Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2017
It's hard to write an unbiased review for a book that changed your life, even if it was a previous edition. I think however, it's because I am naturally skeptical that I can be fair handed and even.
To begin then; why, another edition. This is a book that has been around in different editions for 40 years. When an "updated", "new and improved" anything comes out, I am the first to raise an eyebrow as to what the motivation is. In this case, it's simple, both the challenges and the evidence available to the truth of Christianity is a constantly evolving thing, this is a book that in reality could be re-released every 20-30 years with no problem.
Now to the book itself, it is a reference book first and foremost, it is not light reading, in fact it is quite intellectually ta xing. It's designed for you to go to a particular section and gather information to answer a particular question, and in this area it is outstanding. The contents are well laid out so you can find what you need quickly. Questions or challenges are addressed concisely and thoroughly and with good cross references if you are looking to go deeper. I wouldn't suggest reading cover to cover in one sitting (though you can if you desire), take your time, let the information simmer, because there is a lot to take in.
In my opinion, this books greatest strength is its honesty. It is not afraid to present opposing views against Christianity, even when the evidence for faith in that subject can sometimes seem a little light, more than once I found myself wanting the authors to claim absolute undeniability, but that would detract from the overall strength of the honest, accumulative argument. There is no silver bullet either For or against Christianity, you have to weigh the evidence for yourself, honestly, and go from there, for me this book is a scale tipper.
The first time I read this book it helped bring me to a strong intellectual Christian faith, this time, it helped me go even deeper and provide even more answers to what, for me has been a journey with many questions to a faith in Jesus Christ.
ANYONE with an open mind, from staunch atheist to staunch Christian, with any questions about the truth of Christianity will benefit from reading this book, I couldn't recommend it more.
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