Third-party JavaScript performance

Find out how third-party JavaScript can affect performance and what you can do to keep it from slowing down your sites.

Milica Mihajlija
Milica Mihajlija

Third-party JavaScript generally refers to scripts embedded in your website that are:

  • Not authored by you
  • Served from third-party servers

Sites use these scripts for various purposes, including:

  • Social sharing buttons
  • Video player embeds
  • Chat services
  • Advertising iframes
  • Analytics and metrics scripts
  • A/B testing scripts for experiments
  • Helper libraries (like date formatting, animation, and functional libraries)

Third-party scripts can provide powerful functionality, but that's not the whole story. They also affect privacy, security, and page behavior⁠—and they can be particularly problematic for performance.


Any significant amount ofJavaScript can slow down performance.But because third-party JavaScript is usually outside your control, it can bring additional issues.


Setting up connections takes time, and sending too many requests to multiple servers causes slowdowns. That time is even longer for secure connections, which may involve DNS lookups, redirects, and several round trips to the final server that handles the user's request.

Third-party scripts often add to network overhead with things such as:

  • Firing additional network requests
  • Pulling in unoptimized images and videos
  • InsufficientHTTP caching,which forces frequent fetching of network resources
  • Insufficientserver compressionof resources
  • Multiple instances of frameworks and libraries pulled in by different third-party embeds


The way third-party JavaScript is loaded matters a lot. If it's done synchronously in the critical rendering path it delays parsing of the rest of the document.

If a third party has server issues and fails to deliver a resource, rendering is blocked until the request times out, which can be anywhere from 10 to 80 seconds. You can test and simulate this problem withWebPageTest Single-Point-of-Failure tests.

What to do about it

Using third-party JavaScript is often unavoidable, but there are things you can do to minimize adverse effects:

  • When choosing third-party resources, favor those that send the least amount of code while still giving you the functionality you need.
  • Useperformance budgetsfor third-party content to keep their cost in check.
  • Don't use the same functionality from two different vendors. You probably don't need two tag managers or two analytics platforms.
  • Routinely audit and clean out redundant third-party scripts.

To learn how to audit third-party content and load it efficiently for better performance and user experience, check out the other posts in theOptimize your third-party resourcessection.