Twisted50 (4 book series) Kindle Edition
Twisted50 (4 books)
Kindle Edition
Twisted50: 50 stories from 50 disturbed voices of modern horror…
Deliciously dark slices of contemporary horror literature. Reading is like attending a late night secret banquet where you know each course will serve up something unexpected, forbidden and unforgettably chilling. Take your private seat now for 50 luscious courses of terror, from 50 of the strongest voices in modern horror. Each volume contains 50 new stories.
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Books in this series (4 books)
4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars 119 4.2 on Goodreads132 ratings
Twisted 50 is a deliciously dark slice of contemporary horror literature. Reading it is like attending a late night secret banquet where you know each course will serve up something unexpected, forbidden, and unforgettably chilling. Take your private seat now for 50 luscious courses of terror, from 50 of the strongest voices in modern horror.

Featuring stories by: Stephanie Wessell, Troll Dahl, Susan Bodnar, Marie Gethins, Kendall Castor-Perry, Kim, Rickcord, Caroline Slocock, Karen Sheard, Lucy V. Hay, Stephen Deas, Diana Read, Scott Merrow, Steven Quantick, Dylan Keeling, Steve Pool, Jacqui Canham, Nick Twyford, John Ashbrook, Gordon Slack, Richard Craven, Adam Millard, Penegrin Shaw, Geoff Bagwell, Steven Stockford, Andrew Williamson, Alex Thompson, Joshua Saltzman, Rachael Howard, Christopher Patrick, Charles Maciejewski, Hillier Townsend, Bartholomew Cryan, Jonah Jones, Duncan Eastwood, Shirley Day, Richie Brown, Gareth Eynon, Nick Yates, Maggie Innes, Elizabeth Hughes, Kristopher Rickards, Jeanette Hewitt, SV Macdonald, Jessica Brown, Leo Robertson, Chris Jeal, Sasha Black, Thomas Cranham, Neil Bebber, Elinor Perry Smith, Cristina Palmer-Romero, Chris Jones, and John Read.

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$3.26 $2.99 Price was $2.99. Current price is $3.26.

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Open up this advent calender of terror, for the 25 spine tingling days of Christmas. Unsettle in, for a Christmas feast that will be served chilled... to the very bone.

We all love a good Christmas ghost story or horror movie. If Hammer House of Horror, Tales of the Unexpected and Pans Books of Horror set your pulse racing and mind spinning as a youngster, then these stories, set at Christmas, offer the darkest recesses of your mind, a deliciously macabre feast in which to indulge itself.

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$4.35 $3.99 Price was $3.99. Current price is $4.35.

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4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 75 4.1 on Goodreads48 ratings
Twisted 50 volume 2 is your second sitting at the table of contemporary horror. Prepare for an forbidden feast of fifty courses… A slice of terror, grilled to perfection. Ripened dread, stewed in a sensual broth of dark delights. Followed by succulent wonder, wrapped in freshly garrotted fear. Fifty new dishes, from fifty master chefs of the contemporary unspeakable. Settle in and sharpen your knives… here come the Hors d’oeuvres!

Meet The Authors of Twisted50 vol 2...

Jane Badrock, Lee Betteridge, Ricardo Bravo, Richie Brown, Jessica Brown, Lee Burgess, Kendall Castor-Perry, Phil Chard, Dee Chilton, Simon Cluett, Jacky Dahlhaus, Karen Davison, Freya Eden-Ellis, Maryna Gaidar, TR Guest, Penegrin Shaw, Lucy V Hay, Rachael Howard, Fiona Hunnisett, Stephanie Hutton, Maggie Innes, James Jay, Chris Jeal, Fiona Leitch, Matt George Lovett, SV MacDonald, Dean Marriner, Ben Marshall, Scott Merrow, Robbie Mori, Tom Nolan, Andy Perry, Steve Pool, Emma Pullar, Lewis Rice, Ann Richardson, Leo Robertson, Paul Shearer, Gordon Slack, Juliet Sneed, Madeleine Swann, Melissa Szydlek, Bruce Thomas, Milethia Thomas, Phil Town, Hillier Townsend, Nick Twyford, Mark Walker, Eileen Wilson and Nick Yates.

