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Good Scientific Practice and Quality Assurance

Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH (LZI, or Schloss Dagstuhl for short), as well as all its boards and bodies, are committed to the rules of good scientific practice in accordance with the guidelines of the Leibniz Association and the guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG). We are conscious of the responsibility that is inseparably connected to the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science and to our own role as one of the leading research infrastructures in the field of computer science. In order to guarantee the compliance with the rules of good scientific practice, the procedures and organizational structures further explained in the following play a crucial role. Schloss Dagstuhl's guests, collaborators, and customers are expected to comply with the rules of good scientific practice and, on site in Schloss Dagstuhl’s facilities or in their interactions in relation to Schloss Dagstuhl, with Schloss Dagstuhl’s code of conduct.

The following concerns LZI as a whole, for details about the structures and procedures of the respective divisions, see their guiding principles at

Dr. Florian Reitz


Ombudsperson system

The scientific and scientific-technical staff of LZI hold a secret ballot to elect an ombudsperson who serves as a point of contact to report discrepancies, suspicions, and matters of dispute to, and who investigates allegations of scientific misconduct based on LZI’s internal guidelines. The ombudsperson, who is required to hold a university degree, is elected for a four year term of office, with the possibility of re-election. The ombudsperson provides advice confidentially on issues of good scientific practice and on questions regarding possible scientific misconduct. They attempt to mediate in cases of conflict. The ombudsperson reports annually to the management of LZI about their activities. All personal information is anonymized in the process. If you have a complaint that you could not resolve directly with Dagstuhl’s Staff, please contact the ombudsperson using [email protected].

If appropriate and necessary, the ombudsperson for the LZI will forward an allegation concerning the scientific work of an external researcher to the ombudsperson of their home institution. If the ombudsperson decides that the allegations require further investigation, the case can be passed to the central ombudsperson of the Leibniz Association. If necessary the Leibniz Ombuds Committee can be contacted in writing directly at [email protected] or Leibniz-Ombudsgremium, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin.

Scientific Advisory Board


The purpose of the Scientific Advisory Board is to lend critical support in the management of Schloss Dagstuhl with regard to its scientific concept and the user orientation of its services, and in fundamental decisions pertaining to LZI’s continued development. The Scientific Advisory Board holds a regular annual meeting at Schloss Dagstuhl. The Scientific Advisory Board states its position to the Supervisory Board concerning the proposed program budget, and conducts the audits required by the Evaluation Senate Committee (SAE) of the Leibniz Association between each two consecutive major evaluations which are done every 7 years. The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are appointed by the Supervisory Board for a term of four years and can serve a second term. The current composition of the Scientific Advisory Board is listed on the LZI's website, see

Industrial Curatory Board

The Industrial Curatory Board provides exchange of information with research departments and development laboratories in industry. It has the task of securing the acceptance of LZI by government authorities and industry and, being a promotional organization, expanding Schloss Dagstuhl’s economic base. The Industrial Curatory Board holds its regular annual meeting at Schloss Dagstuhl in conjunction with the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. The members of the Industrial Curatory Board are appointed by the Supervisory Board for a term of four years and can serve a second term. The current composition of the Industrial Curatory Board is listed on the LZI's website, see

Feedback mechanisms


Understanding the needs and desires of the international computer science research community is crucial to LZI's mission. Accordingly, we welcome any kind of feedback via email at [email protected]. We may not be able to reply to each and every email received through this channel, but we do read and consider all of them. Furthermore, the LZI monitors and possibly reacts to feedback on social media like twitter.

Evaluation by the Leibniz Association


At regular intervals, but at the latest every seven years, the LZI is evaluated by the Senate of the Leibniz Association. The evaluation focuses on an independent assessment of how the institute has developed in the intervening years, in terms of content and structure, as well as on the persuasiveness of its plans for the future. Based on the results of the evaluation, the federal and state governments verify whether the institutions united within the Leibniz Association are still in fulfillment of the requirements for joint funding. The principles of the evaluation process are explained on the webpage of the Leibniz Association in detail, see

Standards and guidelines for our work