johnson, Ronald C. (Ronald Carl), 1950- National Library of Australia Library of Congress/NACO

Johnson, Ronald Charles RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Johnson, Ronald C. 1950- German National Library

Johnson, Ronald C. ISNI

VIAF ID: 38227606 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Uteland Butte Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah Wikidata
Child psychology: behavior & development NII (Japan) National Library of Latvia RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Conscience, contract, and social reality: theory and research in behavioral science NII (Japan)
Detailed measured sections, cross sections, and paleogeographic reconstructions of the upper cretaceous and lower tertiary nonmarine interval, Wind River Basin, Wyoming: Chapter 10 in Petroleum systems and geologic assessment of oil and gas resources Wikidata
Histograms showing variations in oil yield, water yield, and specific gravity of oil from Fischer assay analyses of oil-shale drill cores and cuttings from the Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado Wikidata
In-place oil shale resources underlying Federal lands in the Green River and Washakie Basins, southwestern Wyoming Wikidata
New names for units in the lower part of the Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado National Library of the Netherlands Wikidata National Library of the Czech Republic Library of Congress/NACO
Preliminary stratigraphic studies of the upper part of the Mesa Verde Group, the Wasatch Formation, and the lower part of the Green River Formation, DeBeque area, Colorado, including environments of deposition and investigations of palynomorph assemb Wikidata
Stratigraphic framework, structure, and thermal maturity of Cretaceous and lower Tertiary rocks in relation to hydrocarbon potential, Crazy Mountains Basin, Montana National Library of the Czech Republic
A study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary unconformity in the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, 1980: Library of Congress/NACO
Supplementary cross sections and structure contour maps to the preliminary geologic map of the Figure Four Spring quadrangle, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado Wikidata
The systematic geologic mapping program and a quadrangle-by-quadrangle analysis of time-stratigraphic relations within oil shale-bearing rocks of the Piceance Basin, western Colorado Wikidata
Variations in vitrinite reflectance values for the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation, Southeastern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado: implications for burial history and potential hydrocarbon generation Wikidata National Library of the Czech Republic Library of Congress/NACO

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