Edited by Elinor Perry Smith // Production Co-ordination and QC by Jade Wheldon / / Create50 Team Leader: Chris Jones // Project Conceived by Cristina Palmer-Romero

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$3.26 $2.99 Price was $2.99. Current price is $3.26.

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4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 32 4.5 on Goodreads32 ratings
Twisted's Evil Little Sister is the sibling volume for Twisted 50, a collection of 33 horror stories... the ones that we couldn’t include in Twisted50 because they were too demented, unhinged, deranged and frankly… evil.

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$3.26 $2.99 Price was $2.99. Current price is $3.26.

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More About the Authors

* Founder of Create50

* Author of The Guerilla Filmmakers Handbooks series.

* Filmmaker with four features and an Oscar shortlisted short under his belt.

* Creative director at the London Screenwriters’ Festival

* Founder of TEDxEaling

Passionate about all things film, Chris has spent his life watching movies, making movies and helping others make their movies. His major projects include action thriller ‘The Runner’, serial killer thriller ‘White Angel’ and paranormal horror ‘Urban Ghost Story’.

Chris co-created and authored The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook series, and currently there are eight editions. He also made the multi-award winning and Oscars shortlisted film ‘Gone Fishing’.

Chris runs the London Screenwriters Festival, TEDxEaling, as well as other training masterclasses for creatives.

In 2014 he completed the crowd created 50 Kisses feature film which entered the Guinness Book Of Records for most screenwriters on a feature film.

In 2016 he released the first Create50 book, Twisted50, available in soft back and Kindle which raced to number one on Amazon on the first day.

Chris runs regular film making workshops for filmmakers with low price points so that everyone can attend and get making their projects.

Right now Chris is developing the feature film ‘Rocketboy’ and running more Create50 projects.

Read his blog at

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Kurt is an award-winning copywriter who especially enjoys writing about science and medicine, and he wants to encourage kids to develop a love for science, too. He received his MFA in creative writing from Amercian University.

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At midnight, if you stare into a mirror and say 'Chris Jeal' five times, he won't appear and rip you to pieces, but you will be well on your way to remembering his name...

Chris is a horror and comedy writer that lives in Bromley. He writes stories that range from the 'I just lost my appetite' variety, to the 'I snorted and did a little snot bubble' kind.


Emma Pullar is an award-winning and bestselling writer of dark fiction and children's stories.

She's also a supporter of Bang2write, Into the Script, and The London Screenwriters' Festival.

Follow Emma on Twitter @EmmaStoryteller or Instagram @emmapullar_storyteller or fb page Emma Pullar or visit her website

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Fiona Faith Ross is a screenwriter and fiction writer, living in the rainy and cold west of England. She writes mostly about family relationships and misunderstandings in Young Adult & Teen, Romance, Magical Realism & Fantasy genres, with a smattering of old and new technologies. Physical travel may be forbidden or limited these days, but our imaginations will take us anywhere. She also writes Occult and Supernatural Horror under F. F. Ross. Follow me here for news of offers and updates! Happy reading. Stay safe.


Rose is a London-based writer of weird fiction (horror, fantasy, and sci-fi), with a number of short stories available in print, e-book, and online.


Claire Rye’s self-assessment as an "old-school head banging, vegetarian, nature loving, history fan and sci-fi geek" captures the eclectic nature of her interests and influences.

Understandably, her self-published novels are diverse in genres. Ranging from fantasy, science fiction, mystery to erotica.

Claire’s non-conformist writing style means each book is unpredictable. However, regardless of the category of story, the quirky yet relatable characters and surprising revelations make for a rewarding journey.

