Rogue Trooper: The Complete Collection - Book 1

Rogue Trooper: The Complete Collection - Book 1

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A brand-new, updated edition repackaging the complete adventures of Rogue Trooper, originally created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons, ideal for new readers and collectors ahead of the upcoming film by Duncan Jones.

The last genetic infantryman, crossing a landscape scarred by the raging war between Norts and Southers, Rogue Trooper hunts down the Traitor General, who betrayed his men and caused their slaughter.

Repackaged in a brand new edition,The Complete Rogue Troopercollects the adventures of one of 2000 AD’s best-loved and most enduring characters, originally created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons, and featuring the work of Alan Moore and veteran artists Cam Kennedy and Colin Wilson.

Tác giả giản giới

Gerry Finley-Day

One of the most prolific writers in the comic’s history, Gerry Finley-Day holds a special place in many 2000 AD fans’ hearts as the creator of classics like Rogue Trooper, Fiends of the Eastern Front and The V.C.s, as well as Harry 20 on the High Rock and Ant Wars.

A keen "ideas man", Finley-Day’s concepts of the horrors future warfare had in store were key to both Rogue and The V.C.s’ continuing popularity, ensuring that their recent return to the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic was well-received.

Finley-Day also scripted episodes of Judge Dredd and Dan Dare, and co-scripted much of Invasion! (and entirely scripted the prequel story, ’Disaster 1990!’).

Alan Moore

Perhaps the most widely respected comic writer of the modern era, Alan Moore’s contribution to the comics world is incalculable. Creator of some of 2000 AD’s most popular series, including Abelard Snazz, The Ballad of Halo Jones, D.R. & Quinch and Skizz, he has also worked on A.B.C. Warriors, Ro-Busters, Rogue Trooper, Ro-Jaws’ Robo-Tales, Tharg the Mighty, Time Twisters and several one-off strips.

Outside of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, Moore is best known for his work on the classic Watchmen, which redefined the superhero genre in 1986, but this is simply touching the surface of a career which has included 1963, A1’s Warpsmiths, Bojeffries Saga and Maxwell the Magic Cat, AARGH!, Batman, Big Numbers, Brought to Light, Captain Britain, Deathblow, Flesh and Bones, From Hell, Glory, Green Lantern Corps, Lost Girls, Miracleman, A Small Killing, Snakes and Ladders, Spawn, Supreme, Swamp Thing, Superman, V For Vendetta, WildC.A.T.S. and Youngblood.

Moore is now owner and chief writer of the America’s Best Comics line, distributed by WildStorm, and including Promethea, Tom Strong, Tomorrow Stories, Top Ten and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which has been made into a major Hollywood movie.

Dave Gibbons

Dave Gibbons is one of 2000 AD’s most popular artists, having co-created Harlem Heroes and Rogue Trooper. He has also pencilled A.B.C. Warriors, Dan Dare, Judge Dredd, Mega-City One, Ro-Busters, Tharg the Mighty, Tharg’s Future Shocks and Time Twisters, as well as having scripted several Rogue Trooper stories - making Gibbons one of the few 2000 AD creators to have served as writer, artist and letterer!

Beyond 2000 AD, Gibbons is unquestionably best known for his work on the award-winning classic Watchmen (with Alan Moore), but he has also drawn Batman, Doctor Who, Give Me Liberty, Green Lantern, Superman, Star Wars and his graphic novel, The Originals.

Cam Kennedy

Cam Kennedy is another hugely popular 2000 AD artist, having illustrated many Judge Dredd strips and co-created luckless wannabe creator Kenny Who? and the Taxidermist. A key early Rogue Trooper artist, he has also drawn Batman/Judge Dredd: Vendetta in Gotham, Judge Dredd, Tharg the Mighty, Tharg’s Future Shocks, and The V.C.’s. His extracurricular work includes Axel Pressbutton, Batman, Lobo, Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Star Wars.

Brett Ewins

Since his Future Shock debut in Prog 37, Brett Ewins has been one of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic’s most beloved artists. Co-creator of the classic Bad Company, Ewins has also contributed to A.B.C. Warriors, Daily Star Dredd, Judge Anderson, Judge Dredd, Kelly, Mega-City One, Rogue Trooper, Ro-Jaws, Robo-Tales and Universal Soldier.

Beyond 2000 AD, Ewins was a co-founding editor of Deadline magazine, and co-pencilled and inked the hugely acclaimed Skreemer series, which he co-created with writer Peter Milligan. He also created Johnny Nemo, which is now enjoying great success in Cyberosia Publishing’s new US edition.

Colin Wilson

Colin Wilson has gone from iconic status at 2000 AD to European superstardom as the artist of Moebius’ classic western, Young Blueberry. For the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, Wilson was a key early Rogue Trooper artist. He has also pencilled Future Shocks, Judge Dredd, Pulp Sci-Fi, Tor Cyan, as well crime series, Du Plomb Dans La Tete (Headshot), for French publisher Casterman.

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Ngoại văn quán thương phẩm bản bổn: Thương phẩm chi thư phong, vi xuất bản xã đề cung chi dạng bổn. Thật tế xuất hóa thương phẩm, dĩ xuất bản xã sở đề cung chi hiện hữu bản bổn vi chủ. Quan ô ngoại văn thư trang đính, bản bổn thượng đích soa dị, thỉnh tham khảo 【Ngoại văn thư đích tiểu tri thức】.

Điều hóa thời gian: Vô khố tồn chi thương phẩm, tại nâm hoàn thành đính đan trình tự chi hậu, tương dĩ không vận đích phương thức vi nâm hạ đan điều hóa. Nguyên tắc thượng ước 14~20 cá công tác thiên khả dĩ thủ thư ( nhược hữu tương diên trì lánh hành cáo tri ). Vi liễu súc đoản đẳng đãi đích thời gian, kiến nghị nâm tương ngoại văn thư dữ kỳ tha thương phẩm phân khai hạ đan, dĩ hoạch đắc tối khoái đích thủ hóa tốc độ, đãn nhược thị hải ngoại chuyên án tiến khẩu đích ngoại văn thương phẩm, điều hóa thời gian ước 1~2 cá nguyệt.

Nhược nâm cụ hữu pháp nhân thân phân vi thường thái tính thả đại lượng cấu thư giả, hoặc hữu đặc thù tác nghiệp nhu cầu, kiến nghị nâm khả hiệp tuân “Xí nghiệp thải cấu”.

Thối hoán hóa thuyết minh

Hội viên sở cấu mãi đích thương phẩm quân hưởng hữu đáo hóa thập thiên đích do dự kỳ ( hàm lệ giả nhật ). Thối hồi chi thương phẩm tất tu ô do dự kỳ nội ký hồi.

Bạn lý thối hoán hóa thời, thương phẩm tất tu thị toàn tân trạng thái dữ hoàn chỉnh bao trang ( thỉnh chú ý bảo trì thương phẩm bổn thể, phối kiện, tặng phẩm, bảo chứng thư, nguyên hán bao trang cập sở hữu phụ tùy văn kiện hoặc tư liêu đích hoàn chỉnh tính, thiết vật khuyết lậu nhậm hà phối kiện hoặc tổn hủy nguyên hán ngoại hạp ). Thối hồi thương phẩm vô pháp hồi phục nguyên trạng giả, khủng tương ảnh hưởng thối hóa quyền ích hoặc nhu phụ đam bộ phân phí dụng.

Đính cấu bổn thương phẩm tiền thỉnh vụ tất tường duyệt thương phẩmThối hoán hóa nguyên tắc.

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