SirKeir Starmerhas starred in a slick new video released by Labour to show him 'getting to work' leading his new government.

The clip shows footage of the Prime Minister beginning his duties over a pounding drum beat, and appears similar to the social media offerings pumped out by his predecessor,Rishi Sunak.

After seeing the date ticking from July 4 to July 5, we watch a man fastening the tie on his uniform before the footage switches to a group of police officers - a riff on Sir Keir's declared emphasis on law and order.

Larry the cat has a brief cameo, before Sir Keir is shown addressing crowds of flag waving supporters outsideNumber 10.

'I invite you all to join this government of service in the mission of national renewal,' he says. 'Our work is urgent and we begin it today.'

The one and a half minute video shows the date going from July 4, the day of the election, to July 5

The one and a half minute video shows the date going from July 4, the day of the election, to July 5

The PM is  seen making his first cabinet appointments, turning to Rachel Reeves and saying, to laughter: 'Let's get down to business, I want to appoint you as Chancellor, as I hope you know'

The PM is seen making his first cabinet appointments, turning to Rachel Reeves and saying, to laughter: 'Let's get down to business, I want to appoint you as Chancellor, as I hope you know'

Larry the cat has a brief cameo in the new video, shared on Sir Keir's Twitter

Larry the cat has a brief cameo in the new video, shared on Sir Keir's Twitter

The PM is then seen making his first cabinet appointments, turning toRachel Reevesand saying, to laughter: 'Let's get down to business, I want to appoint you as Chancellor, as I hope you know.'

Other Labour ministers then make an appearance, including Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and Bridget Phillipson, Secretary of State for Education.

The clip - which as a stylised '10' in the top left corner of the frame - then returns to Sir Keir declaring in his accession speech that Britain needs 'a bigger reset' and praising the country's ability to 'navigate a way to calmer waters'.

In a nod to the sphere of diplomacy and foreign policy, the PM is filmed dialling into Air Force One to speak to Joe Biden, before receiving warm words from Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Finally, he tells Ukraine's President Zelenskyy: 'A change of government here makes no different to the support that you will see for Ukraine, making sure youget the support that you need'

'It is absolutely fantastic to welcome you to the Cabinet. Our first meeting. It was the honour and privilege of my life to be invited by His Majesty the King yesterday to form a government. There's a huge amount of work to do so now we get on with it.'

The one and a half minute clip ends with Sir Keir speaking at a press conference yesterday, where he says: 'I want a politics and a country that works for you.'

Rishi Sunak becameknown for his slick social media output, which beganwhen he was serving as Chancellor under Boris Johnson.

Sir Keir hugging Angela Rayner, his Deputy Prime Minister and Levelling Up Secretary

Sir Keir hugging Angela Rayner, his Deputy Prime Minister and Levelling Up Secretary

Sir Keir is shown addressing crowds of flag waving supporters outside Number 10

Sir Keir is shown addressing crowds of flag waving supporters outside Number 10

In a nod to the sphere of diplomacy and foreign policy, the PM is filmed dialling into foreign leaders including President Zelenskyy

In a nod to the sphere of diplomacy and foreign policy, the PM is filmed dialling into foreign leaders including President Zelenskyy

Cass Horowitz, the son of author Anthony Horowitz, was widely credited for the content, which was seen as playing a key part in building 'Brand Rishi'.

But Mr Sunak's social media posts attracted some criticism, with some dismissing the videos as 'cringey' and out of touch.

In one case, Labour mocked Rishi Sunak's social media video that promoted a 'ban' on mobiles in schools with an edited version.

In February, Mr Sunak was ridiculed for his acting talents in a videoattempting to demonstrate the distraction that mobile phones can have in the classroom.

Labour posted its own version of the clip with the caption, 'What sort of notifications could be annoying Rishi Sunak so much...'.

When the Prime Minister pauses to check his mobile phone, Labour's new video showed a mock-up of a screen with various notifications popping up topoke fun at Mr Sunak,including 53 missed calls from Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee.

Sir Keir is about to embark on a tour around all four corners of Britain, starting with a visit to Edinburgh today.

The PM insisted 'respect' would be the key ingredient in the bond between the new UK administration and its Irish, Scottish and Welsh counterparts.

The one and a half minute clip ends with Sir Keir speaking at a press conference yesterday, where he says: 'I want a politics and a country that works for you'

The one and a half minute clip ends with Sir Keir speaking at a press conference yesterday, where he says: 'I want a politics and a country that works for you'

Rishi Sunak was known for his glossy social media videos, including this one promoting his bid to become Tory leader

Rishi Sunak was known for his glossy social media videos, including this one promoting his bid to become Tory leader

The footage featured the campaign slogan, 'Ready for Rishi'

The footage featured the campaign slogan, 'Ready for Rishi'

'People across the United Kingdom are bound by shared beliefs. Fundamental values of respect, service and community which define us as a great nation,' Sir Keir said.

'That begins today with an immediate reset of my Government's approach to working with the First and deputy First Ministers, because meaningful co-operation centred on respect will be key to delivering change across our United Kingdom.

'Together we can begin the work to rebuild our country with a resolute focus on serving working people once again.'

Using his first 24 hours in office to set the tone for his new Government, Sir Keir has promised to turn his back on 'tribalism' in politics and usher in an era of 'stability' and 'moderation'.

Part of that will be an effort to 'push power and resource out of Whitehall', and open his door to those with 'skin in the game' who know what is best for their communities, the new Prime Minister has suggested.

Mr Sunak's video promoting a mooted policy to ban phones in schools prompted Labour to release its own mocking clip

Mr Sunak's video promoting a mooted policy to ban phones in schools prompted Labour to release its own mocking clip

Cass Horowitz was widely credited with the 'Brand Rishi' social media output

Cass Horowitz was widely credited with the 'Brand Rishi' social media output