Virtual International Authority File


Penella, Manuel, 1880-1939 National Library of Spain National Library of the Netherlands National Library of France National Library of Poland National Library of Portugal National Library of Lithuania National Library of the Czech Republic BIBSYS National Library of Catalonia

Penella Moreno, Manuel, 1880-1939 German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada

Penella Moreno, Manuel NII (Japan) Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale

Penella, Manuel Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Manuel Penella compositor y organista español Wikidata

Penella Moreno, Manuel Compositeur espagnol ISNI

VIAF ID: 7580090 (Personal)


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Open Section Close Section 5xx's: Related Names(14)

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Title Sources
10 piezas para trompa y orquesta de plectro: orquesta de pulso y púa National Library of Spain
Agüita clara: canción National Library of Spain
El amor de los amores National Library of Spain
Baile en Hispano-América National Library of Spain
Bandari (2 min 53 s) National Library of France
La barraqueta blanca: canción valenciana (en valenciano) National Library of Spain
Boyard (4 min 02 s) National Library of France
Brava Berganza! a birthday tribute RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of France
Canto del Dante a Beatriz National Library of Catalonia
Cara del MInistro National Library of Catalonia
Concha Piquer National Library of Spain
El corneta y el tambor: couplets militares para canto y piano National Library of Spain
Corpus Christi National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
La corte del faraón: zarzuela de un acto en cico cuadros National Library of Spain
cumparsita National Library of France
El día de Reyes apropósito en un acto, dividido en tres cuadros National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
Don Gil de Alcalá National Library of Spain Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries National Library of Catalonia National Library of France
Don Gil de Alcalá. Bendita cruz Library of Congress/NACO
Don Gil de Alcalá. Jerez Library of Congress/NACO
Don Gil de Alcalá. ¡Maya! ¡Ella! National Library of Spain
Don Gil de Alcalá. Señor Magistral National Library of Spain
Don Gil de Alcalá. Todas las mañanitas Library of Congress/NACO
Don Gil de Alcalá. Venganza quiero National Library of Spain Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS National Library of Catalonia
Don Gil de Alcalá. Venid, padre Magistral-- National Library of Spain
Don Gil de Alcalá. Vuela, vuela, mariposa National Library of Spain
Entrar por uvas juguete cómico-lírico en un acto National Library of Spain
España cañí National Library of Spain National Library of France
El Espejo de las doncellas National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
Fantasía sobre motivos de la opereta La niña mimada National Library of Catalonia National Library of Spain
Frivolina: opereta en tres actos National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
gallito National Library of France
El Gato Montés German National Library National Library of Catalonia Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Spain National Library of France
Gato montés. Gato montés National Library of Spain Library of Congress/NACO Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library and Archives Canada National Library and Archives of Québec National Library of France National Library of Catalonia
Gato montés. Hasta cuando? National Library of Spain Library of Congress/NACO Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries National Library of France Wikidata German National Library National Library of Catalonia Library and Archives Canada National Library of Portugal National Library of the Czech Republic NII (Japan)
El Gato Montés. La revista National Library of Spain
Gato montés. ¿Me llamabas, Rafaeliyo? Library of Congress/NACO
Gato montés. Pasodoble Library of Congress/NACO
Gato montés. Salú p'a la gente güena! Library of Congress/NACO
Gato montés. Senó, q'e no me farte er való Library of Congress/NACO
Gato montés. Vaya una tarde bonita Library of Congress/NACO German National Library
Gracia y justicia: exposición cómico-lírico-bailable en un prólogo, un auto de... buena fe y tres cuadros, en verso y prosa National Library of Catalonia
Habaneras. National Library of Spain
El hermano lobo National Library of Spain
Hommage à Sevilla: Placido Domingo in schenes from Don Giovanni, il barbiere di Siviglia, Carmen, [...] RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Huelga de Señoras chirigotas casi históricas en un prólogo y cuatro cuadros National Library of Spain
Jazz-Band: blues y one-step National Library of Spain
Juntos en este jardín Venganza quiero National Library of Catalonia
Manha de carnaval (3 min 03 s) National Library of France
La Maredeueta: canción National Library of Spain Wikidata
Maria! viva Maria! [paso doble] National Library of France
Marina (ópera). National Library of Spain
Me caso en la mar National Library of Spain
El misterio de la Puerta del Sol National Library of Spain Wikidata
Mr. Southcote's pavan (2 min 12 s) National Library of France
La muerte de "Manolete" paso doble National Library of France
La muñeca del amor. National Library of Spain
musas latinas German National Library National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia Library of Congress/NACO
Música de la película Alrededor del mundo en 80 días National Library of Spain
La niña mimada National Library of Spain
Las Niñas alegres: entremés lírico en prosa National Library of Catalonia
Olé y Olé National Library of Spain
Paciencia National Library of France
El Padre cura: zarzuela en un acto y en prosa National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
paloma National Library of France
El paraíso perdido National Library of Spain
Pasodobles toreros National Library of Spain
Perra chica. National Library of Catalonia
Popular music of Spain National Library of Poland
Rapsodia valenciana National Library of Spain Wikidata National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada National Library of Catalonia
La reina de las tintas. National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
¡Ris-ras!. National Library of Spain
Romanas caprichosas. National Library of Catalonia
Romance III, Op. 100 (2 min 45 s) National Library of France
Salerosa National Library of France
Spanish dance from the Teatro Real DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center)
El teniente Florisel National Library of Spain
El tesoro National Library of Spain
La tierra de la alegría. National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
En tierra extrana National Library of France National Library of Spain
Torero quiero sé--, c1994: Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO
El viaje de la vida opereta española en un acto National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
Vincent van Gogh National Library of Catalonia
wildcat German National Library Wikidata

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Open Section Close Section Countries and Regions of Publication(8)

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Open Section Close Section Selected Publishers(16)

Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:7580090 (30)