
Apple 2030A plan as innovative
as our products.

We are committed to protecting the planet.
And designing products you love.Apple 2030
is our plan to do both.
By focusing on recycled and renewable materials, clean electricity, and low-carbon shipping, we’re working to bring ournet emissions to zero
across our entire carbon footprint.
We’re sharing our progress — and the work that remains — so you canjoin us
on this journey.

From design to disassembly.

Our progress
by the numbers.

is in our products.

The same innovative thinking that goes into creating the products you love goes into our environmental initiatives. And as we design our products, we’re also using smarter chemistry to make sure they’re safer for everyone who assembles, uses, and recycles them.

View all product innovations

that do a world of good.

Doing right by the planet means doing right by the people who live on it — especially those most impacted by environmental risks. So we’re supporting partners and communities worldwide. Because we can achieve more together than we can alone.

Help make
Mother Nature

There are many small actions you can take to make a big difference for the planet.

Trade in your
device for credit.
Orrecycleit for free.

It’s good for you and the planet.

Learn more about Apple Trade In

Perform your ownrepairswith Apple parts, tools, and manuals.

Learn more about Self Service Repair

Chargeyour iPhone when your local grid is cleaner.17

Learn more aboutClean Energy Charging

Viewcleaner timesto use electricity in your area.18

Learn more about Grid Forecast

Designed with the earth in mind.

Learn more about the progress of your Apple devices with our product environmental reports.

An even closer look at our progress.

Learn more about our latest efforts to fight climate change and support equity.

View the 2024 Environmental Progress Report (PDF)

Additional Reports and Resources

Smarter Chemistry

Apple has a rigorous program to ensure the safety of chemicals used in our products. Learn about Apple’s strict standards, detailed toxicological assessments, and methodology for assessing chemicals of concern.

People and Environment in Our Supply Chain

We hold ourselves and our suppliers to the highest standards of labor and human rights, health and safety in the workplace, environmental practices, and the responsible sourcing of materials.

Visit the Supply Chain Innovation site

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Apple and the environment.

Read the FAQs

More from Apple on the environment.

Our values lead the way.