Virtual International Authority File


Faber, J. BIBSYS RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France

Faber, Josef NII (Japan) National Library of Israel National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO

Faber, Josef, 1935- National Library of the Czech Republic ISNI

Josef Faber Wikidata

VIAF ID: 48073998 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Biological and psychological programmes as a groundplan for the ontogenesis of the human psyche National Library of the Czech Republic
Bulbo-thalamo-cortical structures and their activities simulated by "formator-complex" and "multilayered iterative algorithm" models: an electroencephalographic and neuroinformatic study National Library of the Czech Republic Wikidata
Calvijn over het beeld Gods RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Die Deficits im Staats- und Privathaushalte, deren Entstehen, Folgen und Abhilfe, oder, Gold und Silber ein falscher Werthmesser NII (Japan) National Library of Israel
EEG: atlas do kapsy National Library of the Czech Republic
Elektroencefalografie a psychofyziologie National Library of the Czech Republic
Epileptogenese a "psychosogenese" National Library of the Czech Republic
Formal aspects of virgilance during petit mal paroxysm BIBSYS National Library of the Czech Republic
Formální aspekty vigility během paroxysmu petit mal: Doktorská disertace National Library of the Czech Republic RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France
Intrapsychická imaginace je iluzí digitalizované mentace National Library of the Czech Republic Wikidata
Inventaris van het archief van de Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Bouwkunst 1842-1918 Sudoc [ABES], France
Isagogé to non-linear dynamics of formators and complexes in the CNS National Library of the Czech Republic
Kognitivní funkce biologických a arteficielních neuronových sítí = Cognitive functions of biological and artificial neural network National Library of the Czech Republic Wikidata
Neurokybernetic analogies: the results of their clinical applications and proposals for their further mutual simulation National Library of the Czech Republic
Neuronové sítě a informační systémy živých organismů National Library of the Czech Republic
Neuropsychiatrické syndromy jako projevy patologických forem učení National Library of the Czech Republic
Nocturnal sleep stereoelectroencephalography and polygraphy in epileptics National Library of the Czech Republic
Noetics seen through the neurologist's eyes National Library of the Czech Republic
Non-autonomous pteridine formation induced by implantation of wild-type malpighian tubules in two different lines of the mutant 'Maroon-like' (MA-L) of 'Drosophila melanogaster' RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Normal table of Xenopus laevis (Daudin): a systematical and chronological survey of the development from the fertilized egg till the end of metamorphosis RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Pokroky v neurovědách National Library of the Czech Republic
Problems of reliability in interactions between human subjects and artificial systems: (first book on micro-sleeps) National Library of the Czech Republic
QEEG: korelace EEG analýzy s psychologickými testy = correlation of EEG analysis with psychological tests National Library of the Czech Republic
Sensorium humanum phenomenon magicum National Library of the Czech Republic
Spolehlivost interakce operátora s umělým systémem National Library of the Czech Republic
Stratigraphie, sédimentologie et paléogéographie du crétacé moyen et superieur du bassin de Valréas et de son pourtour (Gargasien à Coniancien) Sudoc [ABES], France
Synchronizace biologických rytmů - EEG, dechu a EKG National Library of the Czech Republic
Temporální epilepsie a vědomí National Library of the Czech Republic
Vigilance, sleep, petit mal, and electroencephalogram as manifestations of programmed brain regulation, c1978: National Library of the Czech Republic Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel

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