Using a PWA in your Android app

Start a PWA in an Android app

Progressive Web Apps(PWA) are web applications that use app-like features to create high quality experiences that are fast, reliable, and engaging.

The web has incredible reach and offers powerful ways for users to discover new experiences. But users are also used to searching for applications in their operating system store. Those users are, in many cases, already familiar with the brand or service they're seeking and have a high level of intentionality that results in higher than average engagement metrics.

The Play Store is a store for Android apps, and developers often want to open their Progressive Web Apps from their Android apps.

Trusted Web Activity is an open standard that allows browsers to provide a fully web platform compatible container that renders PWAs inside an Android app. The feature is available inChrome,and in development inFirefox Nightly.

Existing solutions were limited

It has always been possible to include web experiences in an Android app, using technologies like theAndroid WebViewor frameworks likeCordova.

The limitation with Android WebView is that it's not intended as a browser replacement. The Android WebView is a developer tool for using web UI in an Android app and it doesn't provide complete access to modern web platform features such ascontact picker,orfilesystem, among others.

Cordova was designed to augment the shortcomings of WebView, but the APIs are then limited to the Cordova environment. That means you need to maintain an additional codebase for using Cordova APIs for your Android app, separate from your PWA on the open web.

In addition, feature discoverability often doesn't always work as expected and compatibility issues between Android versions and OEMs can also be a problem. When using one of those solutions, developers need additional quality assurance processes and incur an extra development cost to detect and create workarounds.

Trusted Web Activity is a new container for Web apps on Android

Developers can now use aTrusted Web Activityas a container to include a PWA as a launch activity for an Android app. The technology leverages the browser to render the PWA in full screen, ensuring the Trusted Web Activity has the same compatibility with the Web Platform features and APIs that the underlying browser does. There are also open source utilities to make implementing an Android app using a Trusted Web Activity even easier.

Another advantage not available in other solutions is that the container shares storage with the browser. Login states and users preferences are shared seamlessly across experiences.

Browser Compatibility

The feature has been available in Chrome since version 75, with Firefox implementing it in their nightly version.

Quality Criteria

Web developers should use a Trusted Web Activity when they want to include web content in an Android app.

Web content in a Trusted Web Activity must meet the PWA installability criteria.

Additionally, to match the behavior users expect from Android applications, Chrome 86 introduced a changewhere failing to handle the following scenarios is considered a crash:

  • Failure to verify digital asset links at application launch.
  • Failure to return HTTP 200 for an offline network resource request.
  • A navigation request returning an HTTP 404 or 5xx error ".

When one of those scenarios happens in the Trusted Web Activity, it causes a user visible crash of the Android application. Check out theguidanceon handling those scenarios in your service worker.

The application must also meet additional Android-specific criteria such aspolicy compliance.

A screenshot showing the Lighthouse score for AirHorn, with the PWA badge and a performance score of 100.
The PWA badge in Lighthouse shows if your PWA passes the installability criteria.


Web developers who want to take advantage of Trusted Web Activity don't need to learn new technologies or APIs to transform their PWA into an Android Application. Together, Bubblewrap and PWABuilder provide developer tooling in the form of a library, Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).


TheBubblewrapproject generates Android apps in the form of a NodeJS library and a Command Line Interface (CLI).

Bootstrapping a new project is achieved by running the tool and passing the URL of the Web Manifest:

npx @bubblewrap/cli init --manifest=

The tool can also build the project, and running the command below will output an Android application ready to be uploaded to the Play Store:

npx @bubblewrap/cli build

After running this command, a file calledapp-release-signed.apkwill be available in the root directory for the project. This is the file that will beuploaded to the Play Store.


PWABuilderhelps developers transform existing websites into Progressive Web Apps. It also integrates with Bubblewrap to provide a GUI interface to wrap those PWAs into an Android app. The PWABuilder team has put together agreat blog poston how to generate an Android application using the tool.

Verifying ownership of the PWA in the Android app

A developer building a great Progressive Web App wouldn't want another developer to build an Android app with it without their permission. To ensure this doesn't happen, the Android application must be paired with the Progressive Web App using a tool called Digital Asset Links.

Bubblewrap and PWABuilder take care of the necessary configuration on the Android application, but a last step remains, which is adding theassetlinks.jsonfile to the PWA.

To generate this file, developers need the SHA-256 signature of the key used to sign the APK that is being downloaded by the users.

The key can be generated in multiple ways, and the easiest way to find which key that signed the APK being served to end users is to download it from the Play Store itself.

To avoid showing a broken application to users, deploy the application to a closed test channel,install it into a test device then usePeter's Asset Link Toolto generate the correctassetlinks.jsonfile for the app. Make the generatedassetlinks.jsonfile available at/.well-known/assetlinks.json,in the domain being validated.

Where to go next

A Progressive Web App is a high quality web experience. Trusted Web Activity is a new way to open those high quality experiences from an Android app when they meet the minimum quality criteria.

If you are getting started with Progressive Web Apps, read our guidance on how to build a great PWA.For developers who already have a PWA, use Lighthouseto verify if it meets the quality criteria.

Then, useBubblewraporPWABuilderto generate the Android application, upload the application to a closed test channel on the Play Storeand pair it with the PWA usingPeter's Asset Link Tool.

Finally, move your application from the closed test channel to production!