Next Goal Wins

The story of the infamously terrible American Samoa soccer team, known for a brutal 2001 FIFA match they lost 31-0.


Domestic (36%)
Summary Details
DistributorSearchlight Pictures
See full company information
2,240 theaters
Running Time1 hr 44 min
GenresComedy Drama Sport
In Release236 days/33 weeks
Widest Release2,240 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Nov 17-239$4,021,062-2,240-$1,795$4,021,0621
Nov 24-3010$2,145,653-46.6%2,240-$957$6,166,7152
Dec 1-722$376,157-82.5%500-1,740$752$6,542,8723
Dec 8-1429$128,639-65.8%190-310$677$6,671,5114
Dec 15-2136$42,315-67.1%105-85$403$6,713,8265