Claire Rye started to explore the world of writing in 2015 when her flair for the written word was discovered accidentally. She kept an informal blog while travelling through the United States and Europe. Claire found that her love of the unconventional helped her to look beyond the superficial. She discovered the ability to see ‘the story behind the story’ of the people and places she encountered.

An overwhelmingly positive and excited response to her travel blog triggered a curiosity that lead to an expansion of her story telling.

Claire Rye was born in Sydney Australia and currently lives on the Gold Coast. She continues to travel and develop her writing skills. You can find out more about Claire Rye and her works at


Aaron is a horror fan through and through. Books, films, art; he has always loved the idea of being scared. Having studied film and art for years, he began to push his desire to write. Most of his time is taken up with family and his hyper three year old daughter. When he has time he tries to get what he can down on paper and has a couple of books in the works (which will hopefully see fruition eventually) as well as writing for his own blog and a couple of websites.


I live in the Lake District and this inspires my writing. This is the dark and dangerous reality of the area rather than the chocolate box image most people know.

I write for Film, TV, Stage, Radio and Short Stories in a range of Genres. My style is surreal with a dash of humour. The main characters in my work range from Tweenies to their 80s because I believe all people are fascinating. Most are outsiders because they have no urge to conform.

Some people tell me I am much easier to live with when I am writing. Others back off as I chat to my characters, aloud, in public.

Hope you enjoy my work.


An engineer by trade but started an interest in screenwriting about 5 years ago preferring drama, horror and thrillers. Learning all the time having pitched two screenplays and other outline ideas at the London Screenwriters Festival. The Twisted 50 initiative has also provided great inspiration leading to becoming a winner for Twisted 50 Vol.1. Onwards and Upwards!

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Simon Cluett's disturbing new pageturner - the psychological thriller 'Minotaur' - is out now. His collection of short horror stories, 'Tales from the Dark Library', is also available. He is a regular contributor to Scare Street's 'Terror in the Shadows', and 'Tavern of Terror', anthology series.


Michael took a long time to realise that writing is what he likes doing and that fantasy worlds are where he feels at home. He is an avid reader and has dabbled in writing poetry and short stories. He has written many short film scripts, some of which have been made into films, and is an active participant in various writing groups for both screen and books. During the lockdown, he has used the discipline of writing every day to start his first novel. It is set in a fantasy world that his live-roleplaying and reenactment friends would love to visit, where magic is real and his 13-year-old female protagonist is discovering that not everything is always as it seems.

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Physicist by training, silicon chip architect by profession and sci-fi fan by inclination. For nearly four decades of technical day job, I've been chasing electrical signals through circuits and systems, wringing out the information they are trying to hide, battling with the monsters lurking within murky forests of transistors. Think of me as the Van Helsing of electronic design.

Over the years I've written a lot of stuff to mentor and encourage others to follow in my tracks - but it only recently occurred to me to make the leap from fact to fiction. So in the precious fragments of spare time that present themselves, I work on short stories, novels and feature screenplays in the sci-fi, technothriller and horror spaces. You'll find me somewhere on the what-if to what-the-Hell continuum...


Nick Yates spent 10 years as a newspaper journalist, scouring the land for stories of human suffering, success, hardship or heroism.

He now writes everything from corporate communiques to exclusive dinner invitations, while continuing to develop his passion for creative writing, particularly horror.

Nick has travelled and worked across the world; living in the UK, Isle of Man, Australia, Sweden and Belize. He is currently based in Northamptonshire with his girlfriend Emily and their son Stan.

Follow him on Twitter: @Nick_Yates1

Or Instagram: @themistralblows

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Phil Chard is the author of "The Akashic Records" and "Urban Necromancer". He lives in England and is currently working on a new project which is expected to be published in December 2013.

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Jacky Dahlhaus has worked many jobs and tried many hobbies before she realized writing gave her such pleasure. She loves to write paranormal fantasy stories while delving into the human psyche with all its faults and mysteries.

