Virtual International Authority File


Smith, Maxwell A. (Maxwell Austin), 1894- National Library of Australia Library of Congress/NACO

Smith, Maxwell Austin ISNI RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Smith, Maxwell A. 1894- German National Library NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

Smith, Maxwell Austin, 1894-19.. Sudoc [ABES], France

Smith, Maxwell Austin, 1894- National Library of the Netherlands

VIAF ID: 34373663 (Personal)


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Title Sources
François Mauriac RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
French short stories of the twentieth century, with short sketches of the authors, notes and vocabulary Library of Congress/NACO
Giono selections. Library of Congress/NACO
Jean Giono Library of Congress/NACO
Knight of the air: the works and life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO
L'influence des lakistes sur les romantiques français RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Marion De Lorme Library of Congress/NACO
Prosper Mérimée / by RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO
A Saint-Exupéry reader NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Short history of French literature Library of Congress/NACO
Short stories by French romanticists Library of Congress/NACO

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