Virtual International Authority File


Gordon, Dan, 1947-.... National Library of Poland German National Library National Diet Library, Japan National Library of the Czech Republic Sudoc [ABES], France Library and Archives Canada National Library of France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Israel NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia Library of Congress/NACO ISNI

Gordon, Dan DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Portugal NII (Japan)

Gordon, Dan (Daniel), 1947- National Library of Australia

Dan Gordon American writer Wikidata

VIAF ID: 27156262 (Personal)


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Open Section Close Section 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms(34)

Open Section Close SectionWorks

Title Sources
2 1/2 dads National Library of France
assignment DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Big George Foreman DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center)
Bugville Sudoc [ABES], France
Celestine prophecy DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
chevalier lumière Sudoc [ABES], France Wikidata National Library of France
Contrat sur un terroriste National Library of France
Davin Library of Congress/NACO
Day of the dead Library of Congress/NACO
Deux pères et demi National Library of France
Elektrický rytíř Wikidata
Gotcha Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Gullivers rejser DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center)
Hurikan NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Hurricane DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) National Library of France NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Irena's Vow Wikidata
Jan Paweł II - człowiek przeznaczenia NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Jeu dangereux National Library of France
Just play dead xR Extended Relationships Library of Congress/NACO
Kokuhatsu. National Diet Library, Japan
last electric knight Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
L'isola dell'ingiustizia: Alcatraz NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
L'ultimo cavaliere elettrico Wikidata
Maux d'amour NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia Sudoc [ABES], France
Meurtre à Alcatraz NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Murder in the first DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) NII (Japan) National Library of France German National Library xR Extended Relationships NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia Library of Congress/NACO
n93030089 National Diet Library, Japan
New eden NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia National Library of France
Novi raj NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Nowhere to hide Brez izhoda NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
På hemligt uppdrag Wikidata
Partnerzy Wikidata
Passager cinquante-sept National Library of France
Passenger 57 National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO
Planète Alpha 11 National Library of France
Pope John Paul II [Film]: man of destiny / prod. by Gerry Easter. - [Szczecinek], 2005. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Postcards from heaven: messages of love from the other side Library of Congress/NACO xR Extended Relationships
prophétie des Andes Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Rain man German National Library
Rambo V: last blood DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
rencontre National Library of France
S.O.F. Wikidata
Die Schattenkrieger Wikidata
Shinda furi. National Diet Library, Japan
sideKicks – Karate Kid & Co. Wikidata
Soldier of Fortune Wikidata
Spécial OPS Force Wikidata
Gli specialisti Wikidata
Starship troopers. Sudoc [ABES], France
Surf ninjas National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Surveillance rapprochée National Library of France
Taking the heat Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Tank DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Terms of endearment. xR Extended Relationships
Touché Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Traque à Manhattan Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Les Voyages de Gulliver Sudoc [ABES], France
Waiatto apu. National Diet Library, Japan
Wyatt Earp: a novel National Library of Portugal National Library of the Netherlands NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Poland DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) NII (Japan) National Library of France xR Extended Relationships NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Library of Congress/NACO
Wyatt Earp das Leben einer Legende; Roman zum Film mit Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid und Gene Hackman; nach dem Drehbuch von Dan Gordon und Lawrence Kasdan German National Library
Wyatt Earp édition collector National Library of France
Wyatt Earp: the film and the filmmakers: a Lawrence Kasdan film Sudoc [ABES], France
Солдаты удачи Wikidata
ילד הקראטה Wikidata
כוח מיוחד Wikidata
ワイアット・アープ National Diet Library, Japan
Elena lời thề Wikidata
Cáo phát National Diet Library, Japan
Địa chấn thiên biến Wikidata
Chết んだふり National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:27156262 (23)