Next to writing novels, Jacky is a writer/producer/director for Aberdeenshire Film Productions and an editor/proofreader at Folla Fiction Publishing (

When not busy with the above (which is rare nowadays), Jacky works on renovating her Scottish Victorian home, watches movies with her family, and tries to stop her two Jack Russells from barking for no good reason.

Follow/contact Jacky on:


Twitter: @JackyDahlhaus





Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Karen Davison grew up in Bedfordshire, England. She has been an avid reader and a lover of animals since early childhood. The family's first dog, Scamp, started Karen's lifelong love of dogs.

Qualified in Advanced Canine Behaviour, Psychology and Training, she worked as a professional dog trainer and canine behaviourist for over 12 years. She went on to study Advanced Wolf Behaviour and Ecology and was lucky enough to spend time with wolves at the Wolf Conservation Trust in UK.

One of Karen's favourite sayings: 'Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.' Over the years Karen has shared her life with 21 rescue dogs of various ages, disabilities and behavioural problems and has devoted herself into helping them live their best lives.

Karen has shared her vast knowledge and experience in The Perfect Companion: Understanding, Training and Bonding with your Dog, and a breed specific book for Husky owners: Companion Huskies: Understanding, Training and Bonding with your Dog.

On the lighter side she has published A Dog's Guide to Humans, A Dog's Guide to Cats and It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog Trainer.

After joining a local writers group, she has had both poetry and short stories chosen for publication. Karen is also working on her first fiction novel, which combines her love of writing, wolves and fantasy - Wolf Clan Rising.

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Fiona is a former lawyer who is now an optioned screenwriter represented by WGM Atlantic Group. Fiona's accolades include being a Quarter-finalist of the prestigious Academy Nicholls Fellowship, an Austin Film Festival Second Rounder, Winner of Create 50 The Impact, Co-producer and writer of short film Ring O'Roses, Winner of Twisted 50 Vol. 2, Finalist of Twisted 50 Vol.1, Finalist of 50 Moments, Semi-Finalist of the PAGE Awards and Quarter-finalist of both Screenwriting Goldmine and Shore Scripts.

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Fiona Leitch is an author, tea drinker, and cat slave. She writes the Jodie 'Nosey' Parker cosy crime series for HarperCollins, because she loves thinking about Cornwall, food, and murdering people (not necessarily in that order). She is a sucker for a happy ending (though not for the victim, obviously), a romantic subplot, and the odd cheesy pun.

Fiona is represented by Lina Langlee at the North Literary Agency.

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Robbie Mori has been a horror fan all her life, she is a member of The London Horror Society, to which she has contributed many articles. She lives in South East London with her friend Paul and cat Harry.

Ghost Stories at Christmas, celebrating the traditional ghost story telling in modern settings, is Robbie’s second collection of short stories. She has previously published Iron Lung and Other Stories, a collection of horror stories, and appeared as a featured author on Twisted 50 Vol. 2, a horror story anthology, with ‘The Anniversary’.

Robbie is currently working on a horror novel Save Me to be published Summer 2021.

Twitter: @MoriRobbie

Instagram: @robbie.mori

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Hello! I'm Steve Pool, an comics, urban fantasy, and horror writer. I am the creator and writer of the fantasy adventure comic book series "Taurs". I'm also an avid rpg gamer and オタク (otaku). I live in Portland, Oregon with my wife, Robin.

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Madeleine Swann has been nominated for a Wonderland and Splatterpunk Award and intends to keep writing weird things until the evil fairy lets her out of the cupboard

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Milethia writes short fiction, plays and screenplays. She has two short stories in anthologies: BUSY IZZIE appears in 'Twisted's Evil Little Sister' and A NIGHT WITH LUCILLE HOGWEED appears in Twisted 50 Volume 2.

Currently, she is writing a novel, WALLACE'S BRAT, which was shortlisted in the Commonword Children's Diversity writing prize. An extract from the novel is published in an anthology - PAPER MIRRORS; the book launch is 12th December 2018.

Milethia is also an award-winning screenplay writer and has directed one of her short scripts - FRANCIS OF FELL END FARM - for Create50's THE IMPACT, a feature film in development.

