Virtual International Authority File


O'Brien, David, 1962- National Library of Australia Library and Archives Canada RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO ISNI National Library of Israel

O'Brien, David NII (Japan) BIBSYS

VIAF ID: 94216043 (Personal)


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Title Sources
After the revolution Antoine-Jean Gros: painting and propaganda under Napoleon Library and Archives Canada RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of France xR Extended Relationships Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS NII (Japan) National Library of Israel
Arians and Vandals of the 4th-6th centuries: annotated translations of the historical works by Bishops Victor of Vita (Historia Persecutionis Africanae Provinciae) and Victor of Tonnena (Chronicon), and of the religious works by Bishop Victor of Cartenna (De Paenitentia) and Saints Ambrose (De Fide Orthodoxa contra Arianos), and Athanasius (Expositio Fidei) BIBSYS
Civilisation and nineteenth-century art: a European concept in global context RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO
Exiled in modernity: Delacroix, civilization, and barbarism RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland NII (Japan) National Library of France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO
Grammar revolution: a documentary film BIBSYS
High dependency nursing care BIBSYS
Public Catholicism BIBSYS
Remembering Brown at fifty, 2009: Library of Congress/NACO

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