Aanzet voor een adviessysteem voor oogst uit het bos: voor een evenwichtige nutriëntenbalans en een goede functievervulling van het bos |
Assessment of critical loads and the impact of deposition scenarios by steady state and dynamic soil acidification models |
Assessment of nitrogen fluxes to air and water from site scale to continental scale: an overview |
Bepaling van provinciale stikstofplafonds: integrale afweging van effecten van het mest- en ammoniakbeleid |
Beplanting in de Lauwerszee: beheerservaring met bos- en landschappelijke beplantingen in de periode van 1971-1987 |
Betekenis van de bosmeetnetten voor de beleidscyclus van LNV |
Carbon–nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation – Part 1: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and modelling |
De chemische samenstelling van bodem en bodemvocht van duingronden in de provincie Zuid-Holland |
Consequences of human modification of the global nitrogen cycle |
The contribution of nitrogen deposition to the eutrophication signal in understorey plant communities of European forests |
Critical levels of atmospheric pollution: criteria and concepts for operational modelling of mercury in forest and lake ecosystems |
Critical Loads and Dynamic Risk Assessments Nitrogen, Acidity and Metals in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems |
Critical loads for acidity and nitrogen for Dutch forests on a 1 kmx1 km grid |
Critical loads of copper, nickel, zinc, arsenic, chromium and selenium for terrestrial ecosystems at a European scale: a preliminary assessment |
Critical soil concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury in view of health effects on humans and animals. |
Derivation of cation exchange constants for sand, loess, clay and peat soils on the basis of field measurements in the Netherlands |
The Dutch N-cascade in the european perspective |
Dynamic modelling of phosphorus export at river basin scale based on Global NEWS |
Effects of acid deposition on 150 forest stands in the Netherlands |
Effects of measures on nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture: using INITIATOR and IPCC methods |
Effects of nitrogen addition on soil methane uptake in global forest biomes |
Effects of various deposition scenarios on the aluminium hydroxide content of Dutch forest soils |
Enhanced acidification in Chinese croplands as derived from element budgets in the period 1980-2010. |
Evaluation of the performance and limitations of empirical partition-relations and process based multisurface models to predict trace element solubility in soils |
Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems |
De gemiddeld jaarlijks waterbalans van bos-, heide- en graslandvegetaties |
Giant Lyα Nebulae Associated with High‐Redshift Radio Galaxies |
Global meta-analysis of terrestrial nitrous oxide emissions and associated functional genes under nitrogen addition |
Global modelling of surface water quality: a multi-pollutant approach |
Human impacts on planetary boundaries amplified by Earth system interactions |
Imbalanced phosphorus and nitrogen deposition in China’s forests |
Impacts of cross compliance measures on environmental indicators: an assessment tool to evaluate environmental impacts at the European scale |
Impacts of model structure and data aggregation on European wide predictions of nitrogen and green house gas fluxes in response to changes in livestock, land cover, and land management |
Implementation of a mandatory programme on intensive forest monitoring in Slovenia |
Improving national-scale carbon stock inventories using knowledge on land use history |
De indirecte effecten van atmosferische depositie op de vitaliteit van Nederlandse Boss en |
Johannes Doedes de Jong: water |
Kennisbasis thema 1: duurzame ontwikkeling van de groenblauwe ruimte in een veranderende wereld: jaarrapportage 2007 |
Kringlooplandbouw in Noord-Nederland: van marge naar mainstream |
Kwetsbaarheid van de Nederlandse bodem voor verzuring: een voorlopige indicatie in het kader van de Richtlijn Ammoniak en Veehouderij |
Literatuurstudie naar voorraden en verblijftijden van elementen in bosecosystemen |
Long-term risks of inadequate management practices on the sustainability of agricultural soils |
Mapping critical loads: a guidance to the criteria, calculations, data collection and mapping of critical loads |
Mapping vademecum |
Metal-Enriched Gaseous Halos around Distant Radio Galaxies: Clues to Feedback in Galaxy Formation |
Model-Based Analysis of the Long-Term Effects of Fertilization Management on Cropland Soil Acidification |
Modelling soil carbon sequestration of intensively monitored forest plots in Europe by three different approaches |
Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Ecosystem Services and Interactions with other Pollutants and Climate Change |
Nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathways 4 |
Non-linear direct effects of acid rain on leaf photosynthetic rate of terrestrial plants |
Nutrients trigger carbon storage |
Onderzoek naar de effekten van mestbeperking op de nitraatuitspoeling in waterwingebieden in Overijssel |
One for the money but two for the show |
Ontwikkeling van een gemeenschappelijke effect module voor terrestrische natuur |
Opzet voor een Leidraad Bodembeoordeling bij natuurontwikkeling |
Prediction of the long term accumulation and leaching of zinc in Dutch agricultural soils: a risk assessment study |
Provinciale verkenning van de effecten van maatregelen in de landbouw ter vermindering van stikstofemissies naar atmosfeer, grondwater en oppervlaktewater |
Quantifying drivers of soil acidification in three Chinese cropping systems |
Quantifying impacts of nitrogen use in European agriculture on global warming potential |
Radio-loud high-redshift protogalaxy candidates in Bootes |
Reconciling regional nitrogen boundaries with global food security |
Relatie tussen vegetatie en abiotische factoren in het Meetnet Vitaliteit en Verdroging: een statistische studie op grond van waarnemingen in 200 opstanden in 1995 en 1996 |
Relation between forest vegetation, atmospheric deposition and site conditions at regional and European scales |
Resultaten van een orienterend onderzoek naar de minerale voedingstoestand en de biochemische eigenschappen van acht Douglasopstanden met vitale en minder vitale bomen in Midden-Nederland, winter 1984/1985 |
Retention of deposited ammonium and nitrate and its impact on the global forest carbon sink |
Safe and just Earth system boundaries |
Scientific arguments for net carbon increase in soil organic matter in Dutch forests |
A semi-empirical dynamic soil acidification model for use in spatially explicit integrated assessment models for Europe |
Short and long-term impacts of nitrogen deposition on carbon sequestration by forest ecosystems |
SMB, a Simple Mass Balance model to calculate critical loads |
Soil response to acid deposition at different regional scales: field and laboratory data, critical loads and model predictions |
Spatial variation of modelled total, dry and wet nitrogen deposition to forests at global scale |
Spatio-temporal trends of nitrogen deposition and climate effects on Sphagnum productivity in European peatlands |
Spectroscopy of Ultra–steep-Spectrum Radio Sources |
A synthesis of ecosystem management strategies for forests in the face of chronic nitrogen deposition |
Ten years of monitoring forest condition in Europe: studies on temporal development, spatial distribution and impacts of natural and anthropogenic stress factors: technical background report |
Towards a climate-dependent paradigm of ammonia emission and deposition |
Uncertainties in critical loads and target loads of sulphur and nitrogen for European forests: analysis and quantification |
Urban soil phosphorus hotspot and its imprint on tree leaf phosphorus concentrations in the Beijing region |
Use of dynamic soil-vegetation models to assess impacts of nitrogen deposition on plant species composition: an overview. |
Using advanced surface complexation models for modelling soil chemistry under forests: Solling forest, Germany |
Volume 1 |