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Eileen is one of fifty winners for 'Twisted 50 - Volume 2'. She's IMDB listed for; 'The Cliché', 'Blind Faith' McDoon and Oot' (for the 48 hour Film Challenge with Fraser Coull); and 'The Grim Truth' (With Jacob Lewis Barnes and Sam Comrie).

She was a Page Awards QF '20 and has been selected for script competitions worldwide. Her novel 'Drowsy, Sleepy Kisses' is a Finalist (Top 5) for Roadmap Writer's 'Write Start 2020' competition.

You can follow her on twitter @WilsonChorlton1

or visit her website.

Check out her interview and live script read for 'The Cliché' here:

and for 'Ginger Snap' here:


Jane writes novels, short stories and poems, usually with a good dose of humour in them. She probably owes it all to her late grandmother who also wrote short stories and poems. She tends to get an idea and then run with it whether it be a 100 word short story or an 80 thousand-word novel. It all depends on the voices in her head at the time…

Follow me on:

Twitter @janebadrock

Facebook Jane Badrock Author

Write to me at [email protected]

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Paul is a Kentish Man (not a Man of Kent, there's a difference), who now lives in Oxford.

He was educated at Dover College Prep School, Folkestone, before moving to Milner Court and then The King's School Canterbury.

Academically he was one of the best in his year, but he burnt out after GCSEs and couldn't really be bothered with A-Levels. He snuck into The University of Nottingham to study manufacturing engineering, but quit just after a year. He switched to Business Studies at Nottingham Trent, but soon packed that in and gave up on academia completely to pursue a career writing films.

He fell into gardening on-and-off for a few years, before flying to Australia, where he spent most of the time in Sydney and worked in a Sex Shop. Whilst attempting to write film scripts, he also had some Erotica published, which he regards as 'Way better than anything EL James ever wrote'.

After returning from Down Under, he eventually moved to London where he soon found a 'proper job' in Press Cuttings, but got fired after a year. This pattern continued in his next job, a photographer for an estate agent, which he also left just after a year.

He slowly pressed on with scriptwriting, whilst dabbling in the world of Film Extras. He consequently wrote a popular blog on the topic for

In 2012 he finally pulled his finger out, and in 2013 won an award and much acclaim for an online advert for PlayStation. He followed this up with his directorial debut for Shell, which had millions of views worldwide, and went on to make numerous commercials for brands such as Chevrolet, Castrol and Lycamobile.

He's now focusing on music videos and shorts, with the goal of writing and directing his own feature film soon.

Outside of film, he enjoys rugby and correcting other people's grammar. His Native American name is ‘Runs with Scissors’ and his favourite sub-atomic particle is the Gluon. He dislikes skinny jeans on men and talking about himself in the 3rd person.

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John Read started writing in the 1970s with comedy sketches on Television & Radio. His short stories and articles have been seen in Newspapers & Magazines from Ireland to Australia.

His work has gained superb reviews from readers and various websites. Many have won the much coveted 'Cherry Award' on the highly respected literary website ABC Tales.

Two of the short stories from his book, 'The Man Who Couldn't Stay Dead,' were independently selected for a compilation book, 'Twisted,' which knocked Stephen King from the top of the Amazon best sellers chart.

One of those stories, 'Summer Sky,' won a prestigious award at a 'red carpet' London ceremony.

Two stories have been re-written as screenplays, one of which has been compared to Dickens, Narnia and The Snowman.

He is also a songwriter, once signed to Warner Chappell, and with songs on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and other internet platforms. He shares credits with Paul McCartney on an album released in the USA by a British Chart group.

He is a member of the RBSA. (Royal Birmingham Society Of Artists.) where his work has been exhibited.

In previous incarnations he has worked as a photographer, carpenter and a Theatre Stage Manager. (Where he was taught to play the piano by Victor Borge, amongst others.)

He has climbed mountains for Alzheimers Research and part of the profits from his writing is donated too.