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About the WICG

The Web Incubator Community Group (WICG) is a community group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)that incubates new web platform features. The WICG is a place for experimentation and discussion of new web platform features. The WICG is not a standards body, but rather a forum for discussion and incubation of new ideas that could one day become web standards.

Making a proposal

If you are interested in contributing a proposal to the WICG, please see our proposals repository on GitHub. The usual steps for incubating a proposal in the WICG is as follows:

  1. Submit a proposal outlining your idea.
  2. Get feedback and improve your proposal.
  3. Find collaborators and create a GitHub repository.
  4. Work on your proposal and seek consensus from the community.
  5. Advocate for adoption of your proposal to the W3Cor the WHATWGfor standardization.

Active Incubations

There areincubations actively being worked on by the WICG community. The medianincubation time is.The longest running incubation is ,which has been incubating for approximately .The shortest incubation is ,which has been incubating for .

Incubations are listed from most active participation to least active, based on the community's interaction with issues and incoming commits.

Archived incubations

The following incubations have been archived and are no longer actively being pursued by the WICG community. This indicates that either they have successfully progressed to the recommendation track in aW3C Working Groupor the WHATWG,or they have been abandoned.

The median time for archived incubations is .The shortest incubation before being archived was , which lasted for approximately . The longest running incubation before being archived was ,which lasted for approximately .

Useful Resources