Cloudflare Trademark Guidelines

The Cloudflare brand stands for more than just our products and services. It is an important symbol of our company’s efforts to help build a better Internet.

These guidelines are for Cloudflare customers, developers, authorized resellers, and other parties wishing to use Cloudflare trademarks or logos in any promotional, commercial, educational, or reference material. Use of Cloudflare trademarks and logos is prohibited, unless expressly authorized under these guidelines or you have first obtained written permission from Cloudflare to use them.

Cloudflare trademarks and logos are our valuable intellectual property assets. In order to preserve and protect the Cloudflare brand, it is essential that our trademarks and logos are used properly. Cloudflare exclusively owns any goodwill generated by the use of Cloudflare trademarks and logos.

Logo and Web Badges

Permissible uses

References in text form to Cloudflare products and services

You are permitted to use Cloudflare trademarks in word form only (word marks, not logos) to identify Cloudflare products or services, subject to the use guidelines below. Use of the Cloudflare logos (other than the use of Web Badges described below) requires our written permission.

References to Cloudflare, Inc. as a company

Cloudflare, Inc. is a company/trade name. You are permitted to reference Cloudflare, Inc. as a company in written materials by first using the full trade name with the incorporated designation (i.e., “Cloudflare, Inc.” ), followed by Cloudflare (omitting the “Inc.” designation) in subsequent references in the same publication. When referring to Cloudflare as a company, do not use the ® symbol with “Cloudflare.”

Use of web badges by Cloudflare customers

You may use Cloudflare web badges to tell your visitors that your website is protected and accelerated by Cloudflare services. You can obtain Cloudflare web badges fromthis page.Please do not alter Cloudflare web badges in any way (e.g., stretched out, different colors, etc).

Use of Cloudflare trademarks by authorized resellers and partners

If you are Cloudflare’s authorized reseller or partner and your agreement with us allows you to use Cloudflare trademarks, you must follow the requirements specified in your agreement. If you have not been provided with special trademark usage guidelines with your agreement, please follow the guidelines below.

Please note that resale of Cloudflare services requires a reseller agreement with Cloudflare. If you are not an authorized reseller or partner, you are not allowed to indicate, or use Cloudflare trademarks to indicate, that you are a Cloudflare reseller or partner.

Use of Cloudflare trademarks by Cloudflare suppliers and vendors

Suppliers and vendors to Cloudflare are not allowed to use Cloudflare trademarks in connection with the products and services provided to Cloudflare without our written permission. Please contact your Cloudflare representative with any questions regarding the approval process. If you have Cloudflare’s written permission to use Cloudflare trademarks, you must follow the guidelines below unless you have been provided with special trademark usage guidelines in writing.

When allowed, how may I use the trademarks?

  • Properly designate (with ®, ™, or ℠) all of Cloudflare trademarks the first time the trademark appears in text.

  • Include an appropriate trademark attribution statement, for example, “Cloudflare, the Cloudflare logo, and Cloudflare Workers are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Cloudflare, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions.” Place the statement at the bottom of the first page on which you use a Cloudflare trademark.

  • Cloudflare spelling should never be changed and Cloudflare should always be capitalized.

  • “Cloudflare” should not be used as part of a brand name, joined with a hyphen, or used in names of applications or other products. Instead use in a referential phrase such as “runs on,” “for use with,” “for,” or “compatible with.”

    • Incorrect: “iCloudflare”

    • Incorrect: “My Cloudflare App”

    • Correct: “My App for Cloudflare®”

    • Correct: “Hosting Company’s Special Promotion for Cloudflare® subscriptions”

  • If used with a third-party logo, "for Cloudflare" needs to be smaller in size than the third-party logo.

  • Cloudflare trademarks should be used as an adjective and followed by a proper generic term; they may never be used in a plural or possessive form.

    • Incorrect: “Cloudflare Optimizer”

    • Correct: “Cloudflare services”

  • Cloudflare trademarks should never be used as a verb.

    • Incorrect: “we Cloudflared our site.”

    • Correct: “we use Cloudflare services to make our site faster, safer, and smarter.”

What should I avoid when using Cloudflare trademarks?

  • Only truthful, fair references are acceptable. Misleading references are prohibited. For instance, it is not permissible to say that a site uses Cloudflare services and applications when it does not.

  • You may not use any Cloudflare trademark or logo which would imply that Cloudflare has an affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third-party product or service, without express written permission.

  • Cloudflare trademarks, graphic symbols, logos, typeface, or icons may not be used in a disparaging manner.

  • Under no circumstances shall a letter string that is identical, nearly identical, or confusingly similar to any Cloudflare trademark be used as a domain name. For example, is both nearly identical and confusingly similar.

  • Third parties may not use variations or misspellings or act in any way that would cause any initial interest confusion over Cloudflare trademarks.

  • Other than authorized partners or authorized resellers, third parties may not bid for keywords, Google AdWords, or other targeted advertising systems using Cloudflare marks or misspellings. Nor may third parties use Cloudflare marks in domain names, any search engine optimization, meta tags, search terms, code, or other misrepresentation.

  • You may not display Cloudflare trademarks or branding on a site or on material that violates any law or regulation.

  • You may not incorporate Cloudflare trademarks or branding into your own product name, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names.

  • You may not use Cloudflare trademarks on merchandise for sale (e.g., selling t-shirts, mugs, etc.)

  • You may not modify Cloudflare trademarks, abbreviate them, or combine them with any other symbols, words, or images, or incorporate them into a tagline or slogan.

Word marks


  • ActiveSensors®

  • Always Online™

  • API Shield™

  • Area 1®

  • Area 1 Security®

  • Argo Smart Routing™

  • Argo Tunnel™

  • Athenian Project

  • Best-Of-Cloud™

  • Cloudflare®

  • Cloudflare Access™

  • Cloudflare Certified Partner™

  • Cloudflare for Teams™

  • Cloudflare Gatebot™

  • Cloudflare Gatekeeper™

  • Cloudflare Gateway™

  • Cloudflare One™

  • Cloudflare Optimized Partner™

  • Cloudflare Pages™

  • Cloudflare Radar™

  • Cloudflare Registrar™

  • Cloudflare Spectrum™

  • Cloudflare Stream™

  • Cloudflare Workers®

  • Durable Objects™

  • Keyless SSL™

  • Magic Firewall™

  • Magic Transit®

  • Magic WAN®

  • Mirage™

  • Mirage 2.0™

  • Page Rules™

  • Page Shield®

  • Polish™

  • Project Galileo

  • Railgun™

  • Ray ID™

  • Rocket Loader™

  • RRDNS™

  • Sightline®

  • Sparse®

  • The Network is the Computer®

  • Universal SSL™

  • Virtual DNS™

  • WARP™

  • WARP+™