Virtual International Authority File


Wilson, William Scott, 1944- National Library of Brazil National Library of France NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia BIBSYS National Library of Poland National Library of Catalonia ISNI National Diet Library, Japan German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Lithuania NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Israel

Wilson, William Scott RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland NII (Japan) National and University Library in Zagreb

Wilson, William Scott, 1944-...., spécialiste de la civilisation japonaise Sudoc [ABES], France

William Scott Wilson Japanese-English translator Wikidata

VIAF ID: 46859485 (Personal)


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Title Sources
36 secret strategies of the martial arts Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
A beginner's guide to Japanese haiku: major works by Japan's best-loved poets Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
A biginazu gaido tu japanizu haiku: Meja wakusu bai japanzu besuto ravudo poettsu: Furomu basho ando issa tu ryokan ando santoka uizu wakusu bai shikkusu uimen poettsu: Bairingaru ingurisshu ando japanizu tekisutsu. National Diet Library, Japan
book of five rings RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands National Diet Library, Japan
Būdo shoshinshū. National Library of the Netherlands
The Bushido code: words of wisdom from Japan's greatest samurai Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
Cultivating ch'i: a samurai physician's teachings on the way of health Library of Congress/NACO NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Dao de jing. Library of Congress/NACO
The demon's sermon on the martial arts: a graphic novel Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
The flowering spirit: classic teachings on the art of Nō. Library of Congress/NACO NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Fudō ăn kít nmyōroku, Reirōshū, Taiaki National Library of Poland
Fūshi kaden. Library of Congress/NACO NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Gorin no sho. Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
Hagakure le livre du samouraï National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
Hagakure, the book of the samurai National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France BIBSYS National and University Library in Zagreb National Diet Library, Japan RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands NII (Japan) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Heihō kadensho Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library and Archives Canada
Heihō sanjūrokkei. Library of Congress/NACO
Ideals of the samurai: writings of Japanese warriors BIBSYS RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan) National Library of the Czech Republic
L'esprit indomptable: écrits d'un maître de zen à un maître de sabre Sudoc [ABES], France
The life and zen haiku poetry of Santoka Taneda: Japan's most beloved modern haiku poet Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
life-giving sword: secret teachings from the house of the Shogun Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
livre des 36 stratagèmes le guide des classiques chinois de la réussite à la guerre, en affaires et dans la vie RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
livre des cinq roues National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
Lone samurai: the life of miyamoto musashi National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel xR Extended Relationships Wikidata NII (Japan) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Brazil
Musashi, le samouraï solitaire National Library of France
n82143621 National Diet Library, Japan
Onbevangen zijn: brieven van een zenmeester aan een zwaardmeester National Library of the Netherlands
The one taste of truth: Zen and the art of drinking tea Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan)
The pocket samurai Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan)
The roots of wisdom: Saikontan Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Poland National Diet Library, Japan
sabre de vie les enseignements secrets de la maison du Shôgun National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
San shi liu ji National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
El Sermón del demonio sobre las artes marciales: novela gráfica National Library of Catalonia
sermon du tengu sur les arts martiaux National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
Short stories German National Library Library of Congress/NACO
The spirit of Noh: a new translation of the classic Noh treatise the Fushikaden Library of Congress/NACO NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Strange tales from Japan: 99 chilling stories of yokai, ghosts, demons and the supernatural German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
The swordsman's handbook National and University Library in Zagreb
Taiko: an epic novel of war and glory in feudal Japan BIBSYS NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France
Taikôki BIBSYS RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Tao National Diet Library, Japan
Tao te ching = タオ: an all-new translation: Tiếng Anh bản Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
Tengu geijutsuron. Library of Congress/NACO
trente-six stratégies secrètes des guerriers chinois National Library of France
Ts'ai-ken-t'an German National Library National Library of Poland Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France
The unencumbered spirit: Reflections of a Chinese sage Library of Congress/NACO National Diet Library, Japan
The unfettered mind / Takuan Sōhō. - Tokyo [etc.], 2003. National Library of Poland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Unfettered mind: writings of the zen master to the sword master Library of Congress/NACO xR Extended Relationships National Library of Poland NII (Japan) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Vom weisen Umgang mit der Welt das Saikontan des Weisen Hung Ying-ming aus dem China des 16. Jahrhunderts German National Library
Walking the Kiso Road: a modern-day exploration of old Japan Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan) NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Why I don't write like Franz Kafka BIBSYS
Works German National Library Library of Congress/NACO
Yōjōkun. Library of Congress/NACO NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
Za bushido kodo: Wazu obu uizudamu ando adovaisu furomu japanzu guretesuto samurai. National Diet Library, Japan
Za suno uman ando aza yokai sutorizu furomu japan. National Diet Library, Japan
Идеалы самураев: сочинения японских воинов NII (Japan)
லோன் சாமுராய் Wikidata
タオ National Diet Library, Japan
Năm luân thư National Diet Library, Japan
Diệp ẩn BIBSYS National Diet Library, Japan
Đồ ăn căn đàm National Diet Library, Japan

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