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Department:International Exchange Center


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Department:International Education School


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In order to meet the learning needs of international students of China Medical University (CMU), especially to help the international students who have come to China for the first time in recent three years adapt to the campus learning environment as soon as possible and make full use of library teaching resources, CMU library arranged a special lecture on the library orientation for the inter...

On afternoon of 23rd May 2023, the IES team took it to the ground to showcase their skills by an impressive performance in the match against School of Intelligence medicine.The team looked so enthusiastic and confident that they were going to do their best, looking sharp in their yellow jazzes and jogging around the court, just by the look on their faces you could tell that they were winning al...

The International Global Health Summer Program (IGHSP) is an on-site, two-week program with rich learning and cultural experience offered by China Medical University. It will be an opportunity for overseas students to know more about the health sector in China and to sample the fine traditional culture that is a unique legacy to the world.Please refer to the flyer for more information.(The exte...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC
Visa Liaoning
China Scholarship Council
State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
Foreign Affairs Office of Liaoning Province
Exit-Entry Management Division of Liaoning
Belt and Road International Medical Education Alliance, BRIMEA