The Culled Crown
The Culled Crown (2 book series) Kindle Edition
The Culled Crown (2 book series)
Kindle Edition

Fire at her fingertips. Watch the world burn.

When Monroe Benson was born with the power to summon fire from her fingertips, her family knew she had to stay hidden. But when Queen Viera calls for the Culling, an age-old tradition in Erydia where ten goddess-touched girls battle to the death in order to claim the crown, Monroe can no longer hide. She’s whisked away from her home, from her mother, from everything she’s ever known to fight alongside the other girls–each with their own power—for a throne she does not want.

Duty is his destiny. There’s no way out.

As the son of the queen and the next king, Cohen can’t question tradition. Not even when he’s being mysteriously poisoned. Not even when his sister goes missing and no one seems to care. The Culling makes his life’s choices for him—who will become his wife, who will rule by his side. And when rebellion rises around him, what little control Cohen has over his future is threatened.

Together they’ll stand. Together they’ll fall.

But Monroe sees a different Cohen than the rest of the world. She sees him as more than just the crown, more than just the next cruel ruler in a long line of cruel leaders. In turn, he sees her as more than just her powers. More than just a goddess-touched girl destined to lose her life. When a betrayal threatens both their relationship and the monarchy, Monroe and Cohen face a choice that will change their lives... forever.

For goddess-touched girls, there is only one destiny: the Culling

From the moment Monroe Benson is born with a mark on her hand and the ability to summon fire from her fingertips, her life will never be her own. She’s goddess-touched, which means she’s destined to participate in the Culling, an age-old competition to determine the next queen of Erydia. For most of her seventeen years, her family has managed to keep Monroe—and her powers—hidden. But now, as Queen Viera calls for the Culling to start, and war looms on the horizon, Monroe can no longer hide. She must face her destiny whether she wants to or not.

For the ten goddess-touched girls, all with different powers, the inevitably of this fight to the death has always ruled their lives. The tradition is both barbaric and cruel, but to make matters worse—Monroe isn’t prepared. She hasn’t trained her whole life for this day. She doesn’t want to be in the spotlight. She doesn’t want the crown.

While Monroe struggles with her fate, a rebellion is brewing in the castle and in the country. A group called the Culled are banding together; their goal—to topple the monarchy. And the more they rise, the more merciless Viera is with her kingdom, recruiting younger and younger people from poorer and poorer places to fight in a war no one wants to be waging.

Monroe finds herself on the front lines of the rebellion’s inner circle, and only one thing stands in her way: Cohen. The queen’s son and the man who will be king. Cohen’s dedication to duty, to family, to tradition stands in stark contrast to the boy Monroe sees at night in the kitchens, secretly making the two of them a snack. As the fight crescendos around them, and the death of innocents becomes a reality, the choices Monroe makes will reverberate through the kingdom... and her heart forever.

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Books in this series (2 books)
4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 66 4.3 on Goodreads711 ratings

Fire at her fingertips. Watch the world burn.

When Monroe Benson was born with the power to summon fire from her fingertips, her family knew she had to stay hidden. But when Queen Viera calls for the Culling, an age-old tradition in Erydia where ten goddess-touched girls battle to the death in order to claim the crown, Monroe can no longer hide. She’s whisked away from her home, from her mother, from everything she’s ever known to fight alongside the other girls–each with their own power—for a throne she does not want.

Duty is his destiny. There’s no way out.

As the son of the queen and the next king, Cohen can’t question tradition. Not even when he’s being mysteriously poisoned. Not even when his sister goes missing and no one seems to care. The Culling makes his life’s choices for him—who will become his wife, who will rule by his side. And when rebellion rises around him, what little control Cohen has over his future is threatened.

Together they’ll stand. Together they’ll fall.

But Monroe sees a different Cohen than the rest of the world. She sees him as more than just the crown, more than just the next cruel ruler in a long line of cruel leaders. In turn, he sees her as more than just her powers. More than just a goddess-touched girl destined to lose her life. When a betrayal threatens both their relationship and the monarchy, Monroe and Cohen face a choice that will change their lives... forever.

For goddess-touched girls, there is only one destiny: the Culling

From the moment Monroe Benson is born with a mark on her hand and the ability to summon fire from her fingertips, her life will never be her own. She’s goddess-touched, which means she’s destined to participate in the Culling, an age-old competition to determine the next queen of Erydia. For most of her seventeen years, her family has managed to keep Monroe—and her powers—hidden. But now, as Queen Viera calls for the Culling to start, and war looms on the horizon, Monroe can no longer hide. She must face her destiny whether she wants to or not.

For the ten goddess-touched girls, all with different powers, the inevitably of this fight to the death has always ruled their lives. The tradition is both barbaric and cruel, but to make matters worse—Monroe isn’t prepared. She hasn’t trained her whole life for this day. She doesn’t want to be in the spotlight. She doesn’t want the crown.

While Monroe struggles with her fate, a rebellion is brewing in the castle and in the country. A group called the Culled are banding together; their goal—to topple the monarchy. And the more they rise, the more merciless Viera is with her kingdom, recruiting younger and younger people from poorer and poorer places to fight in a war no one wants to be waging.

Monroe finds herself on the front lines of the rebellion’s inner circle, and only one thing stands in her way: Cohen. The queen’s son and the man who will be king. Cohen’s dedication to duty, to family, to tradition stands in stark contrast to the boy Monroe sees at night in the kitchens, secretly making the two of them a snack. As the fight crescendos around them, and the death of innocents becomes a reality, the choices Monroe makes will reverberate through the kingdom... and her heart forever.

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$8.70 $13.29 Price was $13.29. Current price is $8.70.

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4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 7 4.4 on Goodreads100 ratings

Once there were ten.

Ten goddess-touched girls were born. Each was blessed—or cursed—with a unique power that set them apart. As part of an ancient ritual called the Culling, they were supposed to fight to the death in the arena until only one survived. That girl would marry the prince and ascend to the throne. Now only four girls remain.

Power in her blood.

Monroe Benson is one of the lucky ones. With fire at her fingertips, she survived the arena and the intrigues of the palace. Now she’s turned her back on her destiny, choosing to throw in her lot with the rebellion seeking to overturn the Erydian rulers. Monroe has never wanted the throne. She knows that her future lies elsewhere, but first she’ll have to convince the rebels to believe her.

A traitorous heart.

Hearts, however, cannot always be trusted. Cohen was one of the few good things about the Culling. Monroe believed that he would have made a good ruler, but that doesn’t mean that she wanted to sit beside him on the throne. And now, she finds herself drawn to a rebel leader. A man with secrets of his own. In the end, Monroe will have to trust in more than her power or even her heart if she’s to forge her own path and find her freedom.

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$10.89 $13.29 Price was $13.29. Current price is $10.89.

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More About the Author

Brianna Joy Crump grew up on library cards and games of make-believe.

She loves cats, houseplants, candles that smell nice, cream and sugar with her

coffee, the pretty notebooks she is too afraid to use, the beach, her kindle, and

you. Brianna is the author of The Culled Crown series. She currently lives in

Holly Ridge, North Carolina, with her cat, Jinx—who spend his days sitting

on her desk while she writes. To learn more about Brianna’s writing journey,

follow her on Instagram at @briannajoyc and TikTok @briannajoycrump.