Virtual International Authority File


Lloyd, Bernhard, 1960- BIBSYS National Library of Norway National Library of the Czech Republic ISNI German National Library National Library of Lithuania

Lloyd, Bernhard, pseudonüüm, 1960- National Library of Estonia

Lloyd, Bernhard National Library of Spain Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries

Bernhard Lloyd deutscher Musiker und Mitbegründer der Synthie-Pop-Band Alphaville Wikidata

VIAF ID: 93424044 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Afternoons in Utopia German National Library
Big in Japan Wikidata BIBSYS National Library of Spain German National Library Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries
Být stále mlád Wikidata
Dance with me; The Nelson highrise sector 2, The mirror National Library of Spain
Forever Young Wikidata BIBSYS National Library of Spain German National Library
Förevigt nu Wikidata
Für immer jung Wikidata German National Library
Happy megamix mastermix edition. National Library of Estonia
Igavesti noor National Library of Estonia
Japan ist weit Wikidata
Jet set: dub mix; Golden feeling; Jet set: dub mix; Golden feeling / Alphaville National Library of Spain Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries
Lover boy National Library of Spain
Pop of the tops 80's 90's absolute covermix. National Library of Estonia
Radio active. National Library of Estonia
Red rose; Concrete soundtrack for imaginary films I / Alphaville Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries
Romeos; Headlines / Alphaville National Library of Spain Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries
Sensations remix; The Nelson Highries Sector 3, The Garage: Vingt mille leues sous les mers National Library of Spain
Siempre joven National Library of Spain
Sounds Like a Melody Wikidata German National Library National Library of Spain
Suena como una melodía National Library of Spain
Summer rain National Library of Spain
Universal daddy National Library of Spain
Uno Kaupmees 2 CD-plaati, 45 parimat lugu. National Library of Estonia
برای همیشه جوان (ترانه آلفاویل) Wikidata
بزرگ در ژاپن (آهنگ آلفاویل) Wikidata
บิ๊กอินเจแปน Wikidata

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