Virtual International Authority File


Susanne Mayer Wikidata

Mayer, Susanne (Senior researcher) Library of Congress/NACO

Mayer, Susanne 1983- German National Library

VIAF ID: 3107157162076078980000 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Best-worst scaling to assess the most important barriers and facilitators for the use of health technology assessment in Austria Wikidata
Comparison of statistical analysis methods for object case best–worst scaling Wikidata
Cost and quality-of-life impacts of community treatment orders (CTOs) for patients with psychosis: economic evaluation of the OCTET trial Wikidata
Cost-of-illness studies in nine Central and Eastern European countries Wikidata
Economic Evaluation of Obesity Prevention in Early Childhood: Methods, Limitations and Recommendations Wikidata
Efficiency, ownership, and financing of hospitals: the case of Austria Wikidata
Health-Related Resource-Use Measurement Instruments for Intersectoral Costs and Benefits in the Education and Criminal Justice Sectors Wikidata
Organization and Supply of Long-term Care Services for the Elderly: A Bird's-eye View of Old and New EU Member States Wikidata
Public health aspects of migrant health, 2015: Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO
The societal costs of chronic pain and its determinants: The case of Austria Wikidata
Socioeconomic determinants of medicines use in Central Eastern Europe: the role of pharmaceutical policy in reducing inequalities. Wikidata
Socioeconomic determinants of prescribed and non-prescribed medicine consumption in Austria Wikidata

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