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Enterprise Security

Secure by design

Apple devices are as secure as they are easy to use. State‑of-the‑art features make it simple to protect your data and devices. And built-in frameworks enable IT to manage security systemwide. Together, Apple hardware, software, and services make advanced security seamless.

Hardware and Software

Safer together.

Apple hardware and software aredesigned together
for maximum security
.Whether on Mac, iPad, or iPhone, Apple silicon and operating systems work together to deliver powerful security features that keep your data and devices safe.

App and Web Security

Run with confidence.

Apple devices come with a robust set of features that offerbuilt-in protection from malware and viruses.Apple’s approach to app and web safety helps protect employees from malicious content and makes it easier to find and distribute secure software for any role.

Data Protection

Encrypted everywhere.

Built-in encryption features give you secure access to your devices, messages, and networks, sodata stays protectedat rest and on the move. And your devices stay encrypted even if they fall into the wrong hands.

Device Management

Easy on everyone.

State-of-the-art security features make itsafer and easier to manage devices.IT can seamlessly implement companywide policies, set up devices, and manage app distribution for employees no matter where they work.

Mobile Device Management

secure setup.

Mobile device management (MDM) is a built-in management framework that lets ITset up devices, configure security settings, and manage devices remotely.With MDM, IT can easily create profiles, assign them to employees, and save time, ensuring that employees have everything they need to stay secure and productive.

Endpoint Security


With Apple’s endpoint security, developers can build solutions tomonitor, analyze, and respond
to security threats
.These solutions use system extensions, so IT can stay on top of threats
without impacting overall performance for users.

Apple Business Manager

Keeps IT
in control.

Apple Business Manager is a free, web-based portal that lets ITsafely set up devices and distribute apps from anywhere.IT can create Managed Apple IDs for users, assign new
devices, and buy and distribute apps in bulk.

Identity Integrations

Single sign-on.
For everyone.

Apple devices include a built-in single sign-on framework for secure authentication. Users sign in once to all corporate apps and websites on Mac using Touch ID. And single sign-on integrates with popular identity management solutions tosimplify authentication for the entire business.

Security is one of our main value pillars at Inter. We chose Mac because of the robust security features and streamlined ecosystem, which collectively reduced our IT workloads.

Guilherme Ximenes de Almeida

Chief Technology Officer, Inter