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UNSW Donor Privacy Statement

This page tells you about the Donor Privacy Statement the University has in place to protect the privacy of its donors.

The University is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its donors’ information. We have implemented measures to comply with our obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) ("the Act") and other privacy laws including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU). All employees are bound by the Act and by the UNSW Privacy Policy.

Note: The Donor Privacy Statement was updated on 19 December 2019.

Collection of your personal information

The University collects your personal information directly from you when you donate to the University and at times following your donation. It may also collect personal information from other sources, but only with your consent or where required or authorised by law.

Personal information collected by the University includes your name, donation details, home address, other contact details, company or organisation details and bank or credit card details.

Personal information is only collected for purposes that are directly related to and reasonably necessary for the legitimate functions and activities of the University. You will be advised of any consequences of not providing personal information requested by the University or where the collection is required by law.

Security and retention of your personal information

The University stores your personal information in systems owned and managed by the University, and in other systems under license or by agreement. Service providers of such systems are contractually bound by the University’s privacy and security requirements. Access to your personal information is limited to University employees and contractors who have a legitimate reason to access the information.

The University is required by law to retain records that may contain your personal information for certain periods of time depending on the type of record.

Use of your personal information

Your personal information will be used to process your donation, to provide you with services related to the University that may interest you and to support the University’s planning and quality improvement activities. This includes:

  • processing, recording and receipting your donation;
  • corresponding with you (this includes informing you about University activities or opportunities that may be of interest to you, such as updates on the impact of your donation and new opportunities to contribute to the University);
  • maintaining your donor profile, including supplementing with information form other sources
  • audit, administrative, management and operational activities of the University’s philanthropic functions;
  • for benchmarking, analysis, quality assurance and planning purposes; and
  • facilitating staff training, research and statistical analysis, systems development and testing, and data analysis to develop and improve services and activities (e.g. marketing, philanthropy etc)

The University will seek your consent prior to the use of your personal information for any other purpose, except where that other use is authorised or required by law. If you give your consent you may subsequently withdraw your consent in writing at any time.

Disclosure of your personal information

Your personal information will be disclosed by the University only where necessary to support the uses outlined above. Where personal information is disclosed, it will be done only to the extent necessary to fulfil the purpose of such disclosure. Such disclosures include to:

  • government departments to satisfy the University’s statutory reporting obligations;
  • University controlled entities that are directly related to your donation; and
  • contracted service providers which the University uses to perform services on its behalf and whom are bound by the University’s privacy and security requirements (some providers being located outside New South Wales and/or Australia for which, as a result, personal information collected by the University may be transferred outside of New South Wales and/or Australia).

The University may disclose your personal information where authorised or required to do so by law, including:

  • where disclosure is authorised or required by subpoena, search warrant or other statutory instrument;
  • to a law enforcement agency where such disclosure is necessary to investigate an offence where there are reasonable grounds to believe that an offence may have been committed; and
  • where the University believes on reasonable grounds that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of you or another person.

In all other circumstances, the University will obtain your consent prior to the disclosure of your personal information. If you give your consent you may subsequently withdraw your consent in writing at any time.

Your rights in relation to your personal information

You may request access to and amendment of your personal information that is held by the University, including for corrections, amendment, deletions or data portability. Any such request will be subject to any legal rights and obligations imposed upon the University to retain such information (e.g. retention obligations under the State Records Act).

If you wish to access, amend or delete your personal information, or withdraw consent for a specific use or disclosure of your personal information, you should contact:

UNSW Philanthropy
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 8936 4700 (International +61 2 8936 4700)

For more information on how the University manages personal information, all other privacy enquiries, and how to make a privacy complaint, contact the:

UNSW Privacy Officer
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9385 8369 (International +61 2 9385 8369)
