Back to Support Domains and Email Verify Your Domain Contact Information

Verify Your Domain Contact Information

All domains must have valid contact details. This guide will show you how to verify your domain via email for ICANN, update your domain’s contact details, and keep your details private.

About Domain Contact Information

ICANNis the organization responsible for domain ownership. As per ICANN policy, all domain owners are required to provide current and valid contact information. In most cases, the contact information you provide as part of the registration process will be used as your administrative, technical, and billing contacts for the domain.

You can choose to use the same email as yourWordPress accountor a different email. However, we do not recommend using an email associated with the domain itself (for example,admin@yourgroovydomainas the contact email foryourgroovydomain). If the domain stops working, so will the email address and we will not be able to contact you via email to inform you.

The information provided in the registrant contact information is the Registered Name Holder and is considered the owner of the domain. Therefore, we use registrant contact information to settle domain ownership disputes if they arise. Be sure toupdate the contact informationif there are any changes to the ownership of the domain.

Verify Your Domain

To verify your domain via email for ICANN, take the following steps:

  1. Select your domain from theDomainssection of your account.
  2. Click the “Contact information”section of your domain’s settings.
  3. View the email address you provided with your domain, which may be different to the email you normally use:
An arrow points to the domain's contact email.
  1. Visit the inbox for that email address and check for an email sent at the time you registered the domain.
  2. Click the link in the email to verify the email for your domain.

Failure to verify the domain within 14 days will suspend the domain until you verify the domain,cancelit, or allow it toexpire.

You may also find the following error message in your dashboard:

You must respond to the ICANN email to verify your domain email address or your domain will stop working. Please check your inbox and respond to the email.

If you have not received the ICANN verification email, try the following:

Change Your Domain Contact Information

You can update the contact details for your domain by taking the following steps:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate toUpgrades →Domains(orHosting →Domainsif using WP-Admin).
  3. Click on your domain. You will then find a summary of your domain details like this:
  1. Click on the “Contact information”section.
  2. Click on the “Edit”button:
The contact Information component of the domain settings screen.
  1. Type in your current details and click the “Save contact info”button to commit the change:
The Edit contact information screen allows you to input your name, organization, email, phone number, and physical address, as well as to opt out of the 60-day transfer lock.

Email or Name Changes

Under ICANN policy, any change in the following details counts as a change in domain ownership:

That means these changes must be confirmed via email before taking effect. Depending on when you registered your domain and the type of domain you registered, this process will happen in one of two ways:

An email with a link is sent to verify your contact information. ICANNsuspendsthe domain name if you do not click the email link within 14 days. Make sure you check the email (including spam folders) you set up as yourdomain contact information email address.

Once the contact information is verified, a suspended domain name will come back online within 30 minutes.

Designated Agent

UnderICANN’s Inter-Registrant Transfer (Change of Registrant) Policy,most updates to your first name, last name, organization, or email address will be considered a change of registrant and kick off the change of registrant process, even if you’re not actually transferring the domain to someone else. By authorizing your respective registrar (either Automattic or Tucows Domains Inc.) as yourDesignated Agent,you can change your domain contact information or transfer ownership of your domain immediately without dealing with a slew of notification and confirmation emails.

If your domain is eligible for this Designated Agent status, the following notice will appear before the “Save contact info”button when changing your contact details:

The text says: "By clicking Save contact info, you agree to the applicable Domain Registration Agreement and confirm that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. You authorize the respective registrar to act as your Designated Agent."

Rest assured, we won’t use this Designated Agent status to take any other action on your domain. This authorization is only to streamline the process of updating your information. If you’re not comfortable with authorizing your registrar to act as your Designated Agent, pleasetransfer your domain to another registrar.

60-Day Transfer Lock

Changing the first name, last name, email address, or organization name will also apply a 60-day transfer lock to the domain. During this time, you cannot transfer your domain to another registrar, but the domain will continue to work as usual.

Unless you plan on transferring your domain during the next 60 days, you do not need to opt out of the 60-day transfer lock.

For most domains, you can avoid the transfer lock by ticking the box that says “Opt-out of the 60-day transfer lock”whileupdating your domain contact information.Older domains can opt out of the transfer lock via a confirmation email as explained in Option 2 in the previous section.

The opt out of 60-day transfer lock checkbox and the box is checked.

Privacy Protection

Private domain registration is enabled by default on WordPress. While some domain registrars charge extra to keep your contact information private, we include it as standard on WordPress.

Learn more aboutprivacy protection for your domain.

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