GenAI toàn minh tinh: Thung lũng Silicon từ lão sư, giả dương thanh, Martian, OpusPro| phí tổn, vấn đề, thị trường, hiện trạng, phát triển

2024-05-24 08:34:30
Questions Is building GenAI products fundamentally different? Is adoption faster than mobile adoption? Is the cost manageable? Is it going down? Are we in a S curve, and if so, what stage are we in? Will the adoption of AGI be a centralized process or a distributed effort? Open Source models vs. closed source models What role will smaller players and middleware companies play in this process? How is it going to impact big tech companies like FAANG? Is it going to make them more dominant? Hot take — is a hype or a true demand? What are the top three challenges of GenAI we need to solve for this year and next year?
Tinh luyện thấy rõ, vứt bỏ tạp âm. Cung cấp làm tư duy càng thông thấu dinh dưỡng | trước Đằng Tấn phó tổng giam, Cornell kinh tế học tiến sĩ | chu càng sâu độ nạp điện chuyên chúc
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