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This page details our key financial documents, policies and reports. It will get quite in-depth at times, but we've made every attempt to make it 'human-readable'.


We have several policies that guide how we spend our funds. These policies are changed by theboardas and when needed.

  • OurFinance Policysets out how we maintain suitable financial controls to safeguard our assets and ensure they are applied effectively and efficiently in support of ourobjects.Where financial conflicts between different policies exist, generally theFinance Policywill take precedence.
  • OurConflict of Interest Policycontrols when a trustee is allowed to claim expenses, and the very limited circumstances in which a Trustee may buy from, sell to, be employed by, or receive financial benefit from the charity.
  • OurScheme of Delegationsets out the powers that are delegated to the Chief Executive - for example, the power to spend money, hire staff, or represent the charity publicly.
  • OurDonation and grant acceptancepolicy, which sets out the circumstances in which a donation can be accepted without having to consult the board.

Annual Reports

Since 2012, our Annual Reports and end-of-year accounts have been created in two formats - a glossy version with limited financial information, known as the Annual Review, and a plain version with full financial information, known as the Annual Report. The Annual Report is the copy that is submitted to Companies House and the Charity Commission.

Annual Plans and Budgets

We develop our annual budgets transparently on this website. You can find them at:

Fundraising and Grants

We have, in the past, participated in the annual Wikimedia fundraiser; you can find the agreements governing this participation at:

We have also previously applied for the following grants:


  1. Abbreviated accountsare also available, which were prepared in the interim period before the full accounts were finalized