Virtual International Authority File


Borba, Marcelo C. DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center) National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands BIBSYS Sudoc [ABES], France ISNI

Borba, Marcelo de Carvalho, 1959- National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of Brazil

Borba, Marcelo C. (Marcelo Carvalho) Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada

Marcelo de Carvalho Borba brazilský matematik a vysokoškolský pedagog zaměřený na využití digitálních technologií v matematickém vzdělávávání, online distanční vzdělávání, modelování jako pedagogický přístup a na metodiku kvalitativního výzkumu Wikidata

VIAF ID: 61874271 (Personal)


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Title Sources
EDUCACAO A DISTANCIA ONLINE xR Extended Relationships National Library of Brazil
Educação matemática: pesquisa em movimento National Library of Brazil Library of Congress/NACO
Grupo EMFoco: diferentes olhares, múltiplos focos e autoformação continuada de educadores matemáticos National Library of Brazil
Humans-with-media and the reorganization of mathematical thinking: information and communication technologies, modeling, visualization, and experimentation Library and Archives Canada National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS
A informática em ação, 2000: Library of Congress/NACO
Internationalisation and Globalisation in Mathematics and Science Education Sudoc [ABES], France
Pesquisa em ensino e sala de aula: diferentes vozes em uma investigação National Library of Brazil
The role of technology in the mathematics classroom: proceedings of Working Group 16 at ICME-8, the 8th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Seville, Spain, 1996 Sudoc [ABES], France
Roles of technologies for future teaching in a pandemic: activity, agency, and humans-with-media Wikidata
Situations didactiques pour le développement de la pensée mathématique créative: étude sur les fonctions et les algorithmes. Sudoc [ABES], France
Tecnologias digitais e educação matemática National Library of Brazil
Tendências internacionais em formação de professores de matemática National Library of Brazil Library of Congress/NACO
Um estudo de etnomatematica sua incorporacao na elaboracao de uma proposta pedagogica para o Nucleo-Escola da Favela da Vila Nogueira-Sao Quirino National Library of Brazil
The ¤ideology of certainty DBC (Danish Bibliographic Center)

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