Virtual International Authority File


Robinson, James Harvey, 1863-1936 National Library of Poland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel National Library of Catalonia National Library of Ireland National Library of Sweden Library and Archives Canada National Diet Library, Japan Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands German National Library National Library of Chile National Library of Australia National Library of the Czech Republic NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

Robinson, James Harvey BIBSYS Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale NII (Japan) ISNI National and University Library in Zagreb

James Harvey Robinson American historian (1863–1936) Wikidata

רובינסון, ג'יימס הרווי, 1863-1936 National Library of Israel

VIAF ID: 15523655 (Personal)


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Title Sources
The background of modern history NII (Japan)
The battle of the books in its historical setting BIBSYS
Constitution of the kingdom of Prussia. Library of Congress/NACO
The development of modern Europe National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
The eighteenth century: the French Revolutions and the Napoleonic period NII (Japan)
The emergence of existing conditions and ways of thinking NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library NII (Japan)
Epistolae. English National Library of Ireland
Essays in intellectual history, dedicated to James Harvey Robinson NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Europe since the congress of Vienna NII (Japan)
From the breaking up of the Roman empire to the Protestant revolt National Library of Poland National Library of France
A general history of Europe, Brief course Library of Congress/NACO
The German Bundesrath: a study in comparative constitutional law Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO
History of Europe, ancient and medieval: Earliest man, the Orient, Greece and Rome Library of Congress/NACO
History of Europe, our own times: the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the opening of the twentieth century, the world war, and recent events NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
The human comedy as devised and directed by mankind itself National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO
The humanizing of knowledge Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Ireland
An introduction to the history of western Europe National Library of Poland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel BIBSYS NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Sweden Library and Archives Canada Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France NII (Japan) National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Chile National Library of Ireland
Kinsei oshu hattatsushi. National Diet Library, Japan
Medieval and modern times Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS National Library of Ireland National Library of Sweden Library and Archives Canada Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) National Library of the Netherlands xR Extended Relationships
The mind in the making National Library of Poland Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Catalonia Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) National Library of the Netherlands German National Library National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of France
A mother's letters to a schoolmaster Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of the Netherlands
n50048998 National Diet Library, Japan
The new history Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) National and University Library in Zagreb Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Chile BIBSYS Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale
Ningen kigeki National Diet Library, Japan
The ordeal of civilization: a sketch of the development and world-wide diffusion of our present-day institutions and ideas Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS National Library of Ireland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
The original and derived features of the Constitution of the United States of America Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Our world today and yesterday: a history of modern civilization National Library of Poland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Outlines of European history Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Paścimī Yūrōpa. Library of Congress/NACO
Petrarch, the first modern scholar and man of letters: a selection from his correspondence with Boccaccio and other friends, designed to illustrate the beginnings of the Renaissance BIBSYS National Library of Ireland Library of Congress/NACO
Protest of the Cour des aides of Paris, April 10, 1775. Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
The restoration and the European policy of Metternich (1814-20) NII (Japan)
Schule des Denkens Von der Bedeutung d. Verstandes f.d. Aufstieg d. Menschheit National Library of Catalonia German National Library
Shiko no seisei National Diet Library, Japan
Shinshiso no fuhenka. National Diet Library, Japan
The study of history in secondary schools, report to the American historical association Library of Congress/NACO
The study of the Lutheran revolt. Library of Congress/NACO
The tennis court oath. Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Vanetænkandet och framåtskridandet: hur mænniskoanden blir fri BIBSYS National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
Xin li de gai zao Library of Congress/NACO
Xin shi xue Library of Congress/NACO
Yeme ha-benayim. Library of Congress/NACO
ימי הבינים והעת החדשה: פרשת דברי ימי מערב אירופה מימי תמוטת הממלכה הרומית ועד הזמן הזה National Library of Israel
Tâm lý cải tạo Library of Congress/NACO
Nhân gian hài kịch National Diet Library, Japan
Tự hỏi の sinh thành National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
Tân sử học National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Tân tư tưởng の phổ biến hóa National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
Tinh thần の hình thành: Trí thức と xã hội cách tân の quan hệ National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
Cận đại Châu Âu phát đạt sử National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)

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